Spilled Secrets

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**Deeply sorry for the delay in actually getting back to this. I have major writers block. Without further ado, enjoy!**

MJ and Ned were both dressed in pajamas when they got to the Tower, but the team didn't notice. MJ introduced herself, seeing as she was the only one who hadn't met Peter's super-powered family. She wasn't very impressed or awe-struck, though. She just nodded along with each handshake, then pushed Ned forward by his shoulder.

"Tell them, loser."

"Peter and I were up late playing video games, and then he wanted to go out and get something at the 7/11 on Walnut Street and the last I heard from him, he was on 7th and Elm, near the old office building."

No one noticed the way Ned's voice choked over the lie, nor how he shifted his eyes between Tony and the floor with an expression half way between guilt and fear. They were too busy getting ready for their next move. Ned, on the other hand, was wracking himself with his own internalized guilt. He'd done this. He and Peter had landed themselves in the middle of something big, and now he was lying to keep Peter's secret, and-

"Let's go." Tony rushed around the penthouse grabbing maps, coms, and weapons. He tossed Natasha her thigh holster, which she caught easily. "Can you guys stay here and be base?" The all but frantic father looked over at Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper, who were all too happy to pitch in where they were needed.

"I can get street views from the traffic cams," Ned said, pointing over at a laptop. "Would that help?" He couldn't stand around and do nothing when he was equipped to be Peter's right-hand man, especially if Peter was being tortured somewhere.

"How do you know how to do that?" Pepper asked.

"Peter showed me." No one even registered that Peter had taught him how to illegally hack into a city database. No one even registered that Peter shouldn't know how to do that.

Ned got down to business, pulling out a chair at the table next to Pepper and dragging a laptop away from Happy and to himself. He quickly hacked into the city's database for the cams and brought up the view of 7th and Elm. Everything was dark at this hour, but there, in the very edge of the screen, was the glow of a light through an office building window.

"Let's check it out," Steve said, throwing his shield over his shoulder.


Natasha woke up slowly, her head bobbing from side to side and she tried to shake away her sleepiness. The last thing she remembered was... 

The team was spread out across the city, each one narrowing in on 7th and Elm so they covered all possible grounds Peter could be. It was Clint who first noticed them.

"I think I'm being followed," the archer said in hushed tones. His voice was barely audible over the coms, but the team picked it up easily enough.

"Backup?" Natasha offered.

"No, I'm okay. Be alert, though, I don't think he's just some random stalker."

It was only then that Natasha started to notice the man trailing her by half a block. She ducked down a side  ally to cut over to another street, but even after weaving through the crowds and cars on the other side of the ally, he was still following her.

"I'm being followed as well," she said quietly.

Tony seemed more worried about Natasha than he was about Barton. "Do you need backup? I can fly over."

Natasha scoffed. "Chances are there are multiple tails. We should try and lose them, but continue to the office building. Peter's most important right now."

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