Chapter 24

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Naruto walked into the trees and laid down against one. He sighed and closed his eyes.

'Like that kid knows anything about true pain." Naruto growled inside his head.

"Calm down kit, its okay," Kurama comforted.


Kurama chuckled. "Take a break for a little bit, calm your mind. Just do what I do and take a little nap."

"Nap? Really? You know I don't sleep well." Naruto scoffed.

Kurama shrugged and beckoned Naruto over to him. Naruto obliged and walked over to the fox. Kurama smiled and placed one of his tails next to the blonde. Naruto parted his lips in confusion but then realized what his friend was doing. Naruto closed his eyes and gave a soft smile. He then jumped onto the tail, laid down, and propped his head onto Kurama's large torso. Naruto closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. Naruto realized that he only sleeps well when he is next to Kurama and buried in his soft, orange fur. Kurama smiled and closed his eyes as well.

An hour later...

"NARUTO!!!!" Sakura yelled as she tried to locate her teammate.

'Where is he? He was gone for an hour and he never came back." Sakura thought worriedly.

With Sasuke...

"NARUTO!!!!" Sasuke yelled. "NARUTO!!! Where are you!!!???" "Tch, that usuratonkachi."

'I can't feel his chakra, he must have hidden it, damn of course."

With Kakashi...

"Where is he?"


With Naruto...

Naruto woke up, still leaning on Kurama and buried deep in his soft fur.

"Kit, hey kit," Kurama called.

"Hm?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Your teammates are looking for you."

"Uggg, I wanna sleep..." Naruto sighed as his lids continued to droop.

Kurama chuckled. "You're making them worried. Especially your boyfriend."

"Who? Sasuke? He's not my boyfriend Kurama."

"Well, he's going to be," Kurama teased.

Naruto sighed, "Whatever." He got up, jumped off of Kurama's tail, and exited the mindscape.

Outside the mindscape...

Naruto opened his eyes and stood up. He looked around at his surroundings and sighed.

"NARUTO!!!" Naruto turned towards the voice and realized that it was Sasuke's.

"Well, Kurama was right, they are looking for me," Naruto said aloud.

"NARUTO!!!!" Sasuke yelled again.

"Sasuke!! Two o'clock, 30 meters," Naruto yelled back.

"Got it!!" Sasuke replied. Sasuke followed Naruto's directions and finally saw the blonde, standing there, waiting for him.

"Where were you??!!" Sasuke yelled after reaching Naruto.

"Sorry, I needed a break from the outside world so I had a talk with Kurama and I had a nap." Naruto shrugged.

"Well, you should've told us!!! Do you know how worried I- er I mean, we were!!! Sasuke said, tripping on his words. Naruto caught the mistake and smirked.

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