Lots of fucks... plus Maddie

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"So I haven't really been able to ask you but how, but are you enjoying the tour?" Harry and I walk back to my room side by side. I kind of walk in a zigzag pattern, trying to drag our conversation on for as long as possible. I have missed being able to talk to him. 

"It is amazing. The fact I am getting paid to tour and take photos is insane." Harry just nods. 

"That's what I feel like. But I get to perform." I nod.

"What is it like knowing that you have over a million people who would literally take a bullet for you, even though you have never met them?" He just smiles, shaking his head and looking at the ground. 

"Crazy. And what's even crazier is that I know you are right. There are girls and guys out there that are completely and utterly in love with me. Yet I dont know their names, or what they look like." I smile. "And I honestly sometimes think that I dont deserve it. Because I am just some random boy that struck it lucky." I stop, making him turn and face me. 

"Harry, dont you ever say that you don't deserve any of this. Yes, you got a little lucky being shoved in a band with 4 other talented people, but you made this happen. Your music, your stupid personality. All you." He smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, Rose." We pull away and keep walking towards my room. 

We chat about anything and everything. Harry fills me in with everything that I missed these past few weeks. He tells me that the band misses having me around and that they want to go out with me sometime. He tells me that almost every show everywhere is sold out. He says that he is thinking of donating some of the profits to a cause, because his sister is shitting on him for being a rich asshole. He loves his family, I can tell. He says that they are coming to a show in a week, and tells me I will have to introduce myself. 

We finally reach my room, just as we arrive, Maddie and Blake walkout. 

"She has been gone for almost a fucking ho-" She finally sees me. Wrapped tightly in my cardigan, cheeks, and eyes puffy from crying, standing next to the Harry Styles, who by the way is still dressed in that bright green suit. His eyes and cheeks are pretty red as well. She just stands there, her hand frozen in the air and her mouth hanging open. 

"Rose! Maddie and I were just gonna... go for a run." Blake slaps Maddies' arm and Maddie flips him off, before turning back to me and Harry. 

"No, we weren't. Because it is 1:00 am. We were going to look for you because we had two theories. One, you left us and went back New York with Jeremy because you figured out that Harry was an absolute asshole and you hated him. Or two, that you realized you loved him completely and utterly, went to his room, he loved you too, and you flew off to Vegas and got married by an Elvis impersonator with 2 drunk hobos as your witnesses."

All four of us stand there, looking around at each other in complete and utter silence. Until Harry and I both burst out laughing, I grab Harry's shoulder to stable myself as we both almost fall onto the ground. Maddie and Blake just stand there, staring at both of us. 

"Neither... of those things... happened!" I have to stop and take a few deep breaths before I burst out laughing again.

"Well, I see that! So what did happen!" Maddie crosses her arms and stares at Harry and me. 

"All is good. Let's just say that." Maddie looks between Harry and me with a dumbfounded look on her face. 

"Are you fucking with me? A whole week of this shit and all I get is 'all is good'? Fuck you two tell me everything!" I sigh, quickly turning to Harry and pulling him into a hug as Maddie continues to talk.

"We will talk tomorrow." We pull away from the hug and Harry waves before walking away.

"- so you two have to... No! Harry! You cant leave! You gotta give me the details!" I laugh, pushing Maddie back into our room as she continues to scream at Harry. 

"Maddie! Calm down! I will tell you everything." Both Maddie and Blake jump onto my bed like little toddlers. I explain the whole thing to them. Me walking in on Harry singing then him apologizing and all that. Literally Maddie is crying and Blake looks depressed. 

"Wait are you fucking with me? You two aren't fucking dating yet! Why not!" Maddie is wiping and blowing her nose with a tissue. 

"Well, Harry is still technically dating Francesca." Maddie scoffs.

"Fuck that bitch." I laugh. We all end up sleeping in like, ten minutes. Completely recked by today's events. 


It has been a week since Harry and I 'got back together' as Maddie says. We meet for coffee every day and try to catch up with what has been happening. Nick and I have been getting closer, and I guess we are kind of dating? Well, we have gone on a few more dates. Harry still doesn't like him. Well, at least I think he doesn't. Whenever I bring him up his face loses all emotion and he just stares blankly at the wall. 

Tonight we have a concert, and Harry tells me his mum and sister are going to be there. I am going to meet them after the show, at some party that Harry has organized for the crew. Honestly, I am really excited... but kinda nervous? I just hope they like me. 

"They are really excited to meet you," Harry says, sipping on some drink that I dont know that name of. 

"Wait. They know I exist?" I look up at Harry and his cheeks flush a little bit. 

"Well yeah, I told them about the competition and everything." I just nod my head, almost a little disappointed. "Well, I better get going. We both have to be at the venue in an hour." I just nod, making sure that I pay before Harry gets the chance. "Why can't you just let me be nice to you?" I laugh, waving and walking back to the hotel.


"Ok, so we gotta make you look nice, but like... not so nice that it is obvious you are trying you know?" Maddie is searching through my suitcases, flinging my clothes out everywhere. 

"Why? I mean it's just his mum and sister." She stops to look at me in the eyes.

"Yes... the mum and sister of your future husband." I roll my eyes. Maddie still hasn't dropped the fact that Harry use to like me, meaning he can again! But I dont believe her. Plus, him and Francesca are still... going strong! So, that's nice. I guess. "Oooo! This!" She pulls out my green sweater and throws it at me. Then throws my black denim skirt and black-rimmed hat at me. 

"I am going to be inside. Why do I need a hat?" She laughs.

"It pulls the look together! Tuck the sweater into the skirt." I abide, dressing as she said, pairing it with a pair of ankle boots. Not gonna lie, it looks nice. 

"Oooo! Looks good!" She winks at me

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"Oooo! Looks good!" She winks at me. She is wearing her normal blacks but has packed an outfit for the party after.

"Ok, we better go soon." She nods, leading me out of the room.

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now