More about Lilith

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Full Name: Lilith Grace Annette Greene

Nicknames: Lils, Lily, Lila

Age: 12

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Style: Wavy

Eye Color: Forest Green

Height: 4'8 1/2

Parents: Hershel and Annette Greene

Sibling(s): Maggie Greene, Beth Greene, 

Weapon of Choice: Pistol, Soviet Knife

More About Lilith:
    Lilith was born and raised on the farm, and was home schooled her entire life. She got on with her sisters, but preferred to be alone. She never made any friends her age, so she was often out in the stables with the horses, or with Otis. She enjoys photography, riding an old skateboard she found, singing, reading, and drawing. She doesn't trust people easily, but when she does, shes very kind and clingy towards them. 

(Btw, Carl is 3 months older than Lilith)

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