Chapter 3

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Once Beckett and Castle got to the hotel they asked if anyone recently came in last or maybe the night before. The lady standing behind the desk looked at Beckett and her badge and told her that it was confidental. "Please ma'am this is a murder investigation, so if you could please give us your check in book."
"Actually, I can tell you that I was working her last night, and I saw one of our guests leave perfectly fine looking and coming back all beat up although I just figured it was because someone tried to mug him."
"Do you know which room he's staying at?" Beckett asked sighing.
"Room 486." The lady answered. "Here." She said giving Beckett an extra key. "This is just in case."
Beckett took the keys and headed up to floor 4. They walked trying to find 486. "Beckett." Castle said standing in front of a door that said 486 on the right side of the door.
Beckett knocked on the door announced herself but no response or noise him coming to the door. She tried knocking on the door again announcing herself. Beckett gave the key to Castle, with Beckett's hand on the gun, Castle put the key in and opened the door allowing Beckett to walk in first with her gun pointing at the ready just in case the man decides to either ditch or pull a gun out on her. Castle cautiously walked behind her.
The door to the bathroom opened and their was a man that walked in with a bruise near his eye and a gun pointing right at Detective Beckett. He had a muscular figure on him, with black wavy scruffy hair, dark brown eyes that were almost black, his skin was olive colored. He had a long jagged scar going along the left side of his face. "NYPD! Put the gun down!" Beckett yelled. But, she yet to realise that the man standing in front of her was naked with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair was wet. He had a long jagged scar going alongside the left side of his cheek. Castle disgusted turned away and gagged. "Yeah, but your gun down!" Castle said sounding ridicuolus.
Mitch moved his hands up in the air and threw his Beretta on the bed. "Who are you people?" Mitch asked in a hoarsely deep and dark voice.
"I'm Detective Kate Beckett and this is Richard Castle, you're under arrest for murder." Beckett said about to walk over and put hand cuffs on him.
"Could I at least put some pants on before you arrest me?" Mitch asked smirking acting casual.
"Yeah, can he please?" Richard pleaded sounding like a little kid.
Kate nodded her head and Mitch went over to his military dufflebag and pulled out some black pants. "Who are you?" Kate asked.
"The name's Mitch and that's all your getting from me." Mitch stated.
"You seem to be calm for someone that has just been targeted for murder." Beckett said surprised.
"I knew you were coming." Mitch explained simply.
"How?" Castle asked.
"You know for someone having to arrest me for a crime, you two ask a lot of questions." Mitch said.
"Military?" Kate asked pointing at the dufflebag, ignoring Mitch's comment.
"Looks like it don't it." Mitch said going to put his combat boots on. Then he saw a glimmer at a building across the street. "GET DOWN!" he yelled going down to the floor on the other side of the bed away from the window. Beckett turned and pulled Castle to the floor a bullet broke right through the window shattering it. After the gunshots were done for a few seconds, Beckett pulled out her gun and was ready to shoot when Mitch looked at the distance from here and the building. He grabbed his other duffle bag pulling it down to the floor and pulling a military grade weapon. "Can you cover me?" Mitch shouted. Beckett looked at the gun and nodded. Beckett got on her knees and pointed the gun over the bed and started to shoot her gun. Mitch set up his gun on the ground and looked through the scope and aimed and shot the man right in the head. Mitch let out a sigh when all of a sudden their was a knock on the door. Mitch disabled his gun as quickly as he could threw it all into the dufflebag and grabbed his shirt and quickly put on. Then he threw his dufflebag over his shoulder before the more men started barging into the room with their big guns. He had hsi Beretta poitned at the door ready to shoot, Beckett was behind him and Mitch peeped through the peep hole on the door. Mitch turned to Beckett and made the number three with his hand. He shot three time in all the spots that he saw the men opened the door and looked around the corner and coast was clear. Mitch checked the other side clear. Mitch made a hand signal that said go Beckett and Castle quickly moved out of the room and started making a break from the elevator when another shot was let off, the bullet hit Mitch right in the arm. Mitch yelled in pain, turned around and shot twice at the man that shot at him, the man went down with two bullets in the head. Mitch grabbed his arm and put pressure on it. There were more men coming but then the doors shut on them before they could get into the elevator. With blood on his hands Mitch hit the button for the lobby. His other hand held his gun. Mitch turned around and pulled out his emergency kit. He pulled out a tweezer and pulled out the bullet and threw it on the ground. In pain, Mitch put all of his stuff back in the bag.
"You need a hospital," Castle told him.
"No shit sherly." Mitch said. "It's fine I don't need a hospital."
"What are you?" Beckett asked with her hand still on her gun just in case she needed to use it.
"None of your damn business, now can we please focus on the task at hand?" Mitch asked annoyed.
Beckett looked at Mitch then at Castle. When the elevator stopped on the lobby floor. Mitch pulled his gun up pointing it at the door. The pain in his shoulder from the bullet wound hurt like hell, but he was going to let Rafique Aziz have the pleasure of hurting him. When the doors opened there were people with guns making their way to the lobby by stairs. When they saw Mitch, Beckett, and Castle coming out of the elevator. Mitch told her and Castle to make a run for the exit. Beckett unsure to trust him, he said that if he was out there. Mitch made some shots in the ceiling getting their attention. They all turned their heads towards Mitch like hungry animals. Mitch ran leading them to the back.
When they got to the alleyway behind the hotel, Mitch ducked behind a dumpster for cover. When the men cautiously, walked into the alley with the military grade weapons at the ready, Mitch poped up from behind the dumpster and let out some shots hitting one man and another and another, all three of them dropped dead. Mitch walked out from behind the dumpster giving the guy a chance to surrender before he killed him to. In Mitch's perfect Arabian accent he said in their language. "Who are you?" The guy looked at him wide eyed terrified. "Is Rafique Aziz the man that sent you?" Silently, the man stayed silent as best as he could, placed his hand on the trigger and Mitch pulled his trigger at the exact same time as he did. Mitch's bullet hit the man standing in front of him in the head, the man's bullet hit Mitch right in the leg. Mitch yelled falling to the ground grabbing his leg in pain.
Detective Beckett and Castle started running from around the corner with Beckett's gun pointing at Mitch. "You alright?" she asked.
"Yeah," Mitch seethed. "Peachy."
"Now will you let us take you to a hospital?" Richard asked.
Mitch looked at the man like he was crazy. "No." Mitch said. "I just need a place to lie low."
"Why were those men after you?" Beckett asked not at least bit worried about the bullet in Mitch's leg.
"I'd have a few ideas." Mitch said.
"Which are?" Richard asked.
"Look, I'll answer any questions you may have but can we do it somewhere people can't eavesdrop?" Mitch yelled seething his teeth.
Beckett looked at him and heard sirens coming closer and closer to them. "Fine." Beckett said.
She helped him up. Castle had Mitch's arm around his shoulder to help him walked. MItch kept pressure on his leg until but the blood was seeping through his hands. They were walking to a street, when Mitch let out a yell. "WAIT!" He yelled. Castle and Beckett stopped near a building. Castle released his arm, Mitch grabbed his sleeve and ripped it frome sleeve with his teeth he took it and wrapped it around his leg and put on end of it in his mouth then he let a deep breath in and yanked it together, there were beads of sweat coming down his face. "Okay." Mitch said. "Let's go." Castle went to grab his arm but Mitch stopped him saying he could walked.
Limping to Beckett's car, Mitch got in the front seat, Castle got in the back, and Beckett drove through the city. Beckett was driving through the city waiting for Mitch to say something. Mitch pulled out a flip-phone. "Those are out of style man." Castle said trying his best to be chill.
Mitch ignored him and dialed a number put it up to his ear, his leg started to throb, Mitch groaned. "Iron Man to Homebase over." He answered when the people on the other end picked. Castle looked at Mitch and blink his eyes multiple times, Beckett looked from the road and quickly glanced over at Mitch multiple times. "They found me." Mitch said. "I don't know, who else knows I'm here?" He was annoyed. He paused for the person on the other end answer. "Well, you better find out quick because they shot at me three times hit me twice and I am now pissed." Mitch said angrily. He then paused again for a response and hung up to the phone. Beckett sped up the car and got him to the Precinct.

