love 1

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                The early mornings are always good. It's the time when the sun peeks out spreading its yellowish orange hue along with the much needed warmth to shoo away the coldness of the night. I have heard many people talking about it and this is one of the very few times I'm witnessing such a beautiful morning.

Even for a calm morning, I could see people buzzing around actively. Everyone around me are exercising to lose the fat they ate... And here I'm sitting in one of the park benches for the past one hour, busily trying to keep myself awake. I mean who wouldn't sleep in such a pleasant park with cold weather, warm sun and the additional benefit of chirping birds that's lulling you to sleep?

Whoever talks about 'aesthetics of early morning' can go to hell... for me, early mornings are strictly for my beauty sleep.

Then wondering why am I here cursing like an old lady, instead of sleeping on my cosy bed?

It's because my beautiful girlfriend of 2 months, Pat, called me for a meetup at 6.30 am. And now it's 7.30, still she hasn't come.

For the past hour, I have been counting heads of people who walk and jog past me. I even encountered few pretty girls. Also one handsome guy. Man... He was so hot in his black hoodie and track pants. There is no harm in appreciating beauty... right?

In the past 22 years of my life, I have dated 4 girls. I have been attracted to few handsome boys too, but never dated any. So in conclusion I'm a Bi.

Another 10 minutes have passed and I think I have done enough waiting for a Sunday morning. When I was about to walk away, I could see Pat walking calmly towards me as if she wasn't late for an HOUR.

Patience.... that's the basic mantra in every relationship and that's what I need the most now. Because it happens all the time, she coming late and I waiting Patiently. I just sighed, not wanting any unnecessary drama which we do whenever we meet.

She took a seat next to me, "We need to talk".

"Talk", I gave her a clipped reply.

She dint say anything for a while and I saw the same hoodie-hot-guy jogging past me, probably jogging his umpteenth round. I unconsciously stalked him with my eyes till he disappeared around the corner. I turned to Pat who hasn't talked yet.

"Pat...why did you call me here, if you are not going to talk? Just tell me what's troubling you Hon"

She took a deep breath and faced me, "Let's breakup, Arthit".

That's the first chap for you...
Poor Arthit, facing break up in the very beginning💔

But who is this hoodie-hot-guy? Any idea?

Lets see in next chap💛💛

Long Live Peraya💗!!!

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