23 - The Beast Angel

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Helen's POV

After Mama fed me, then the others as well, we all went to the haunted house. There were two two-seater carts. Aunty Ally got in the first one with Susan. Mama and I were in the second one. Then both carts started to move.

"And now, the ride truly begins." The meanie announced. "Come along, and pretend it's all just a bad dream."

The ride went through a dark tunnel. Ghosts and skeletons would pop out of the gravestones that flanked the track. Creepy eyes were painted on the walls, and there were loudspeakers on the ceiling. I didn't see the things that were along the gaps in the walls because Mama would cover my eyes.

"It's a funny thing, how so much can fall apart so fast." The wolf mused. "We never really had control at the studio. Either you in someone's pocket, or you were putting someone else into yours. "I just wanted what I deserve. I just wanted to be adorable! I'm Boris the Wolf, I deserve to be adorable! Surely one of you can understand that.

"You're crazy!" I yelled.

"Helen,... Why was Hailey here? We're all dying to find out. Did she enjoy the terror of the drop into hell? Did you? Did any of you? Because if that's the case... Hang on tight. I've got a surprise..."

"I don't like your surprises." I mumbled.

A large gate opened, and we entered a ballroom. It was a huge circular room with a chandelier, creepy paintings, and other stuff. We then got to the other side, which had another gate, and it opened. Then huge hands reached out and grabbed Aunty Ally and Susan's cart then lifted it into the air before they tossed it to the other side of the room. Before we could react, the same thing happened to us. All four of us stood up, and the creature that owned the hands came out. What I saw made me scream.


Allison's POV

The Wolf laughed madly. "Meet the new and improved Bendy! I took what I wanted, and in return, I gave him so much more! And this time, there's no escape! Bendy, beat Alice until she's badly injured, and unconscious. I want her alive. Also, tear her precious family apart! Leave nothing!"

The massive abomination of a beast that used to be Bendy was one of the most horrifying things to ever appear in the studio. His form had countless stitches all over that kept closed the areas not covered in tar-like ink. The large head was the shape of Bendy's, except his eyes were gone. In their place was a single large strip of metal that seemed to blend into the form thanks to the ink covering it, though some stitches in a couple places did help give the truth away.

The mouth was full of razor teeth, caked in ink. His big chest was ripped open, which revealed organs, and even an empty cavity where his heart once was. His legs and feet were kept in one piece by a mix of ink and stitches, but they were small compared to his massive arms, and giant fists for hands. Those hands had gloves that were ripped, threadbare, and had claws fused to them by ink. His limbs and joints had pipes, metal, and rope that wrapped around or poked out of them. There were even wooden Boris the Wolf ears pinned into his horns.

"Nononononono..." Helen whimpered as she shook violently

It was heartbreaking to see her have a breakdown due to being unable to comprehend Bendy's fate. The Wolf however, seemed to think it was hilarious.

"Actually, I've changed my mind a little." The Wolf declared. "Bendy! Make Helen your first target! Make the angel watch her daughter get torn to shreds!"

The monster then grabbed a barrel and threw it at Helen. Alice stopped it from hitting her, but then He charged at us. Franken-Bendy, then swatted Susan and I out of the way. He then slammed Alice with one fist, and Helen with the other.

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