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I the hallway were standing the other Dark Sanses with clothes in their arms. One after another they hand the clothes to Killer "Those are mine and Dream and Nightmare's from yesterday, they were lying downstairs." Cross says putting considerably bigger pile than the others. Killer nodded "Now that just leaves Blue." he says.*Ink would be lost in thought * 'I can't believed nightmare hurt dream again, i should never let him get near him again he already gave him enough harm'* *Dream's room* "Mmm.."

-"Ink, ya know where is Blue?" Killer asked turning to the guardian of the AUs. Meanwhile Nightmare moved his hand from Dream's back to his cheek and started making small circles with his thumb there."No..i don't.." *ink answer off* *Dream start to breath louder*"Cross, maybe you know?" Killer turns to the smaller skeleton. Nightmare took the louder breathing as a sign of waking up "Come on Dreams, wake up." he whispers gently rousing Dream so his brother won't get startled. *Dream eyes shake open weak*Nightmare smiled slightly at his brother "There we go. Do you need anything?" Nightmare asked gently as he was making circles on Dream's cheek. *Dream now taken being back awake in slowly as he weakly but responsive his tone also fill with stuffy and suffering sound* "..y,,es.....w...wate.water..."--Nightmare gently moves Dream to a sitting position propped up on the pillows as his tentacles fill a cup with water. He then holds it up to Dream's mouth reluctant to hand the glass to his brother.*Dream let out a weak suffering moan before opening his mouth as he took a small drink*Nightmare put the glass back once his brother was done. "How are you feeling right now?" he asks gently.*The sick guardian lay half down sitting as his head look up with weak half open eyes, he sniff and cough a bit time slowly able to answer as his nose ran more* "Sniff...raspy , stuff,up... like someone beat upon me.....i got a aches everywhere.. -" *answer in a raspy voice , he then held his mouth as he cough more louder*Nightmare hummed thoughtfully as he passed Dream a box of tissues. "I can prepare you a hot bath to get rid of the aches or give you painkillers. Which do you prefer?"----"I....don't....b both c could -.." *A a a a- *he reach for one tissue let out a sneeze blowing as well* work.." *he got done saying weaker as he drop the tissue in hand * *with the other* *Ink cross his arms waiting* :Ink: "Maybe blue went outside...cross you seen him ?"-Nightmare nodded and got up. "I will get the water going and come back to you in a second." he says. *With others* "Last I saw him in the kitchen, but it's possible that he did." Cross says confused. Killer sights "Well, either way I need to find him so why don't we go and check." he says.--*Ink nodded* "He does this thing a lot in the lovely young cool likes to go out..." *Ink made way ahead sounded piss off about something* *Dream's room* "Okay..." *he reply weak before unwillingly shutting his eyes*The dark Sanses looked at each other confused and followed the guardian quietly. Nightmare went to the adjacent bathroom and turned on the taps. Then he returned to the bedroom "I will carry you there, okay?" he says reluctantly reaching toward his brother.*The positive guardian listen with Shut half close as he simply nodded weak before moaning in pain ache sounds* *outside* *Blue wasn't far only a few feet admiring some tress *Nightmare gathers Dream in his arms untangling him from his covers and settles his brother on his hip, holding him with one hand, tentacle wrapped around his back in case he starts to tople over.--*The guardian breath easy while moaning on and off eyes shut as his face fade as more colors* *Ink spotted him outside first* :Ink: "Blue!" *he spoke up on mood* *Blue turn in shock* "Oh... *Blue spotted the other two* "Hi friends.."------Killer with others following behind him shook the laundry basket "You have any clothes to wash!?" he asks. *with Nightmare* The dark skeleton checked the temperature of the water with his elbow and satisfied with the temperature reached to pour some bath salts in the bath tub, letting it dissolve in the still filling tub. Then he set his brother down on the toilet seat and started gently undressing him.**With the others* *turning on his boots blue greeted with a welcoming smiled* :Blue: "Yeah in my room.." *he then made his way *with dream* cough!" .....*he kept his eyes shut and aches more*----Nightmare finished undressing Dream and took him into his arms and then put him in the bath tub "Is the water too hot?" he asks quietly. Killer went after Blue while others kept company to Ink with wary glances at the angry guardian.