Dinner and a Dance

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**Much more Tony/Natasha content here, but that's because the next few chapters are really Peter-centric. Enjoy, and as always, vote and comment!!**

"For the last time, Peter, I said no."

Tony moved himself around the kitchen, a pitcher of lemonade and glasses balanced in one hand, a plate of finger sandwiches in the other. Peter followed him from behind, his eyes pleading. The teen had inherited a flair for dramatics from his father, so he dropped to his knees with a thud, clasped his hands together, and looked up at his father though messy curls.

"Dad, please! It's just one night!"

"You've got school the next day!"

"Ned goes to Midtown, Dad, it's not like he wouldn't be going the same place! Come on, please?"

Tony huffed. "Get the door."

Peter got off his knees and ran to the balcony door, sliding it open for his dad. Tony  set down the lunch, fully prepared to restate his case against sleep overs when he turned around, but Peter was already back to pleading his case.

"Dad. I know its a school night, but Ned actually lives closer to the school than us, so it makes sense and we'll be on time and well rested. You know the Leeds, they are so strict about going to bed. And it'll be my first sleep over! My first! I'm 14 and never ever had a sleep over, doesn't that seem crazy to you?"

Tony hummed. "I don't think I've ever had a sleep over."

"I don't think your parents encouraged healthy childhood milestones like sleep overs."

"Well, you got me there," Tony joked, pouring himself lemonade. "Listen, I... You make good points. I understand, you're a teenager now and Ned is a good friend. Let me call Mrs. Leeds to talk about tomorrow morning and getting you to school on time and all that, okay?"

Peter beamed. "Is that a yes?"

"It's a tentative maybe, leaning yes, if we can figure out tomorrow. You'll take clothes to wear? And I can pack you a lunch tonight to take with you tomorrow."

Peter fist pumped. "You're the best!"

"Yeah, yeah. Now go get Rhodey for lunch."

The teen ran off, leaving Tony alone on the balcony. Pepper was first to show up, plucking a sandwich off the top of the pile. She took a seat next to Tony and examined the look on his face carefully.

"So Peter won the sleep over argument?"

Tony snorted. "Do I really give it away that easily?"

"Yeah," Pepper said. "But that's okay. You're a good dad, Tones. When you worry about things, I know it's because you have his best interest at heart, not because you're the wicked dad out to get him."

"If I'd known having a son would make me a maniac, I would have asked for a daughter."

Pepper laughed, strawberry hair pooling around her shoulders as she shook. "This isn't about having a son or a daughter, this is about you! You've spent 14 years making Peter everything, and its made you overly protective and overly involved. When was the last time you did something good for yourself?"

Oh, come on," Tony said flippantly, waving his hand around. "Peter's 14. Its not like I can pull a Howard and leave him here while I gallivant around the state. And besides all of that, I love Peter. I love him so much, Pep, I love being a dad! I want to do it right."

Pepper smiled, but shook her head. "I'm not saying that you should leave him here while you take a trip or whatever, I just mean that you need to give him freedom and in return, you'll have some freedom, too. Let's say he goes for a sleep over tonight. What are you going to do while he's out?"

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