Are You Okay?

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Oikawa's POV

I woke up a little earlier then usual. So I just stared out the window as I see the Moon go down and the Sun comes up.

I changed the bandages on my thighs then put on my school uniform. I looked a little fatter, But maybe it's just the uniform. My face looks like shit today, scratch that it's always shit.

I walked out of the room with all my things. " Ittekimasu" I said as I left the house.

"IWA- CHAN" I shouted running up to him, Ignoring the pain in my thighs. I smiled. " Shittykawa stop being annoying, it's to early in the the morning" Iwa - chan said as he walked a head of me.

I smiled as he's words hit me, tears threatening to fall. Fake it till you make it. "Iwa - chan, wait for me" I said running up to him.

"Hey Shittykawa" Iwa- chan said
" hmm?" I said " Are you okay?" He asked " what do you mean?" I asked not expecting that question " you're kinda limping, and you look like you cried" Iwa- chan answered " oh, I'm fine. my legs are just kinda sore" I said " and I watched a really sad alien movie" I continued, trying my best to hide the truth.


School finished, I went to the gym for volleyball practice. I change slower then everyone everyday. I waited for everyone to leave so they don't have to see have to see the cuts on my thighs.

We started to stretch. After stretching, we played a game.

As I was about to receive, the ball hit my thigh. I screamed unable to bear the pain. I fell on the floor gripping my thigh. " Are you okay?" A member asked  " I'm sorry" Matsu apologized
" I - it's fine" I said trying to stand up, Iwaizumi helped me up.

" Oikawa -san you' re bleeding" Kindaichi said mortified. I looked down, " it's fine, I'll go to the clinic" I said limping out the gym.

Third POV

" Continue, with practice, I'll check on Oikawa" Iwaizumi said walking out of the gym to catch up to Oikawa.

" Do you think Oikawa- san will be okay?" " Why was he bleeding?" " Did I hit the ball that hard?" " I really didn't mean to hurt him" the team talked among themselves.

" Get back to practice, I'm sure Oikawa  will be fine" coach said.

Oikawa's POV

I entered the clinic, the nurse wasn't there since it was after class.

I rolled my shorts up, I unwrapped the bandage to see my cuts bleeding, I picked up a cotton with antibiotics and started to clean my cuts.

"Since when?" A voice said. I looked up to see Iwa- chan "ah, I-Iwa- chan, how long have you been there" I said startled.

"Answer my question how long?" Iwa- chan asked seriously " w-what how long?" I asked trying to sound clueless.

" Stop pretending, like you don't know what I'm talking about" Iwa - chan said voice getting loud. " Since when have you been cutting?!?" Iwa- chan said shouting.

Third POV

Oikawa burst into tears. All the pain held in finally let out. " Since our second year of high school" Oikawa said between sobs " why didn't you tell me?" Iwaizumi asked embracing Oikawa " it wasn't as bad last year, it just got worse" Oikawa said as more tears streamed down his face.

" I couldn't just burden you, and you already found me annoying " Oikawa continued as he faced towards the floor " you can never burden me" Iwaizumi said " I only said you were annoying because, If you kept it up I would have confessed to you"

Iwaizumi continued " what do you mean confess?" Oikawa said confused. Iwaizumi sighed " it's hard to explain, how about I show you?" Iwaizumi said lifting Oikawa's chin upwards. Iwaizumi closed the gap between their  bodies as he kissed Oikawa.

Oikawa' s eyes widened as his crush kissed him. Regained from the shock, he closed his eyes as he start to kissed back.

Iwaizumi pulled away " I didn't know you could kiss like that" Oikawa joked "Ha. Ha , very funny" Iwaizumi smiled.

" Let's wrap your cuts we still have to finish volleyball practice" Iwaizumi said as he got bandages from the drawer, he started to wrap the cuts on Oikawa's thighs.

After Iwaizumi finished he helped Oikawa up. Oikawa wouldn't let go of Iwaizumi's hand as they left the clinic.

" Will you stop cutting?" Iwaizumi asked " I'll try i can't promised anything, but i will promise to get help" Oikawa said leaning towards Iwaizumi.

" Are we dating?" Oikawa asked
" If you want to" Iwaizumi replied
" Then we are" Oikawa smiled.

They arrived at the gym. They opened the door. " Oikawa(San) are you okay?" " I'm sorry" "why are you guys holding hands?" The team asked at the same time.

" I'm fine, it's fine" Oikawa said
" and we're dating" Iwaizumi continued. They team stared at the couple, some shocked.

" I knew it!" Makki shouted " what do you mean you knew it!?" Oikawa shouted " You guys were so obvious" Makki answered " even Mattsun, realized it, and he's pretty dense" Makki continued " Hey! I'm not that dense" Mattsun tried to argue, we all bursted out laughing.

After practice Iwaizumi walked me home, " Bye Iwa- chan" Oikawa said
" You're my home" Oikawa whisperd as he kissed Iwaizumi " I Love you" Iwaizumi said blushing "I love you too" Oikawa said while giggling.

Oikawa walked in as he was bombarded with questions by his sister, he answered all her questions with complete honesty.

" I'm sorry I didn't know that you felt like that" Y/N said as she felt guilty " I forgive you" Oikawa said reassuring his sister " and plus I got a boyfriend" Oikawa continued " Hah! I got a boyfriend before you" Oikawa teased " so mean" Y/N said jokingly. They laughed as their mom walked on the room.

" Tooru, I'm sorry about how I treated you" M/N said " I forgive you, I did a long time ago" Oikawa said " I love you guys so much" Oikawa said as he hugged just mom and Y/N.


6 years later

After that incident, like promised Oikawa got help and started to rebuild his life, although staying clean was hard, There were even days he came close to relapsing, but he had his forever home, and that is with Iwaizimi.

Oikawa's POV

I've been Clean for six years. I became a Volleyball Coach for a bunch of Highschoolers , who are brats. But I love them as if they were my own.

Iwaizumi and I got married and are planning to adopt a son. We're also planning to move into a house, with more space and room to play.

Y/N got married, and is currently a few months pregnant with a girl.

Mom and I started to rebuild our relationship.

I found the good in life. Life doesn't seem so cruel anymore. Life doesn't feel like a pain to live.

I found my happily ever after,
  You'll find yours,
You just have to be patient,
Don't give up too easily,
Even if is seems like it's a million miles away,
If you believe maybe it's just right around the corner.

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