Chapter 28 ✔️

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When I woke up the next morning Tyler wasn't beside me. He probably got pissed off at what I said and left right after I fell asleep seeing as the mattress was cold on his side.

My assumption was correct as he didn't talk to me through out breakfast and only informed me that we would be leaving soon.

Saying goodbye to Tyler's family was hard. I know I've only known them for a few days but they are good people. Although Hayley and I got off on the wrong foot we made sure to exchange numbers before I got in the car. Rachelle looked as if she was about to cry when I gave her a hug goodbye. I had to reassure her a few times that this isn't the last time she'll be seeing me. When I went over to greet George he whispered something that made my heart sink.

" He's happier with you."

With that thought in mind Tyler and I said our final goodbyes and took on the long road ahead. There wasn't a lot of words exchanged between us through out the trip so I had a chance to catch up on some sleep while Tyler had a chance to problaby clear his mind.

I know he had heard what I said. I just hope he takes it into consideration.

Emily called a few hours into the trip and she sounded very excited for me to come back. She's acting as if she hasn't seen me in years but that's Emily for you, she constantly needs attention.

" I'm not going to apologize for what I said last night but you are still going home with me for Thanksgiving because you already agreed to it." I state just as we drive onto campus.

It feels good to be home. I'm definitely going to miss the scenery back at Tyler's hometown but I'm excited to be surrounded by familiar faces again. I make a mental note to call Zac up during the week. I haven't seen him in ages.

" I don't have much of a choice." Tyler chuckles.

What's with the sudden mood change?

Tyler comes to a stop in front of my building. He switches off the engine and turns to look at me.

" Are you excited for Thanksgiving?" he questions.

" God no." I mentally cringe at the thought of being in the same room as my mom.

I don't think I'm ready to face the wrath that is my mother. After what she said to me last time it won't be easy to not say something rude.

When I think of Thanksgiving I imagine a table packed with food and a happy family sitting around it sharing cheerful memories. Not the disfunctional family I like to call my own. This will probably be the first Thanksgiving without my dad. It just won't feel the same.

At least I'll have Tyler there. My mom seems more interested in him at the moment and it doesn't bother me at all. As long as her attention isn't solely focused on me then I'm happy.

" Don't worry." Tyler smiles when he notices my worried face. He places his hand on my thigh and gives it a light squeeze.

I shoot him a small smile before looking out of the window at the students passing by. There's just something about watching other people do their thing that calms me. They look so carefree and figured out. Here I am trying to keep my head above water and not get cut off by a mom who is constantly breathing down my neck.

"Look at me." Tyler demands softly as he turns my chin towards him again. His thumb wipes softly over my cheek as he starts to lean in.

Oh God is this finally happening?

Stop freaking out and lean in!

I do as my subconscious orders and lean in as well. Our lips touch for the first time in what feels like forever. I was starting to think he regretted the kiss we shared on Halloween but damn am I happy to feel his lips on mine again. I'm such a girl when it comes to him but I don't seem to have a care in the world.

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