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[ periwinkle puppy ]

The table was silent. Hyunjin's loud mouth was shut in a passive-aggressive grin, Felix's jaw dropped to the floor, and Bambam surveyed the damage with a content smirk.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jisung growled, knuckles white from how tight he held his knife. He wanted to plunge the metal through Bambam's eyeball, but one warning look from Chan stopped him. "Why would you ask that?"

Bambam shrugged and took a sip of his lemonade. "It was a genuine question. You really don't think he'd be down for a threesome?"

Jisung's patience snapped, and Bambam was on the floor in an instant, clutching the back of his head where it slammed against the tiles. His mind screamed at him to hit, hit, hit until the man was nothing but a bloody lump. Jisung didn't consider himself a violent person, but the rage flaring through his body was uncontrollable, and he clenched his fists. He didn't remember punching people hurting so badly, but the bruising on his knuckles was nothing compared to Minho's broken heart. Bambam's jaw crunched under him, nose spilling blood, and hands trying to shove Jisung off of him. He probably would have killed Bambam if Chan hadn't grabbed his arm.

He tried to shrug Chan off, but his daily trips to the gym held Jisung in place. Man, Jisung really needed to start working out again.

"Jisung," Chan called firmly. "You are going to kill him."

Jisung scoffed, "Yeah, that's the goal."

Chan didn't respond, but Jisung saw Hyunjin's shocked eyes and Felix's grateful smile. Jisung was disappointed in Felix's reaction to the situation. He hadn't expected Felix to jump Bambam as he had, and when the angry fog cleared he would probably regret his rash decision, but to be so relaxed while your best friend gets shamed bothered Jisung.

"You're a horrible best friend," Jisung spat when Chan dragged him past the couple. Felix had the decency to look guilty, but Jisung didn't pity him in the slightest. He didn't deserve Minho's trust.  

The door shut softly behind them, and Chan's chill attitude changed.

"Han Jisung, I am going to kill you, I swear." Chan crossed his arms with a glare.

"I'm sorry, okay! I just got so mad when he said that. Like, how dare he ask that of Minho like he's some sort of object to be bought!"

Chan sighed and pulled Jisung's shaking frame into a gentle hug. "Sungie, you have to understand, that's Minho's job."

Jisung pushed Chan away and shook his head. "No. No, it's not. Minho is a dancer, not some prostitute."


Jisung cut him off with a defeated huff. "I'm going home." He grabbed his keys and unlocked his stupid purple car, the one Minho chose. The passenger seat felt empty without Minho's commentary and wandering hands. It was quiet without Minho's fingers pushing every button he could reach and dancing along to the radio. The silence was overwhelming, and the love songs on the radio didn't help his aching heart. God, he was supposed to take Minho on a date. He was supposed to give him forehead kisses and big hoodies, not drag him to brunch so he could be pawned off to the richest man at the table. He was so, so stupid.

He drove quickly down Barker Street, ignoring the crunch under his tires and pulled onto his road. Beverly Park Avenue was a twisty road filled with expensive pools, giant houses, and way too many Chihuahuas. Jisung lived at the very end of the road in a house that could comfortably fit ten people. The ten-bedroom, seven-bath mansion was elegant from the front door to the back door, with archways and pillars that screamed Percy Jackson. Jisung loved it.

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