The date (Chap 8)

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Admin: i first wanna come and say im sorry if my uploads are a little slow, i have a bit of writer's block and im struggling to figure out stuff but i will do my best for you guys, even if this story doesn't have many reads I'll still post because i really wanna finish this story, anyways please enjoy this chapter my friends!


It was finally Wednesday and ayako was panicking the entire morning as she knew what was happening after school today. Ayako and Tsukshima handed in their project during class and they went on with their days.

While ayako was getting ready to leave for lunch she got a text message, she looked at her phone to see who it was.


Noya: aya~chan! Look outside your class!

Aya: noya~senpai? What is it-

She soon looked to see noya waving at ayako with a bright smile, obviously she grabbed her stuff and went up to him after opening the classroom door.

"Noya~senpai!!" She said in a happy tone.

"Lets go eat lunch together!" Noya grabbed the girls hand and started walking to the rooftop.

"Wh-wait to fast!" Ayako was struggling to keep her balance as noya was pretty fast while walking.

"O-oh sorry eheh" he soon slowed down and let go of her hand.

"Anyways, I've noticed that it's getting colder out huh?" Ayako said as she realized it was getting closer to fall weather.

"Yeah you're right, well nothing will stop us from practicing volleyball haha!" As usual noya was hyped up.

"Haha, you're right on that, but it's gunna be so cold on my legs" ayako said in a defeated tone knowing that the schools skirts and socks were not the best for cold weather.

"You're not sure how i could help you with that aya~chan" he sighed as they reached the rooftop and sat somewhere.

Ayako forgot to bring a lunch and sighed "aww mann, I forgot my lunch-..".

Noya held up a small fork with food on it, "here you can have some of mine!" He smiled.

As ayako took a bite from the food Tsukshima was casually walking by and noticed the two and he soon noticed noya literally feeding ayako.

~~~~~~~~tsukki's POV~~~~~~~~

When i saw her being fed by noya for some stupid reason it pissed me off, I didn't want him being near her or getting so close to her or even sharing food, was this jealousy..? Jeez this girl is gunna be the death of me...but for some reason i want to be the one feeding her something..i want to be that close with her but it just gets so hard when she is so dense as well as i hate to admit it..adorable, as i sat down a bit aways from the two i started to eat my lunch and listen to my music because social interaction is irrelevant to me right now.

After some time lunch ended and everyone was heading to their classes for the last part of the day, while i was walking back to class i saw odaka~san again she was by herself though, to be honest i never really noticed how short she actually is since most people are shorter than me but she really is tiny, it's honestly pretty cute how short she is makes it more fun to pick on her. Once i reached my class i sat down and waited for these classes to be over with, the sooner these are done the sooner i can leave.

~~~~~time skip, still in tsukki's POV~~~~

While i was walking to the club room to change yamaguchi tagged along with me.

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