Chapter 4

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Mitch had his arms handcuffed in front of him and Beckett was walking Mitch into the Precinct, Castle was next to her. Esposito and Ryan were standing by the Interrogation Room. Esposito noticed Beckett, the suspect, and Castle walking into the Precinct with the suspect. "What the hell?" Esposito exclaimed looking past Ryan. Ryan turned around and had to take a double take Castle and Beckett were a mess.
"We had a little bit of a shoot out." Beckett explained. She handed Mitch off to one of the other officers nearby in the Precinct to take him to the Interrogation Room.
"Who was shooting at you?" Ryan asked.
"We don't know but we do know they all looked like they were not from around here." Beckett told the boys.
"Is this our guy?" Captain Gates said walking over to the huddled group.
"Yeah," Beckett said. "Although we didn't exactly get much out of him."
"Well, do you want me to talk to him with you?" Gates asked.
"Well, actually-"
"I wasn't asking." Captain Gates said with a serious look on his face.
Beckett nodddeher head and smiled embarrassed. Beckettt turned to Espo. "Hey, did we get someone that recognized the man in our sketch?" Beckett asked ast minute before walking into the interrogation with her Captain.
"No, no one recognized them." Esposito said.
"What about traffic cameras?" Beckett said.
"I've looked at them but I haven't seen anything yet." Ryan said.
"Well, keep looking because if he doesn't crack or has an alibi, then we need somethign other than a witness to connect to him to the murder." Captain Gates told Ryan.
Ryan nodded and walked to his desk, Esposito and Castle went to watch from behind the glass in the other room. Beckett followed Gates into Interrogation, where Mitch was sitting on one side of the table with his hands still handcuffed.
Mitch looked up at the colored lady that walked in. "Excuse me, but can I get my phone call?" Mitch said.
"Why?" Beckett said.
"My wife she's pregnant and if she worries about where I am or what I'm doing she will stress which will cause stress on my unborn son." Mitch explained.
Beckett looked at him. "Answer some questions about Mr. al-Samir first."
Mitch rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his chest. "Alright, ask 'em." Mitch sighed.
"First off, where were you last night between 9:00 to 9:30?" Beckett asked.
"I was in the alley of 5th and Main checking out an alleyway trying to get a smoke, and you're victim attacked me with his gun that was used to kill him." Mitch said casually.
"Why did you kill him?" Beckett asked, quietly.
Mitch kept his mouth shut. "What's you name, Mitch?" Beckett asked.
"Kruse, Mitch Kruse." Mitch said looking down at the table. "It was self-defense."
"The man was on his knees pleading for his life." Beckett stated in question as if she was asking him with her face if he cared about what he did.
"Actually, no," Mitch said. "He was telling me to 'adhhab 'iilaa aljahim! and to taba linafsi." Mitch said in perfect Abrain. "Which means 'go to hell!' and to 'fuck myself.'"
Silence was in the room, until Captain Gates spoke up. "Where'd you get this gun Mr. Kruse?"
"It was a gift from my superior officer." Mitch said sincere.
"So you are military?" Beckett asked referring to the question that she asked back at the hotel.
"I didn't say that." Mitch said.
"Where'd you get that scar?" Gates asked, surprising Mitch, even Beckett turned around in her seat to look at Gates.
"That's none of your business." Mitch said. "I'll give you a hint to what I am and if you are wrong, then I get to walk out of here and finish my job, and then go back to my lovely wife who is caring my son."
"If we're right?" Beckett asked.
"Then I get to phone call my unhappy boss for telling you the truth about that no one should know about and she can give me a harsher punishment than what this department will give him." Mitch said looking at the ceiling.
"What's the hint?" Gates asked with her arms crossed across her chest sitting in a firm posture.
Mitch looked at Gates. "You remind me a lot of my hardass bootcamp superior officer." Mitch said leaning forward in his chair.
"Just give us the hint?" Beckett said.
"Washington D.C., about three years ago." Mitch said, and that was all he was saying. Beckett was confused. "Now, can I have my one phone call?"
Beckett got up from the table and left the interrogation room. Gates followed her out of the room. Castle and Esposito came out of the room next door. "See what you can find that connects Mitch Kruse to Washington D.C. and what happened there three years ago." Beckett ordered Esposito.
"Beckett," Captain called to her catching up with her and Castle. "Someone needs to take him and keep an eye on him, because we can't keep him in holding cell due to not alot of evidence held against him." Gates ordered.
"Yes, Captain." Beckett said.
"He can stay at my place." Richard volunteered.
Beckett looked at him like he was crazy. "What? No." Beckett said.
"It's fine, Mother is out for a Broadway Audition and Alexis is suppose to be out with friends." Richard told her.
"I like it, Richard has the most security between the four of you." Gates mentioned.
"Fine, but if anything happens you call." Beckett said seriously.
Richard nodded and went with Beckett to pick Mitch up and bring him to Castle's place. Still handcuffed Mitch went with Beckett and Castle to her car again to go another field trip.

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