Chapter 4 - Tour

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So yea, Niall and I had sex in my birthday. But for once I enjoyed my birthday, and Niall knew it, which probably meant we'd end up doing it every year, but hey, I'm not fighting. Anyway, today's the day we leave for our tour. We've got our first show tomorrow in Portland, Oregon. Yes, I know, my manager decided to start in Oregon, which meant we had to be on a plane for around an entire day. London to Oregon. London to Arizona is a 14 hour flight, so London to Oregon is probably around 20 or so. Somehow, we've already sold out all of our shows. Every single one of them. I guess people really wanna hear the Horan family sing.  Management is letting us take the kids on stage, which I have mixed feelings about. I'm glad that I won't have to leave them backstage, but also worried because you never know what kind of people will be in the crowd and I need to keep our babies safe.

"Ready?" Niall asked

"Yep. Let's go Elaine." I said. Niall was carrying Caleb, so I picked up Elaine. We got on the plane. Hours later, we landed safely in Portland.

Fast forward five months.

Caleb is now eight months old. He started crawling and teething two months ago. He loves to laugh and eat, just like Niall and I. He's a very curious baby. He'll grab whatever he sees and put it in his mouth. He'll stand himself up and lean against furniture. He also loves to watch golf with Niall, but he's very much so a mummy's boy.

Elaine is two. She's been getting into a lot more stuff lately. She loves to get into stuff and make messes. She loves to eat. She eats solid foods now. She loves to climb all over the furniture. She's definitely got a wild side. She absolutely loved getting on the plane, she wanted to be in a plane every day during the tour.

Niall and I have been married for over a year now. Things are going great for us, and have been since we started dating. Of course we've had our rough spots along the way, everyone does, but it's done nothing but make us stronger. I love everything about him and I wouldn't have my life any other way. Wouldn't change it for anything.

This tour was amazing. The fans were amazing and supportive. I don't know where I would be without my fans. They're the ones that helped me get to where I'm at now.

I'm really proud of Niall. He used to drink so much. He slowed down a bit when we started dating, but once he found out about Elaine, he completely stopped. He hasn't had one drink since then. He stopped drinking for the sake of me and the babies, which must be hard because he's Irish and it's just a part of his culture, but he completely stopped because he knew he was going to be a dad and he didn't want to risk being a bad dad by drinking all the time. I admire him for the choices he's made, especially the ones he's made for me and the kids.

So that's my life right now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Everything I Need - A Niall Horan Story. Sequel to The Only One I WantWhere stories live. Discover now