Chapter 45 ✔️

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" One tequila. T-two tequila. Wait- what's after two? Oh I - I know! Twice tequila! Floor!" Emily yells as she starts to sing the song from the start again.

What is going on inside that girl's head?

" Babe you're wasted." Parker laughs as he drags Emily away from the bonfire before she gets herself burned or something.

I take a sip from the liquid in my cup. Cranberry vodka always makes me feel a little bit better. Especially when I'm surrounded by assholes. That includes Tyler and we can't forget about Mason. You know what? Gabby counts as an asshole as well.

" It's 3 hours until midnight and you're sitting here sulking?" Zac states as he comes into my view.

I'm not sulking.

I'm just enjoying my drink.


God I am sulking.

" I'm sorry Zac. I'm just really not feeling it tonight." I shrug. I thought I would let go of all my problems just for one night and enjoy myself but here I am, sulking.

" You better start feeling it because midnight isn't going to wait for you to cheer up. " he states.

He does have a point.

I don't know when we'll get the chance to go on a trip like this again so I might as well savor the last bit of it.

" Okay fine let's go dance. " I laugh as I lift myself off from the plastic chair I was sitting on.

Remeber what happened the last time you two danced at the bonfire...

I'm just going to pretend that I don't have a nagging conscience for just one night.

" Yes girl!" Trish yells as I approach her dancing with Samantha along with a few other people.

My eyes meet Tyler's. He's busy talking to a group of guys with a beer in his hand. I know things aren't good between us but I really hope he doesn't act out tonight.

I start swaying my hips along the rhythm of the music. The guy who is hosting the bonfire did a nice job with the setup. I was worried about the cops showing up but Zac reassured me that this is a private beach that belongs to his friend so we won't get into any trouble.

"Do you hear that?" Trish yells over the music.

I try to focus my ears on anything strange but I don't hear anything besides the waves clashing together and the music.

" No?" I answer unsure.

" It's the tequila! It's calling our names! Time for shots!" Trish replies.

Oh boy.

This isn't a good idea -

Nope. Still don't hear you conscience.


Before my conscience can argue further with me about my choices in life I follow Trish and a few other people to a table that has been set up for all the drinks. Trish leans forward to grab a bottle of blue tequila and then starts pouring it into shot glasses. After she's filled a few shot glasses she starts handing them out. She hands two shot glasses over to me and gives me a slight wink before reaching over for her own.

" Bottoms up." Trish states before putting the shot glass against her lips and tilting her head back.

I do the same and instantly feel the burn from the alcohol running down my throat.

" How does it taste?" Trish asks curiously.

" It tastes like more! " I answer truthfully.

Trish laughs before taking the shot glasses out of my hand and pouring in some more.

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