six (TW: mentioned domestic abuse)

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[ midnight memories ]

True to his word, Jisung arrived at Cherry's Club in his purple Bugatti every night by twelve. His expensive ride caught the attention of many dancers. They all tried and failed to get a ride in the car or on the person inside it. Jisung hadn't realized how many young men danced for Cherry's. Some boys looked barely old enough to drive a car, let alone dance for filthy men with dicks for brains.


Minho tripped through the backdoor, hands full of clothes and his new phone between his teeth. After Minho explained what happened to Jisung, they went out to buy Minho a new phone. Way too much hesitance and three stores later, Minho had the latest Samsung and Jisung's number.

"Take this, please," he mumbled around the phone in his mouth. Jisung laughed and took Minho's phone, pocketing it and watching the dance adjust the bundle in his hands. "God, I'll never get the fuzz out of my mouth." Minho stuck out his tongue and grabbed at a piece of fuzz Jisung couldn't see.

"You just had to have the cat phone case, didn't you?"

Minho jokingly glared at him, shoving his clothes onto the floor of the passenger seat. Minho had switched from nervously fidgetting with buttons to casually sitting criss-cross and scrolling through his phone. Although he would never admit it, Jisung missed his childish curiosity.

"And it only cost you a kiss." Jisung puckered his lips teasingly. "C'mon Min, you haven't given me my daily kiss yet."

"You just can't wait, can you?" Minho rolled his eyes but leaned over the console to peck Jisung's strawberry flavored lips anyways. "Yummy," he commented, licking his lips with a smirk.

Jisung groaned and shifted gears. "You owe me when we get home."

Minho laughed. "Anything for you, Hannie."

He pulled out of the parking lot with a slightly unnecessary rev of the engine, and the car ride continued quietly. Minho was humming along to whatever song was on the radio (some lo-fi song by DPR Live), and Jisung was zoning out, senses full of Minho, Minho, Minho. He hadn't seen the dancer for almost three days, which wasn't a lot in hindsight, but at that moment, Jisung missed Minho like crazy.

"I got you something, by the way," Jisung announced after parking the car and helping Minho with his bag. He kicked the door open with his feet, hands full of glitter tubes and skirts, and plopped the items on his dining room table.

"Oh? What is it?" Minho was trying to sound nonchalant, but the excitement in his eyes betrayed him.

"Go look in the bathroom."

Minho glanced between the stuff in his hands and the hallway before dropping his belongings to the ground and bolting towards Jisung's bedroom. Jisung shook his head fondly and picked up his discarded clothes, waiting for when Minho found his gift.

He heard Minho cheer from the bathroom, the tiles making it echo around his house. "Hell yeah! I needed some of these." It was silent for a moment, with Minho using his gift or reading the packaging. "And they take off glitter!" Jisung ignored the mess on his kitchen table and joined Minho in his bathroom, grabbing the dancer's waist and resting his chin on Minho's shoulder.

"Didn't think you'd be so excited for makeup wipes," he commented.

Minho tutted and pointed to Jisung's overflowing laundry bin. Towels covered in bright splatters of eyeshadow and the beautiful hue of Minho's expensive foundation filled the entire basket.

"It's better than using all your towels." Minho opened the package and began to wipe at the purple glitter on his eyelids. "You know what would make today even better?"

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