Chapter 9 - The Last Day

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"Addy, wake up." Niall said. I felt pain in my stomach. I shot out of bed, ran to the bathroom, and threw up in the toilet. When I was done, I leaned back into Niall. "Are you done?" He asked. I shook my head no as I went to throw up again. Ok, I was fine now. I flushed the toilet and returned to Niall's arms. "You ok?"

"Yea." My eyes widened. I'm pregnant! I stood up and grabbed the box of pregnancy tests out of the cabinet. "Gimme a sec." I said smiling. Niall grew a big smile on his face

"Ok." Niall said and walked out. I peed on three of the sticks and let Niall back in.

"You excited?" Niall asked

"Yea. You?"

"Of course." The timer beeped. I looked at Niall, bit my lip, and smiled. I picked them up one by one and read out loud what they tested.

"Positive. Positive. Positive. I'm pregnant!" I yelled as I jumped into Niall's arms

"YES!!" Niall yelled and then kissed me. "I love you so goddamn much Adelaide."

"I love you too Niall. Shit, we need to get home and pick up the kids."

"Shit. Let's go."

We got in the car and started driving to the Tomlinson home. Slow Hands started playing and of course we sang along. After that This Town played. Later No Ordinary Girl started playing and Black And White finished playing as soon as we pulled up to Louis and Charolette's house.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Elaine yelled as she ran up to us when we were getting out of the car.

"Hi Princess! Oh my god, I missed you so much." I said as I hugged Elaine. We walked up to the house to get Caleb.

"So?" Charolette and Louis said at the same time

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled

"Hey! Congrats you guys!" Louis said

"Thanks!" Niall and I said

"What does that mean mummy?" Elaine asked

"It means that mummy's gonna have a baby. There's a baby in mummy's tummy." Niall said


"Yea baby?"

"Do you love the baby?"

"Of course I do sweetheart."

"Then why'd you eat it?" Everyone started laughing

"Honey, that's not how it works." I said

"How'd it get in there?"

I gave Niall an oh shit look, which he returned as Louis and Charolette laughed harder.

"How about we get some ice cream, eh?" Niall asked


"Nice save." I said. I went to go get Caleb as Niall buckled in Elaine. I walked out with an extremely fussy Caleb on my hip. I buckled him in and he continued to cry.

"I know baby, I know." I said

"Why's he so fussy?" Niall asked

"He's tired and probably teething. I'll check when we get home. Hey, why don't you drop me and Caleb off at home and take Elaine to get ice cream? Caleb needs sleep."

"Yea, ok, we'll do that. You need to see the doctor too, so don't forget to call." Niall said

"Oh shit, yea, I'll do that too."

"Ok Princess. Here we are. Bye baby, love you."

"Bye, love you too." I leaned over and kissed him. I took our still crying Caleb into the house. I checked to see if he had any teeth growing in and he had one growing in. I made a bottle for him and placed him in his crib so he could sleep. I called my doctor and got an appointment for exactly one week after Niall and I had sex. We decided to only be gone for 5 days so Louis and Charolette could have the weekend to themselves. Just as I got off the phone with my doctor, Niall and Elaine walked in with ice cream in their hands and Elaine had some all over her face too.

"Hey, I got this for you this. It's your favorite." Niall said, handing me a mint chocolate ice cream cone

"Aw, thank you. Oh, I got an appointment for Monday. And Caleb's teething."

"Great, hey, listen, we need to talk."

"Ok? Is something wrong?"

"My manager's sending me on tour. He called while I was out. He's not giving me any choice."

"Oh. Ok. How long will you be gone?" I asked

"Only a month."

"That's not too bad! We can do this! When do you leave?"

"April 4."

"Ok, so we've still got a couple weeks. It'll be fine, don't worry."

"Are you sure? We've got a teething baby, a toddler, and you're pregnant, and you still have to work. Addy, I don't want to leave you with all that. That's a lot to take on."

"I know. It's only for a month, I can make it work."

"I'm not going."

"What?! You have to Niall. You're gonna get fired if you don't!"

"I don't care. I'm not leaving you, not with all this."

"Niall, you love me and the kids, yea?"

"Of course I do."

"Then go. Think about it this way, if you don't go and lose your job, then the family is leaning on me for money, which will put too much stress on me and kill our unborn baby. You have to go. Do it for your fans. For the kids. For our unborn baby. Niall, do it for me." I said

"Ok." He sighed. "I'll go. But we're going to talk every single day, ok?"

"I'll try, I'll be busier than usual with the kids and work and all."

"Ok Princess. Thank you. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Everything I Need - A Niall Horan Story. Sequel to The Only One I WantWhere stories live. Discover now