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page 19 When Nightmare was relaxing he suddenly felt a big cluster of panic. He quickly closes his eyes and focuses on its source. He feels it from Ink's room. "Dream, I need to check on Ink, do you want to come with me or stay." Nightmare says getting up. The panic is strong, he needs to hurry.*Dream couldn't reply due to following sensing the panic feeling as he gasped*"Dream, are you coming with me or staying?" he asks urgently.*Dream turn his gaze, backing now looking a bit calmer quick, * "....No...i wanna stay.." *he answer low looking down narrowing eyes looking a bit mad of something *"It's alright brother, you don't have to go." Nightmare smiles and quickly turns around running to Ink's room. "Ink?" he asks as he enters.*Ink was shaking and up in little, ball in on the bed, moving back, and forth, with ink leaking from his eyes.*Throwing caution to the wind Nightmare crossed the room and touched Ink's cheek with his hand. He needed the Guardian to be at least slightly responsive. "Ink, focus on me, please." he says quietly.*The guardian eyes locked with him as he panting worst and worst*"Ink, take a deep breath and tell me five things you can see." Nightmare says calmly trying not to aggravate the other further.*Ink wasn't listen as he kept letting out stressful shaky and, flickering breathing out loud distraught and having a panic attack *.Nightmare looks around the room and finds the bag that Error brought. Using his tentacles he unpacks the CD Player and turns it on, hoping that music will help Ink relax. He turns his eyes on the distraught Creator and waits.*His panting grown rougher and rougher before the relaxing music start to take a reaction as his breathing start to become less less intense, -With dream- While waiting in the living room and eating up the last of the,chips while holding a hopeful smiled,*"It's alright Ink, just breathe." Nightmare says calmly 'it was a good idea to get it to him' He waits for Ink to take notice of him.*Finally ink took in notice before taking a long deep breath to show he was listening finally* *with dream* *after taken another drink the guardian was now just now leaning back in his set*"Good, you are doing great, just breathe, you are safe." Nightmare says while moving his hand soothingly across Ink's cheek, he either didn't notice or didn't mind the touch. "Do you know where you are?" he asked to check if the other skeleton was in the moment.___*Ink shake a head a bit on nerve, head yes before he kept breathing* -with dream- *The guardian now finally feeling wide awake began to sit back up was started to think "Maybe, i should go see if blue want to hang out wi- *he first talk out loud would lean back and let out a small confused gasp as the guardian, 's mind or least from what he was able to make of it, his mind fill with fearful thought not a voice but rather thoughts, strong , dark through. as dream alone can't seem to drowned them out* 'He's evil,he doesn't love you,you can't trust him. he'll kill you..' *all alone the guardian couldn't break hold of the thoughts as he begin to froze up and eyes only shake dreadfully *"Can you tell me where you are?" Nightmare asked hopeful that the worst is over. In the background he felt something dark but he pushed it away for the moment to deal with Ink, but he tensed marginally. *Ink nodded as he inhale and then exhale before giving a narrow answer looking at the abyss letting the relaxing music lead him* "we're,in an au, with you, the boys,blue and dream.." *dream* *upon the thoughts never letting up dream was force to jump up and walk a bit to the left before he started moaning and coverup his ''ears'' as he shut his eyes tightly as the thoughts rain down intense* 'He's evil,he's hate you, he 's want to kill you, your not happy,you're not okay,nothing is ever going to be okay!!'---'Shit, everything is happening at once' he thinks feeling the negativity from downstairs rising,but on the outside he smiled at Ink reassuringly "That's right, would it be okay if I carried you downstairs, I left Dream alone and I want to join him but I also don't want to leave you alone." he says smoothing his thumbs across Ink's cheeks. "I would feel more comfortable having you both in my sight." he adds quietly....*Ink nodded only started to shake more*---"Shh, I promise I won't hurt you." Nightmare tries to soothe Ink as he gathers him in his arms gently and slowly gets up. He keeps his tentacles at his back, careful not to touch Ink in case it scares him. He slowly moves out of the bedroom and heads to the living room worried about his brother.*Dream felt the thoughts grown louder the guardian felt a intense beating upon his head as he slower felt himself moaning and clenches his teeth and eyes narrow in stress as he kept shaking dreadfully*When Nightmare enters the living room he sees his brother in distress,but he doesn't let himself panic. He moves to put Ink on the couch and sure that the Creator won't fall off he hands him the CD Player that he doesn't remember grabbing that still plays the soothing music and turns to help Dream. He comes closer and puts his hand in between Dream's shoulder blades. "Dream, what's wrong? Can you tell me?" he asks quietly.*Dream eyes didn't meet his gaze ,not unable, to just was trying to look strong as his eyes narrow with skull brows lower as his mouth a bit open hanging open as he was panting,* *kept a hand on his head* "It..hurt.." *he moan holding his head as the thoughts didn't stop the outcome came the same* 'your brother evil- *they just then stopped* "huff....., i....i- *eyes finally met locked gaze with his brother looking overwhelmed, *His voice lower a bit* "...i i i'm fine.."--Nightmare grimaced slightly and took his brother into his arms getting up. "You don't have to pretend to be fine. Do you want to tell me what happened?" Nightmare asked quietly as he moved to the couch and sat next to Ink who was looking slightly better than before.*The guardian of creation look at the abysss as he kept forces to recover fully from his panic attack, *Dream only reply by wrapping his arms around his brother and hugging him* "It,not true, " *was all he could whisper in a sad small tone clearly *Nightmare hummed hugging his brother tighter. "You don't have to talk until you are ready." he says simply. Then he reached out to Ink and touched his shoulder "Ink, do you want to talk about what happened?" he asked internally accepting that the Creator will probably shut down rather than talk but he wants to show that the option is available nevertheless.*Soon as ink was ask that very question the voice of ink's worst nightmares he knew anywhere order in a dark, firm , but terrifying before ink would even react to nightmare's question , (??)

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