They parked in front of the building. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Mitch said, chuckling. "I'm not the enemy."
"Tell that to the lives you've killed today." Beckett said. "Tell that al-Samir's wife and thirteen year old son." Becket said.
Mitch got his med kit out again and pulled out some thread, a needle, a scapel, and a pair of tweezers. He realized the sleeve that he was using to apply some pressure on his leg. He pulled out a bottle of alcohol and drippled it down his leg the blood washed onto Beckett's car floor. "Sorry, about the car." Mitch said. He made a small incision in his leg. He shoved his tweezers in his leg uncomfortably he moved the tweezers around trying to grab the bullet. He pulled out the slug and threw it in a sandwich baggie that he found in her car.
"Hey." Beckett said. "I asked you a question."
"Yeah," Mitch said not paying attention to her but to the bullet wound on his leg. "Well, I'd prefer to not answer in a mood that would injure me more." Mitch finished with his leg. He pulled out a cotton patch placed one and taped over his wound. He grabbed another one and covered the wound on his arm. "Okay," he sighed. Mitch turned to look at Beckett and Castle. "I've done your research on this al-Samir if that is even is real name." Mitch said. "He wasn't no angel."
'How do you know?" Kate asked sounding testy.
"Because, I have been around men like him long enough to know that men like that don't get a family like that without getting involved with a few bad infidels." Mitch said.
"His son mention his father being a fighter against the Taliban." Castle said.
"That's because he's part of something bigger than the Taliban." Mitch explained.
Beckett turned to Castle. Mitch's phone started to ring. He waited after three rings and answered the phone. "Iron Man," Mitch answered. Then there was a frantic lady on the other end yelling at him. Mitch glanced over to the two other people in the car. Mitch got out of the car to talk in private. He limped to the front of the car.
"We're not going to listen are we?" Castle asked.
"No," Beckett asked. But then she cracked her window just enough to where they could both hear the conversation.
When Mitch got done with his conversation with his wife, he walked up to the dirver's seat and gestured for Beckett to come out and arrest her so he can get out of the public eye and into somewhere someone like Rafique can't get to him. Beckett put handcuffs on him and walked him with Castle to the Precinct into the Interrogation Room.

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