Chapter 1 ✔️

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Dear Diary

I got arrested again. It wasn't my fault this time though. The granny provoked me. I was just minding my own business and she started hitting me with one of her crutches. Okay fine I was minding my own business with a guy's tongue down my throat and she started hitting me. Okay fine I might have accidentally bumped into her while making out with said guy. I just don't understand why she got so upset, she could've just walked around us for God's sake. Anyways the dust bag started hitting me with her crutch and so I grabbed it out of her hand, fully knowing she'll be able to balance on the other cructh, and that's when a police car rounded the corner and saw me holding the crutch away from the granny who was clinging onto her other crutch. Prefect timing right. I tried explaining myself to the officer but the granny accused me of attacking her and so I got arrested. Mom wasn't happy.

~ Ally

Taking a pull from the almost finished cigarette in my hand I close my diary. I inhale the toxic warmth of the cigarette and instantly feel relaxed. I blow the smoke out of my bedroom window and look out over the mountains. I'm really going to miss this view. Shaking the thought out of my head I look down at my pink covered diary and matching pen. I still can't believe I'm actually writing in that thing. Well it's better to write in there than to be stuck with a therapist.

Averting my gaze away from my diary I look over at the few boxes in the corner of my room. I still have a few things to pack before I leave in a few hours. Even with the help of mom's on going list of things to pack I'm still certain that I'll forget half of the things that I'll need to start off college.

College. Yeah I know. I'm still surprised that mom is willing to send me off to college after my last arrest. Like I explained in my diary. It wasn't my fault. Of course mom didn't believe me. Shocker. She did tell me that if I screwed up once more then she'd have no other choice but to financially cut me off. That would most likely end up with me flipping burgers at a fast food joint. Trust me. That's not an option for me.

" Honey I'm back from work!" I hear mom yell from downstairs as she shuts the front door.

" Shit." I curse as I throw the now finished cigarette out of the window and run over to my bed. I rip the covers off from the half naked boy who is fast asleep and cuddling my pillow.

" Toby. Toby! Toby get up!" I hiss as I try and shake him. Damn those muscles.

Remeber when I said that if I screw up once more I'll be cut off? Well this situation I'm in now is the definition of screwing up.

" Honey are you okay?" Mom asks as she starts climbing the stairs.

I mentally curse as I run over to lock my bedroom door. I sprint back to my bed and start dragging the now half awake body out of my bed.

Why did I have to get drunk last night? I knew mom would be home early after getting called in at the hospital yet I still got a boy in bed.

" It's Jody." I hear him say through a hoarse voice.

" What?" I question him as I pull him over to my en-suite bathroom where I have manged to sneak guys in and out of my room for the past few months.

" My name. It's Jody." he explains as he grabs a few of his items along the way.

I look at him in confusion. I could've sworn his name was Toby. Well I've never been good with names.

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