Percy >> Fluff

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A/N: Ooooooo look whose being generous

Another Percy oneshot? Idk I'm crushing on him rn. Levi as well.

Attempt at being a cute romantic: 1



(Y/N) heard the door open, bringing a smile to her face. Percy's home. She continued stirring the cake batter.

"(N/N)?" Came a worried question - as if he was scared.

"In the kitchen." (Y/N) checked the consistency, and resumed to stir. She heard his bag hit the couch before he entered her peripheral, "hey-o."

An empty sigh left him. "Hey..." he breathed out, deep in thought it seemed. He leaned against the counter and stared at the floor, starting a silence.

"Listen, it's been a while and you've been on a lot of missions lately. So I was thinking I could maybe give you a massage??" (Y/N) looked up with a hopeful smile. "I dunno, it'll help you relax a bit and we can have some time together." She shrugged.

Percy doubted you'd want to give him a massage after he tells the news, but didn't wanna keep you hanging. "Yeah, sure." He nodded.

(Y/N) sensed the unusual tension, and frowned. She checked the consistency again. "Something on your mind?" She hummed. Perfect!

Percy watched his soulmate reach for the aluminium mold behind him. He turned, picking it and passing to you, wondering whether you'd forgive him - solely because he was your partner. 

Minutes passed, and Percy watched the filled container go into the oven as his girlfriend waited for an answer.

Percy cleared his throat, "Uhmm... uh, today, on the mission," (Y/N) nodded, goading him to continue. "It was just me and Neeks, right? So, we were in this subway tunnel, and something about the strange lighting - the lights were, like, strangely fused out. So, I think it reminded him of... Tartarus somehow, and he freaked out. Hyperventilating."

Somewhere between his narration, (Y/N) began looking at him in worry. She wiped her hands on her shorts as she came closer, "is he okay now? What did you do then?"

Percy looked away, "I - he just wasn't able to stop, and you know how brilliant my medical skills are." He grimaced. "So, uh, I -" he glanced at you. "I - I just did what came first to me; and kissed him."

Cogs clicked in place. Ah, so that's why all the hesitation. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and smirked playfully.

You see, Percy had a knack of believing that you were just as possessive as he was. This caused him to go pale every time something happened.

You wound your arms around his shoulders, shaking your head as you watched your adorable boyfriend sink into regret. "Percy," you bent to look into his eyes, causing him to look up. "Did it help him?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he was so shocked that he stopped. But, I mean..." he looked into your eyes, not sure how to continue. You didn't exactly look angry, but you didn't look pleased either. Why would she possibly look pleased in this situation, Percy?

"I mean, I dunno - isn't that bad? I shouldn't have done that?" You shook your head in response.

"I don't really care, I guess? You weren't tryna cheat on me. You just wanted to somehow help Nico, so you did what you knew best: act impulsively." Percy chuckled half-heartedly. "I'm not mad at you, if that's what you're thinking. But don't go 'round kissing people now, just because I gave you free reign." You joked, pulling your hands away.

Stopping at the threshold, you exited after saying, "oh, and go into the bathroom. I'll come in a sec. I am giving you that massage."


You entered the bathroom and saw that Percy had already started showering, the water lukewarm to touch. "I didn't touch the soap yet." Percy sighed in relaxation, facing the faucet and letting the droplets hit his face. "Just soaking up."

You nodded, though Percy didn't see that, and set the steel stool behind him, capturing his attention. He questioned you with a look. "You'll have to sit for me to reach your head without straining too much." You explained. "I don't want my arms to be paining."

Percy pulled the stool closer and adjusted it to be directly under the shower. You squeezed some shampoo out as Percy got his hair wetter. Your boyfriend hummed in satisfaction as he felt gentle hands work on his scalp, massaging all his worries away and giving him a fuzzy warm feeling that made him want to fall asleep.

The couple fell into serenity as they silently appreciated each other's presence. (Y/N) carefully massaged every inch of Percy's scalp as she heard him say, "I really don't understand how you're so... okay with this. Seriously. Be honest here: aren't you even a little bit angry at me?"

"Nah, I'm more like... I dunno. It's like, I would've hoped you wouldn't have kissed him - so really it's your lack of medical knowledge's fault - but at the same time, it's done now. It can't be helped. So yeah, I'm just kinda accepting it."

"Would you have stopped it if you had the chance?"

"If I were there, this wouldn't have happened at all, cause unlike you, I'm quite skilled in medical." (Y/N) quickly kissed his cheek, flicking the water off of herself.

Percy huffed. "Okay fine, teach me then."

"After this." You lightly pushed Percy's head back, washing off all the froth carefully. She checked for any leftovers before asking, "I'll do the massage now?"

Percy hummed an affirmative.

Minutes into the massage, Percy was nowhere in sight, having turned into a puddle of goo. He moaned at the feeling of his contracted muscles being pushed, genuinely counting his lucky stars for getting such an amazing girlfriend. Such an amazing soulmate. He felt your hands on his mid-torso, near his ribcage, applying long strips of pressure to loosen his stressed body. He groaned, "babe, open a spa."

You lightly chuckled. "Nah, I'm fine being a therapist. Or a singer."

You took extra care making sure you got every single knot out of his body, not wanting this moment to end. You turned off the shower, wanting to reassure your silly boyfriend with kisses - without the distraction of water droplets. You smothered his neck and shoulders with your love before kissing his lips, your lips locking perfectly as Percy tried pulling you closer, already having your torso touch his back. He whined as he compelled you to come in front of him. You refused, pulling back, "now, take a bath, Prince."

You turned, wanting to make a sweet exit: but Percy pulled you back into his arms, soaking you as well. "Bathe me." He reqested, yet it sounded like order.

You sighed. Rufling his hair, you softly shook your head, adoring your beautiful other half. This boy is mine. This young man is mine. "Alright. Anything for my Prince." You smiled.

And so, being the adorable child he is, Percy got his girlfriend to bathe him. The pair called it a night after a few cups of hot chocolate and some quality cuddling.


Awww I think that was very cute! <3

I like doing this, I'll make more fluff I guess. We'll see.


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