Chapter 8 - Recovering

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She walked in, the state's in tow getting met by surprised silence and starring.

The state's behind the French woman ran to their father and hugged him, America froze in surprisebefore hugging his kids back. France looked at the state in her arms, seeing the amount of blood the state had lost she looked around before speaking "Someone call the police if you haven't already, now." UN spoke "why-" France cut him off and snapped "Call the fucking police unless you want a dead state on your hands!" UN then quickly pulled out his phone and called the police, America spoke "Mom what do you mean by 'a dead state'...?" France was silent for a bit before speaking "Your state if injured, has lost a lot of blood, and could possible die if he don't get to the hospital soon" America went silent. France sighed quietly and carefully sat on the ground, looking at the state who looked back at her. The room was in dead silence apart from the quiet noise from UN's phone. France glanced at America then back at the state, she began quietly murrmering a lulaby that used to calm down her kids when they where small. The state in her arms shifted slightly. After a bit longer police and an ambulance arrived. The ambulance took the state to the hospital while the rest stayed back. The police questioned all the country's and a few of the state's before leaving. It had now been 8 hours since the first few states had entered the room.

America just sunk down onto the floor, confused, scared, sad, and angry. America stared at the floor in silence before a few of his states came over to him and hugged him. The American hugged the few and continued to be quiet. Russia went and sat next to America, America clutched onto the Russians arm and hid his face in Russia's arm. The state's in the room where sitting near France who had began to quietly sing the lulaby again. A few of the state's near France had fallen asleep. France looked at her phone as it had begun to go off. She saw messages from an unknown number.

                  Unknown number

So it seems you've found all the state's before I could..

                                Who the hell are you?

Try guessing, or are you that dumb?

                               ...are you Confederacy

Wow first try good job!

             Cut the crap. What do you want

Jeez no need to be rude

             Oh fuck off. You've already hurt my son and grandkids.

Oh yeah! Forgot bout that!

                        ...just answer my question

Okay okay jeez! You see I want to make your sons life hell! It's as simple as that

              Oh really? You really think that you'll make his life hell?

I mean it'll be simple enough, just always keep him scared, take some of his kids, ya know the whole idea

*Unknown Number has deleted a message*

I mean uh...

                     Oh really? Trust me when I say that if you come near my kids or grandkids again I'll be the one to make your life hell.

Oh I'm soooo scared!

                              I'm just gonna end this conversation here, I have all I need. Now if you would kindly fuck off I would appreciate it.

                   (Send a message)

France huffed slightly and glanced around before beginning to murrmer a lulaby again.

Time skippity-skip

America was sitting on a spare rooms bed at his parents mansion crying silently. He had been sitting there for what felt like days before he heard a knock on his door and his mother's voice "America? May I come in?" America jumped slightly at his mother's voice but let out a choked "Yep". As the door opened America pulled himself farther up onto the bed and sat in place. France walked in the room and looked at America before carefully shutting the door. The French woman went over the bed and sat down next to her still crying son and began talking to him "Look America I know this must be extremely difficult to deal with..." America stayed quiet as his mother kept talking "But please just know that we are here for you if you ever need anything" France waited for her son's response, which was only a small nod. France sighed and spoke again "America can you atleast come downstairs and eat? Russia won't even leave his room and refuses to eat. Your kids have only ate small ammouts, which is better than nothing I guess..." America was silent before he sighed and muttered "fine I'll eat something..." France nodded and got up "follow me down stairs, much has changed since you where small" America nodded and followed his mother downstairs, but not before throwing on his sunglasses out of habit.

As America was sitting at the table with his family he was silent as he slowly ate. When America finished he just sat there quietly. After the rest of his family was finished America spoke quietly "Hey uh...which rooms are Russia and my kids in? And can I take some food to Russia? I can probably get him to eat.." France nodded "Yes of course America! Russia is in a room two doors down from your room, and your kids are in the largest room on your floor. As for if you can bring food to Russia the answer is yes, come with me." America got up and followed his mother and after he got food he thanked her and went over to Russia's room. America knocked on the door "Russia it's me.." America heard some noises from in the room and he heard the door open slightly and more noises that where farther off. America walked in and shut the door and looked around to see Russia laying on the bed in silence. America went and sat next to Russia and spoke "I heard you didn't eat, is that true..?" Russia muttered "Maybe.." America sighed and spoke "Russia you need to eat, I have food with me." Russia shook his head "No...I'm not hungry  Америка.." "Russia eat." "Америка-" "Russia." "I-I...fine.." "thank you" America shoved the plate of food he had towards Russia and sat there silently.

I'm still alive- wait isn't that a fnaf sont quote-? Eh- anywho- hope y'all like this- though writing this made me cry inside- uh- have a nice night/day-? Ok byeee-

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