---------------*Soon as dream feel the nice hot touch he would let out a high breathing but it was started to becomes soothing as he soon settle in the tub laying still as he kept shut and relax eyes*,he would then reply in a relief voice* "" *with ink* *Ink had a thinking look as his eyes move up and cross his arms, *with blue * "Here they are!" *blue exclaimed holding the messy clothes in his arms passing them over* "Thanks" Killer says and separates from the others to go to the laundry room in the basement. *With Nightmare* He turned off the water and sat back on the toilet seat.*Dream lay in the nice hot tub as he breath out and in relax as his aching ease up a little already* *with ink* *Ink also finally separates from everyone to go back up in a piss off matter* "What is the matter with him?" Dust asks looking after the Guardian "Is he going through a temper tantrum or what?" he looks at Blue "Is that normal for him?" *Ink walk up bitterly up to his door opening and slamming it behind*Nightmare frowned hearing the door being slammed two rooms down the hall. 'Ink, huh? I will need to deal with it later.' Meanwhile Horror sighed and left the others to go to the kitchen to went a little. Dust followed him, leaving Cross and Blue alone. "You think Ink is okay?" he asks the small guardian.*Blue turn to face cross worried looking before smiling hopeful* :Blue: "Maybe not now but i'm sure in the long run he will be..." *the guardian reply sweet and with, reassurance*Cross nodded with a smile. "I hope so. As long as he doesn't turn violent Nightmare won't interfere with his venting, maybe except trying to get him to talk." *blue brow lower sad but staying positive as he nodded* *Ink's room *The artist au would stand next to his clam door holding his mouth in a high rate of anger and fear, as well as stress,* He blink upset before tilted head and narrow eyes as he reach into his vail pack taken out a mysterious purple vail of some kind or so they appear *-"You think it's a good idea to leave him alone when he is like that?" Cross asks tilting his head "I don't know how he deals with emotions, so I don't know what to do." he finishes shrugging his arms.*with blue and cross* *blue's skull lower confused* "Huh? no i don't think it that's serious.. You don't think he too far off right?" "Nah, not until we hear that he starts smashing things, I think." Cross says with a small smile. *blue in reaction form a sweet comfort smiled* *with dream* *the guardian started to look a bit less pale and nose and ache even look clear and at ease as he rest inside* Nightmare smiled and stretched slightly popping his stiff bones with a small groan. *With Cross* "Well it's been a while since breakfast, I'm going to see if Horror will let me get a snack. You want some too?" Cross asks pointing towards the kitchen. *The blue little guardian skull brow shifted up in a excited and happy smiled* :Blue: "That's sound delightful!" *Blue exclaimed joyfully* *with ink* *ink Would sadly and temping glare down upon the vail before tighten his grip on it* Cross skipped to the kitchen and headed to the cupboard holding sweets. Horror was mixing some ingredients in a bowl and only shot a small glare toward the other but otherwise stayed silent. Dust was sitting at the table sipping tea. *Blue burst out joyfully jumping* "HI friends!!!" *With ink* He would then clench the hand holding the vail now sighing shutting eyes before looking on thinking* Dust salute to Blue with his cup with a smirk and Horror nodds glancing at Cross "Don't eat too much sweets or Nightmare will put a ban on sugar again." he says with a mock shudder while Cross pouts clutching at the big jar of cookies. *Blue gave a thanks nod before headed off to enjoy some sweats* The two monsters left in the kitchen exchanged amused looks and went back to what they were doing.*Ink would step out silently ,making his way across the hall* Cross was sitting on the couch munching on cookies. *Ink storm into dream room only to find no one, not even dream was inside, ink look with a narrow face* Nightmare heard someone enter the room and got up to check. He opened the door slightly and peeked out to see Ink. *The aus guardian stand shifted where he waited* "Do you need anything?" Nightmare asked looking at Ink as he entered the bedroom and left the door to the bathroom slightly cracked to hear if Dream called for him. *ink face shifted to a offended narrows look before turning around slower to face nightmare with a tight haste face* ...."Where is dream?" *he ask in a low voice but with much hostile spoken and show* Nightmare crossed his arms "He's sore so he's taking a warm bath." he says with a neutral voice. "Sore..i thought he was sick?" *ink asked bitter* Nightmare rubbed his brow irritated "He got sick because he got drenched in the rain, his bones got chilled and now they ache. Have you never gotten sick?" he asks sounding tired of the Guardian's attitude.