More tears... with ice cream this time

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"Sorry?" My voice is soft and quiet,

"I am so sorry. He was bought in an hour ago. There was a call to the emergency department but no one spoke. We decided to trace the number and pinpoint it to an address. The ambulance found him unconscious on the floor. We are lucky we found him. He is stable now, and conscious again. Are you in the country?" My hand is covering my mouth and I am frozen in place.

"No-o... I- I am in Amer-rica." My voice is shaky.

"That's ok. You dont need to come. He asked that we call you. Do you want to speak to him?" 

"Yes! Yes please." I hear the nurse shuffling around until I hear my dad's weak voice over the phone.

"Rosie?" I sink to the ground when I hear his weak little voice through the microphone. Tears fall down my cheeks and I imagine him laying in a white hospital bed, with tubes sticking out of his arms.

"Hi, dad." 

"Hey there Dove." He has called me dove since I was a little girl.

"What's happening, dad? Why are you in the hospital? What did you do this time?" I earn a little chuckle from him. 

"Well, I was just sitting, when I suddenly felt tired. I tried to stand but I couldn't move, so I did what you always say. Call for help. The next thing I remember is being here." I cover my mouth to stop my whimpering. Tears are rolling down in a steady river on my cheeks. I take a deep breath. 

'Ok. Well, I am coming home."

"No! Dont do that! I am fine now! Stay! You're with Mr. Styles! Is he attractive?" I laugh, my voice still shaky and high pitched, wiping away at my cheeks.

"Very much so." I hear him laugh as well, with a long wheeze.

"I am glad. Stay there, Dove. I'll call you if I need you." I nod, taking a few more deep breaths before I stand up off the ground. 

"Ok, dad. I will call again tonight. I love you."

"I love you too." The line goes dead. 

"Oh, dad..." I brush myself off, going into the bathroom and fixing my makeup before walking out the door.


I was a bit late, and Jeff was a bit angry, but I didn't tell him why. He just said dont do it again and walked away. 

All I gotta do is keep it together for this concert and then all will be good. I will tell Harry I have to leave, and then fly back to Australia. 

I try to do my normal routine of going through the pit, finding good angles in the crowd. But I just can't get my mind off my dad. What if I had been there? What if I had been there to call the ambulance for him? Would it have helped?

"Rose?" I spin around to see Harry standing there dressed in a black and white suit. 


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Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now