Pernico >> Lemon

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I wrote this in first person POV instead of the usual second or third, whichever I write in idk.

Enjoy =D


Like any other day, I wiped my face on my t-shirt sleeve. At reentering the bedroom, I was greeted by Nico's screams as Percy sucked him off.

"PERCY! FUCK!" Nico threw his head back just as Percy moaned on his dick.

I sighed. "You guys, serious- "

"PERCY!" Percy groaned as Nico came, lapping at his bittersweet cum. Nico sat up on his elbows to watch Percy pop his mouth away from his thick cock, satiated for the morning.

I neared the bed. "Percy…" sitting down, I watched as Percy latched himself onto my waist, one hand sliding between my thighs. "You shouldn't keep doing this, babe. And you," I looked at Nico huff and pant, still catching his breath from the orgasm. "You can't even keep him down?"

I felt Percy not-so-inconspicuously rub me through my shorts. I swatted his hand away, frowning at his innocent pout.

Ever since we had our first sex together - which was three days ago - Percy has been unable to keep his hands to himself. The obsession is strange - he just wants to pleasure us. 'I love hearing you two moan, how you taste, and the faces you both make before you come, ugh!' Is all Nico and I've been hearing for the past few days. And he always finds ways to get us alone for a quick orgasm, which has become his definition of a 'quickie'.

"He sure is Superman when he wants us." Nico huffed at Percy, who moaned out a not-my-fault. The former warily eyed Percy's hand find home between my thighs again. "Sex addiction isn't good, Percy."

"But we're not having sex!" Percy retaliated defensively, his hand feeling my inner thigh.

Removing his sex suckers again, I gently argued, "but whatever this is, you'll get addicted to it. Addiction to anything is bad, dude, you know that."

Percy turned around, facing the other way as he somewhat curled up in a ball. He wasn't good at it, but it particularly meant that he was unhappy with something.

Nico clicked his tongue, pulling his boxers back on as I lightly kissed Percy's cheek in an attempt to cheer him up. "Perce, you know we're only saying this for your own good, right?" Percy gave no answer, so I gently continued. "Look, sex once or twice a week is enjoyable for the both of us, too." I looked up at Nico for confirmation. He nodded.

"But this - I can understand why you'd want to keep touching us, Perce. First time and all. But if you continue this, you might get addicted. And we don't want that, Perce."

Percy drank up my words, and huffed in defeat. "Okay fine, I'll try." He mumbled. Then gettting up, he faced me and Nico, "but you two need to understand that it'll take me some time to get used to it,"

"That's totally understandable, babe. And we'll help you through it." Nico solemnly confirmed.

We sat there looking at each other for a moment before Nico decided to make breakfast. He quietly exited the room, giving us an excuse to admire his lean and sexy back. His ass isn't so bad either.

To keep safe distance, I quickly scampered out of the room. Unfortunately, Percy sensed my intentions, and slammed me into the wall just as I reached the threshold. He leaned down and pressed his lips on mine as his hands felt up every reachable inch. Picking me up, I wrapped my legs around his hip as we continued making out, Percy carrying me to the kitchen.


I heard the door open. And close.

"(Y/N)! UGH, PERCY GET OFF!" I solemnly walked into the living room, readying myself to hear a rant. What did you do now? 

"What did he do?"

Percy looked betrayed at my monotonous guess. "I didn- "

"This idiot was stuck to me like a fucking plague! The checkout lady called us a new couple and how I have a very 'possessive boyfriend.'" Nico groaned, his cheeks turning red as he carried the groceries into the kitchen.

I smiled weakly, understanding public embarrassment. "Wow, that sounds like Perce."

Nico plopped onto my favorite sofa while Percy wrapped his arms around me, too scared to touch Nico right now. "Oh, I'm not finished yet." Nico scowled at Percy and continued, "he was rubbing me the entire ride home. I almost moaned once, and there was an old man in the other car!"

Thoroughly amused, I watched Nico facepalm, imagining his mortification at being rubbed and getting caught by an elderly. "I swear to gods," Nico's muffled voice started. "To hell with jealousy, I need his eyes to leave me alone for a second."

The added statement tensed the silence - I felt Percy's grip tighten. Percy was quite the clingy lover, for reasons understandable - being demigods, we never know what was to happen in the near future. But, like the antisocial creatures we are, Nico and I need some alone time every once in a while.

Even though the feeling was justified, Neek's wording felt quite harsh. I turned to look at Percy and saw him quietly sniffle. Bundling him into my arms, I cooed, "Nico didn't mean it that way, Perce. It just becomes a bit much at times. We're not used to having people constantly around."

"So, I'm being annoying?" Behind me, Nico came closer, regretfully watching Percy - who was reminding me of a stereotypical girl on her periods.

"No, and yes." Nico paused, before elaborating. "It's not you who's being annoying, we're easily getting irritated. But yeah, your new obsession is… tiring us faster." He crouched under our embrace, and wiped Percy's tears, sharing a quick kiss. "But still, that doesn't mean that we don't love you anymore, babe. We'll always do. Now, come on."

I pulled back, letting my boyfriends untangle as they hugged it out - Percy gently kissing Nico's neck, earning a kiss back.

I angled my hips, "You guys seem quite okay without me,"

The two chuckled before Nico fisted my top, pulling me into them. The two - suddenly working like a unit - caged me in, Percy smashing his lips into mine as Nico bit into my neck, his hands roughly kneading my breasts.

They grinded into me from back and front. I manged to pull Percy off me, "groceries first!" Pushing Nico's hands away, I groaned as Percy latched onto my collarbone, his lips nearing my soft spot as I desperately tried to stop them. I felt Nico's fingers find my nipples, twisting and pinching them, sending jolts to my core. "Nico!"

Nico's mouth came to my ear, "I won't lie, babe, even I want you." He said huskily before nibbling on the earlobe.

I'm done for.


Eh, I ran out. Not really, the rest was going above 2000 words, so I cut it short till here.

Use your pretty imagination here (;


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