love 14

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A/N: pls check out chapter 13 before this. Happy reading🤗

Third person pov

"I am not coming" Arthit retorted

"Its an order, Arthit" Kiet said calmly.

"you think you could just order me around? You are nobody to me. Walk away just like you did before!"

"listen here young man, I am not here to prove myself or plead mercy. I am taking you. Period."

"P'Fight, say something. This old man is being too much" Arthit knew, if his father wanted something, he gets it by hook or crook. So he thought of seeking Fighter's help as he always does.

"Oon, listen to us's not safe here anymore" Fighter tried to convince his brother instead.

Arthit felt miserable when Fighter sided with their father too. As if sensing his distress, Kiet Rojnapat, slowly walked towards his younger son and caressed his son's cheeks, which got slapped away at the same moment.

Standing beside Arthit, Kongpob did not miss the flash of hurt that crossed through Mr.Rojnapat's eyes, which the old man schooled skillfully.

"Arthit, they have tracked you. What happened tonight is just a demo, the attacks will only intensify in the growing hours. If you don't come, you along with everyone close to you will be dragged in this mess. Think smart" it was like Kiet convincing a 5 year old. Only that Arthit wasn't convinced.

"But I don't wanna leave everyone here" Arthit's voice dimmed some more. Infact Kiet knows what the problem is. Arthit has become emotionally attached to the people here, especially with the Suthilak family and their stupid son. He sighed.

"Okay! Give me a day to cleanse everything. During which I want you to stay with me in our headquarters in Thailand" Kiet pointed at Kongpob, "take this kid too. He is on the hitlist now. Am I clear?"

Everybody nodded. With that Kiet walked out followed by his guards.

"Oon...Are you still angry with us" Khun Trita asked Arthit with slightly wet eyes, as if controlling her tear. Arthit is their precious baby afterall.

"you betrayed me" Arthit mumbled mirroring Trita's emotions, "but I still love you"

She embraced Arthit tightly as Niran Suthilak patted Arthit's back, smiling dearly at them.

Fighter who cannot stand this cliché family drama, proceeded to join his father but halted when someone tapped his shoulder.

"um...P'Fighter you, you left your pistol there" Win pointed at the forgotten pistol on the coffee table. Fighter simply stared at him.

"I'm just 23" he calmly grabbed his gun and sauntered out. Win took some time to decipher the words and when it clicked, he gasped.

"what the hell....stop right there you dumba~" quickly Kongpob clasped his mouth stopping him from swearing colorfully.

"Kongpob! We are older than him yet he dared to threaten us" Win was seething in anger.

"I can relate OK. But he can easily fix a bullet in your skull. So shut up"

Pat who was shocked and quiet all along joined their conversation, "Kongpob...I think your Mobster-in-law is looking for you. Better hurry up"

Kiet's Pov


It was what I felt when I met my best friends after so many years. Last time I saw them was when I entrusted my son with them. My son, my sweet Oon.

Arthit as a little boy wasn't strong like Fighter. He was cute instead, smiling like a sunshine, melting everyone's heart. He had that power. I hoped he would become handsome like my first born but he still looks cute at 22. Not like am complaining coz he's adorable that way.

I don't know how this Suthilak kid bewitched my hot headed son. As far as I remember, Arthit never fancied Kongpob before, atleast not to the extent of cuddling right under my nose, which is currently happening as we are heading towards the headquarters.
So their sudden closeness should have something to do with the recent attack.

The pair did look good, though I feel a little uncomfortable about it. In fact, I had to admit that my son and this Suthilak kid indeed make a great-looking couple.

As we reached our place, I instructed the maids to prepare guest rooms for Arthit and Kongpob. Yup two separate rooms. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that my son is the girl in their relationship. I don't know, somehow that irks my ego though it is their life.

"My boyfriend will stay in my room" Arthit stated.

"I don't know why you like this kid, Arthit. I mean how can you trust a person who spy your phone and hire people to tail you?", though I am aware of Kongpob's good intention, i like messing with this kid.

I noticed Arthit's face slowly turn dark as he approached Kongpob. Huh! Looks like I played my cards well.

He took out his phone, "you kept tabs on me and bugged this phone?" when kongpob said nothing...brakk!! The very phone crashed on the floor breaking to pieces.
That's my son.

"Khun Kongpob! if this repeats again, it won't be the phone that will be crashed and as for your punishment... find your own room!!" and my son sassed away leaving a petrified Kongpob. Hilarious.

Soon after, Fighter cloaked his gun when Kongpob was about to accuse me and the scardy cat ran upstairs probably to beg my son.

Haha. Mission accomplished.I know I am evil. 


A/N: i added Kiet's pov in this chapter to know how he feels about his son.

A/N: i added Kiet's pov in this chapter to know how he feels about his son

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        (This is Kiet Rojnapat for you💞)

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