Chapter one: little bee

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Chapter one: little bee

I don't own fablehaven

Seth walked into the kitchen intent on getting some lunch. As he opened the door and entered the room, he saw Vanessa slightly hunched over and peering down at something. When he got closer he was able to tell that she was gazing down at the clock that lived on the oven.

Another minute ticked by and the twelve switched to a one. Vanessa's eyes grew large and she straightened her back. She then began to jump up and down clapping her hands joyously. A girly scream followed.

"Are you ok?" Seth asked, reaching into a cupboard. Vanessa stopped in her tracks, completely devoid of all emotion. She stood motionless for another 30 seconds or so, creeping Seth out.

When she finally spoke she said her words in a shrill tone and they chilled him to the bone "Come on Sethie." She took the cereal box from his hands and glided over to the table. She set it down on the table before getting on it herself. She crouched down upon the wooden surface and began feeling around in her pockets. She had found a pair of keys and she began dangling them in front of her eyes. The glint in her eyes began to grow and she started towards the door, the garage door.

Seth ran to her, she could not be allowed to drive while she was acting like this. Vanessa whirled around and clamped her hands on him.

With that ice cold grip on his wrists, Seth couldn't leave. He opened his mouth to yell to someone but Vanessa, fast as lightning, clamped her hand over his mouth. Her perfect fingernails tapped his skin. "We wouldn't want to ruin our fun now would we?"

Vanessa let go of her hold on him and bounded off toward the kitchen bar. She began to rummage through the cabinets, looking for something. She pulled out cereals, spices, and other household objects before reaching the pots and pans. A strange glint formed in her eye, shiny and sharp.

He took slow steps in an attempt to approach her, wondering what was going on. "Vanessa," Seth started, "you need to put those down." She looked back at him tilting her head to the right. She flashed a smile and her perfect teeth seemed more menacing then they had ever before.

Vanessa strode towards the doorway never looking back.
Seth decided to follow her. As he exited the door, Kendra walked into the room he and and Vanessa were in.

Once Vanessa saw her she raised a bony finger—

Bony? Seth blinked and looked again and realized his eyes were playing tricks on him. He shook his head and surveyed the scene. In a phantom voice Vanessa had screamed "You!" And, as swift as a jungle cat, she darted towards Kendra. She had moved so fast that when the two collided they were thrown backwards. Vanessa gained the upper hand fast and had knees on Kendra's shoulders, which, Seth thought, seemed a bad way to pin someone down. Kendra yelped out in surprise. "Vanessa—"

"No no no. Not today my little bee. You too will know soon enough." Kendra kicked Vanessa to no avail. Vanessa fingered the nearby lamp and before she could do any harm with it, Seth grabbed it for he had rushed over as soon as Vanessa had reached Kendra.

Vanessa didn't get off Kendra but she did turn to face him and the two wrestled with it. Vanessa held the lamp between her two hands while Seth leeched on to it. He kicked a foot at her and when it made contact, the two fell back onto Kendra, causing her to grunt.

Seth lost his grip on the lamp and scrambled over Kendra's legs in an attempt to get back to Vanessa. His hand reached out as Vanessa held the lamp above her head and cackled a strange bird-like laugh.

One of Kendra's arms became free and she got a hold on the lamp. Together she and Seth lurched it to the side where it tore free of everyone's hands and flew across the room, smashing against the wall.

Vanessa leapt off Kendra and ran for it with Seth at her heels. He managed to grasp an ankle and was then dragged by Vanessa. Kendra grabbed the other ankle. Vanessa turned around to look at them and she hissed. She turned back to the wall and leaned backwards.

Vanessa's weight shocked the siblings into releasing her. Her legs swept back up in the direction of the wall. Seth wondered how she hadn't broken her legs with that trick.

Kendra and Seth both tried to get her off but she was on them in a position that they couldn't move her.
Finally, Seth managed to worm his way out. Vanessa turned her head to his noise and rolled off Kendra, trapping him instead.

Kendra scrambled up and her head glanced from side to side. She spotted a small stool and she grabbed it, raising it over her head.

Seth heard footsteps running in the hall. The door swung open and revealed Warren and Bracken, the two wearing concerned expressions that turned to startled as they looked around the room. "Don't just stand there," Seth yelled, pinning Vanessa's arm. "help!" They rushed over to Seth's aid.

Warren reached Vanessa first and tackled her which left the two of them rolling. They both struggled to get on top of each other. At the beginning Warren was succeeding in trapping her, but Vanessa tricked him by acting normal and claiming something was wrong with Seth and Kendra. Through that method she was able to get on top of him. Warren managed to regain his lead afterwards, not falling for any more deception.

While Warren was wrestling, Bracken rushed over to Seth and Kendra. "Are you guys all right?" He asked, looking them both over for any injuries. They nodded their heads. Bracken accepted this answer and he went off over to Warren and Vanessa. Seth and Kendra stayed on the floor panting. Vanessa had taken a lot of their energy out of them.

Bracken reached out to grab Vanessa's loose arm that Warren had been unable to trap. The moment his fingers brushed against her skin, the tips took on a green almost grey color. Bracken stumbled backwards gripping his wrist. His hand was spasming and the substance creeped up the rest of his hand...and it was fast.


* A bit different then what I normally write but I hope it turned out ok and you enjoyed it anyway. Sooooo thanks to frosttheicedragon I'm not going to tag you because that would get really annoying*

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