Chapter 36 ✔️

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Dear Diary

We finally did it. Yes it. Don't blame me. The steaming hot water and the sexuel tension got the best of me. All in all I'm really impressed with myself. It took me a total of 4 months before giving in to his undeniable attraction and finally sealing the deal. Was I nervous? Not about the sex part but I was nervous about what would happen after. I guess I'll always have that little nagging feeling pulling at my heart because I too was one of them girls who just went in it for the sex and left straight after. Thank the good Lord above that Tyler didn't act differently nor tried to avoid what had happened. He made sure to let me know that whatever was going on between the two of us wasn't based on pleasure and that pleasure wasn't going to be the only thing we were going to get out of it. Most people who know Tyler and the things he does and says would warn me that he's only trying to get me to stick around as a booty call but those people haven't seen the sincerity in his eyes when he promised me all of those things. Guess I'll just have to take the risk.


"It would be deeply appreciated if you could not write in that thing and help me carry the paint." Tyler states as I watch him carry in two cans of paint.

" This thing is the only thing that restrains me from beating you up." I smile sweetly as I close my diary and get up from my sitting position on the floor.

" Cute. " Tyler deadpans as he places down the paint he was carrying and starts walking towards me.

Once he reaches me he wraps his one arm around my waist and slyly tries to reach for my diary.

" No no no. This is off limits." I laugh as I back away from his grip.

He can't read my diary. A diary is personal and is only supposed to be seen through my eyes. The things I have written down in there are really not things Tyler should read about.

" Oh come on. Just one little peek." he whines as he tries reaching for my diary again.

" I will break your arm." I say in monotone which luckily results in him taking a step back from me.

" You know what? Keep on writing in that thing. It makes me feel safer. " he states and lightly laughs.

I thought so.

I place my diary in a safe place before walking out of the beach shack towards the numerous cans of paint waiting inside of Tyler's car.

" Did you really have to buy all of this? "Tyler sighs as we both look over at the building supplies in front of us. From bricks to hammers to paint. We got it all.

" Yes it was necessary. " I reply.

Seeing as christmas is around the corner and I'm absolutely the worst at buying gifts for people, I decided to do a little renovation project on Tyler's special place, the run down beach shack, for his christmas present. It seemed like a good idea at the time but now that I'm actually standing inside the beach shack with all the supplies in front of me, I have a different opinion.

" Babe you know I would be more than happy with just you by my side for christmas." Tyler comments as he pulls me into his chest.

" Leave the soppy lines for another day. We're leaving tomorrow for you're hometown and this place isn't going to renovate itself. " I say while giving him a pat on his chest and moving towards the hammers and nails.

I really wish I thought of this plan sooner because now we barley have time to finish up this whole place. I would have done it by myself but God only knows I would've probably set this place on fire and seeing as it's Tyler's special place I didn't think that asking others for help would be the right thing to do. So here we are. One day away from christmas break and one run down beach shack away from the perfect present.

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