Chapter 11: Last Chance

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A/N: Hello lovely's. This will be the final chapter of this book. I will release an ending note and 2 or 3 specials. I'm sorryyyy, I hope the Specials will make up for it!

3rd POV

It rained heavily, the day of the burial. There were a lot of people, mostly our classmates, since Mafuyu didn't really have much family or relatives. Akihiko and Haruki shared an umbrella while Uenoyama held his own. There were speeches and small talks from people, but as for Uenoyama, he stayed in the back. Unable to go to see his 'beloved's' headstone, still feeling miserable. Thinking that it was all his fault that Mafuyu couldn't stand by his side anymore.

"My son.....was a hardworking, but quiet person. He always helped those in need and even though he never had a father to take care of him, and even though I couldn't be there as a motherly figure to him, he found people who loved him and cherished him. Like his boyfriend, Uenoyama Ritsuka. I want to thank Uenoyama Ritsuka, wherever you are, Thank you. Thank you for loving my son even when things were hard. I also want to thank everyone here, thank you, all of you." Tears streamed down her face, still mourning her only son who has left this world too early.

Akihiko and Haruki walked over to Uenoyama who stood alone. "You should go talk to his mother and you should also go look at the tombstone." Haruki pointed out worriedly. "You can't avoid her forever." Akihiko told him.

"Actually, I already knew you were here, I just needed to give something.." Said a voice from behind them. "Ah, Mrs.Sato.." (Mrs.Sato?) Uenoyama turned around and saw Mrs.Sato, holding an Umbrella in one hand and a rose and a piece of paper in other. "H-hello.. I'm sorry I couldn't come up.." He apologized sincerely. "It's alright, it's still hard to believe that he's gone now.." She sadly chuckled. "But, while I was searching through his room to see if there was anything important, I found this letter, with your name on it." She handed the white letter to Uenoyama.

He took the letter and looked at it, but carefully put it away in his pocket, saving it for later. "I also found...." She searched her pockets and grabbed 2 rings. "Promise rings.." She sadly handed them over.

Uenoyama clutched them in his hand, slightly teary, his lower lip trembling. " it was before, I want to give you his guitar, so please...take it." She told him.

How could he say no? So of course, he he agreed to take it. "Thank you Ritsuka...for everything. Honestly, I'm glad that you were there for him when I wasn't. You always made my son very happy, so I'm truly grateful and am in your debt forever." She cried.


After everyone had left, Uenoyama walked to where Mafuyu was buried.

He kneeled down in front of the headstone and gave it a kiss. " always make it so hard to say goodbye.." He smiles sadly as he placed down a white rose on the grass. "I hope you're happier, wherever you are. And....I've found the person you were always secretly looking for." He breathed out.


Uenoyama reached his house, all gloomy and sad. He walked up to his front door and knocked twice. "Who is it?!" Yayoi shouted, "It's me.." He replies. The door opens up revealing Yayoi in her bra and jean shorts. "Where have you been all day?! Me and dad have been worried sick!" She exclaimed angrily. "At the Cemetery." He replied angrily as he entered his house.

"Oh? Who passed?" She questioned, making Uenoyama annoyed. "Mafuyu." He responds. "M-Mafuyu?! Your boyfriend?! That kid in your band?!?!" She shouts in surprise. "Shut it, it's not like you cared about our relationship." (Referring to one of the Chapters in the Manga. If you haven't read it, read it at *Insert fruit* ;) )

Yayoi frowned, "I do support it, I was just surprised at first.." She closes the door behind her.

"So what happened..?" She asks as she sits him down on the couch. "We got into a fight one night.." He tells her, "Ohhhh, the night you came home really late and stayed outside?" She asks. Uenoyama nodded in response to her question.

"I went back to his Apartment to apologize but...when I found him...he was unconscious on the floor. So I brought him to the Hospital." He explains to her as she listens carefully.

"In the end...he didn't make it. His lungs collapsed, and he refused to get help from the beginning.." He mumbles quietly, but loud enough for Yayoi to hear.

"I'm sorry.." She responds sadly. "It wasn't your fault." She tells him, but not even her words could comfort him. So he stood up, and without saying anything, left to his room. Leaving Yayoi alone in the living room.

He opens the door to his room and suddenly, the scent of Mafuyu rushes up his nose. 'He was here a few weeks ago..why is his scent still lingering around in here..' He thought to himself.

He closes the door behind him and walks towards his bed, plopping down. He stared at the corner of his room, in the corner was some stuff Mafuyu left. Causing him to remember the rings and the note.

He quickly searched his pockets, sighing in relief as he felt them. He pulls them out, and he decides to take a look at the letter first. So he unfolded the paper and there, it revealed a whole paragraph of Mafuyu's writing:

"Dear Uenoyama,

I honestly don't know if I'll ever give this letter to you, but I'm still gonna write it. I've known of my Lung's Conditions for a while now, but I'm refusing to get help. I know I won't have much time left, so I left a will. The reason you'll receive my Guitar is because I want you to have it. So...I guess this is technically my goodbye note. I want to thank you and the band for everything. I'll miss you all very much, you all have put your faith in my dreams, you gave me the path that I wanted...I don't know what I did to deserve you. I've walked on the road that you started for me for way too long. So I guess I'll be stepping off now. It took me a while to say this mean EVERYTHING to me. So Incase I don't live forever, let me tell you now: I'll love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around. Incase WE don't live forever, let me tell you the truth; I'm everything that I am, because of YOU. Thank you, thank you so much, for everything. Thank you...for this Last Chance at Love.

Mafuyu Sato"

                                      The End

A/N: I want to thank everyone for coming on this journey with me. I appreciate every single soul who has made it to the end of this book. I couldn't have done it all without you guys, so I am forever grateful. There will be an Author's/Ending Note and maybe 1 or 2 specials. But we'll see, since I want to be starting on a new book. So I'll be releasing the ending shortly after this Chapter. Stay tuned! Love, Author Ue ❤️💕

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