8 - The Big Bad Wolf

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Hailey's POV

I was glad Allison was with me, because it felt like I was scared of everything now. The noises, the shadows, the ink, all of it terrified me now. I wanted Alice's comfort more than anything, so it hurt to know that I wouldn't be getting it. However, being around Allison helped. She helped make me feel safe. I was becoming fond of her. She sort of felt like the older sister I never had. She was also very sweet and thoughtful. She made sure I had grabbed my Alice Angel plushie before we continued on.

"So what lengths did Joey go to in his attempt to sabatosh my angel's success?" I asked.

We stopped, then Allison turned and looked at me. "He had Bendy become a lot more mischievous, and his jokes sometimes were very mean-spirited. Alice on the other hand, well I guess you could say she sort of grew up. She matured, her carefree attitude was replaced with a more serious one, and her upbeat nature was toned down."

"Then Joey attempted to write her off the show in an episode where Bendy pushed her too far, and she walked away to try to return to heaven. After that, she was absent for quite a few episodes."

I growled a little at that. "That's rather bold of him."

Allison nodded. "Joey received major backlash for doing that, So much that he was forced to bring her back. So it was revealed she had secretly been living with Boris the whole time. That was when I debuted as her new voice actress, but it was also when she was given a new design.

"He changed her?!" I exclaimed, fury in my voice. "Why that..."

She covered my mouth. "Calm down. Yes her design was changed, but here's the odd thing about the whole thing that I hope you can help me understand. The Ink Angel happens to look a lot like my version of the character."

My eyes widened. "Your kidding." She shook her head, and I giggled.

"What's so funny?" My new friend asked.

"I have a funny feeling I know exactly what that 'new' design Joey used for Alice Angel is." I replied. "If we happen to see a cutout that's based of that design, let me know so I can see if I'm right."

She nodded. "I will. Until then, how about we get a move on? It isn't safe to stay in one place for two long."

I nodded, and we continued into the next room. Upon entering, I got a good look at the place, and gasped in horror.


Allison's POV

I knew the next room was Alice's Toy Room, and figured Hailey would enjoy seeing it. As it turns out I was dead wrong about that. When we entered the room, we discovered it was in complete ruin. The windows for the booths on either side had been shattered, the Alice Angel cutout in the left one was in pieces, and the shelf in the right one was smashed beyond recognition. While the plushies of the character had been torn to shreds. The posters on the walls were shredded. However, the booth at the other end of the room had been dealt the most damage. The shattered remains of the window that it used to have were scattered all over the floor. On the floor in front of it was the remains of a sign. It was so badly damaged you couldn't even recognize the words printed on it. Yet I knew what used to say: She's Quite a Gal! The cardboard pedestals inside it had been torn, and the door inside it had scratches, cracks, and ink stains.

I noticed the look of absolute horror on Hailey's face as she hugged her Alice plushie with one arm. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze to reassure her.

"Why would anyone do this?" She mumbled. "Who could be this cruel?"

I had a very good guess who, or more accurately, what was behind this. "Let's move on before..."

I didn't get a chance to finish, as most of the lights suddenly turned off. Hailey squeaked out of a mix of surprise and fear, then I felt her arms wrap around me as she clung to me for support.

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