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Carly's p.o.v

Ugh. Another day of hell. Hell for me is the definition of school. I get bullied. By who, you may ask... My father's bandmates' daughters. I got up, went to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. I hissed at the fresh cuts I have made last night. Yes... I cut and no one knows about it. It helps relieve stress and makes me forget about life. I quickly finished up, got out and got dried up. I decided to curl my hair. My outfit was black shorts with a black shirt which has some bullshit written on it. I got my leather jacket, black beanie and black boots and headed downstairs (outfit below)

 I got my leather jacket, black beanie and black boots and headed downstairs (outfit below)

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" Good morning mom, dad and Gordon "  I got an apple from the counter 

" Carly! How many times have I told you not to wear all-black outfits and such short shorts! "

" This is what I found in my closet. And most of my closet is like that, dad "

" It looks as if you are going to a funeral "

" Whatever. I'm going. Love you. Bye " I quickly kissed both on the cheek and headed to school. I went to my locker and met up with Blake 

" Hey Blake! "

" Shut up, bitch " 

" Haha. So funny, Blake " I rolled my eyes 

" You better fuck off or you will be sorry "

" Fuck you, Blake " I got my books and headed to class. What is wrong with him today?

" So kids! We're changing your seat arrangement. Can everyone step here? Don't get anything, just your brains. Hmm. Ashey... you're with Carlos. Emma with Olivia... Carly with Lucas. Taylor and Charolette... " 

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! " I screamed inside. We took our seats, and as usual, Lucas started flirting with me 

" Hey, beautiful "

" Shut up, bastard " 

" You won't be saying that when you see what I can do to you " 

" Whatever " I rolled my eyes. I got out my notebook and listened to the teacher. Physics was always my favourite. I wanted to be an engineer and design my own house one day. The lecture went by and I had P.E, with Blake. I got into my uniform which was some yoga pants with a comfortable tee. I took a towel, changed into comfortable shoes and headed to the gym

" Blake. What happened to you in the morning? " 

" Just fuck off, bitch " He huffed 

" Ok. I'll "fuck off" As if we weren't bestfriends for 15 years! " I turned around and went over to the coach 

" So kids! We're running 15 miles in 20 minutes so warm up! " I did as told. I first started with jogging in place ten did n=some squats some jumping jacks. Those normal stretches.

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Where stories live. Discover now