----"Okay... *The guardian start up calmly raising skull brows, then going on more bitter with a smart mouth* Well i'm glad 'someone ' is here looking for out him , wow *turn his eyes away rocking in his boots * left for dead in the cold shivering rain and got sick and now even had sore bones...while you was supposed to be watching him.. *turn from him more* good thing he's a resilient one..otherwise dream may not be here...thanks to you."----Nightmare growled and walked up to Ink he grabbed his chin and turned the Guardian's head to face him firmly "I don't like your tone. If you want to tell me something you don't have to hide behind sarcastic retorts. You already made it clear that you blame me for Dream getting sick. Dream is not a small child that needs watching 24/7 and he has right to go for a walk when he needs space to think. I did not expect him to get a panic attack and he did not tell me that he left. Tell me what is your problem, without hiding behind blaming me, now." he says seriously looking him in the eyes unblinking, the grip not bruising but firm enough for Ink to be unable to escape his stare. **The guardian stand still as he stared back with a frightened and lower guard stared a bit off taken, as he went quiet for a moment, His only reaction by pulling his head trying to yank his chin away* "Ah-no, you don't" Nightmare kept his hold not letting the guardian back off "You came here to talk so talk. I'm listening and I don't want to hear any lies." Nightmare chided the guardian with serious eyes. *He let out a small moan upon being firmly held still and kept in place, after listen his eyes widen a bit intimidate * "..." *it took him a moment to reply in a shaky tone* "F..fine.. i - *he made himself calm down shutting eyes* "I...still...don't trust you... *Open eyes bitter* "Why..cause your the same evil monster you always been.." -------Nightmare narrowed his eyes "I didn't expect you to suddenly trust me. And I'm certainly not the same way as I was before I got the corruption under control, if I was we would not have been able to talk like that. I keep the balance, I don't expect any of you to accept it, not Blue, nor Dream and certainly not you. I want to help, but I'm not some omnipotent being that doesn't make mistakes. Your lack of trust makes you see the situation right now as if I let Dream get sick on purpose when I didn't. I already explained to Dream why I can't let negativity disappear and I accept that Dream doesn't accept that." Nightmare says calmly not letting go waiting for Ink's response. *Ink didn't say another word only glaring frightened and hateful* Nightmare sighed letting go. I'm going back to Dream. You can wait until he is done with his bath if you want to talk to him." Nightmare says turning around to head back to the bathroom. *Ink clench his teeth* *taken a closing step* "You can wait a long to see dream..i don't want you anywhere near him.ever.again." *he reply firm and coldly* Nightmare looks over his shoulder "I don't plan on leaving him until he tells me he wants me to." Nightmare says reaching for the doorknob. *ink 's eyes glare colder * "Like that would matter what dream never did before.." *he answer in a smart mouth* "Because I thought he doesn't need me, the corrupted me that runs on negativity. And in the future after his problems are resolved he probably won't need me anymore and you will get your wish." Nightmare says with forced neutrality though his voice was shaking slightly. "Like you ever leave him be...cause deep down you want him back.." *cross his arms forcing a relax tone* "don't get me wrong if dream was my brother i feel the same, unbreakable bond, too bad your his brother." Nightmare smiled bitterly "Yes, I want him back, but I would never force him to be with me. It would not be the same." Nightmare says calmly with diluted eye-lights from difficult emotions. *Ink's roll his eyes bitterly * Nightmare ignored him and entered the bathroom again with a forced smile. "Brother?" *Dream would ask looking from the in his bath tub with open eyes weak* *ink's room* *Ink now sat down his bed and took a breather before his eyes widen slower in a froze fear shock and narrow horror as he heard familiar clapping and humming as he turn his head slower and ever so,reluctant and frightened * *X-gaster sat in a chair crossing one leg over as he had the most dark and menacing smiled casting over ink, Ink eyes widen in horror* 'he's not here...he couldn't be' *his mind whisper in fear*----"It's alright, I was just talking with Ink." Nightmare says trying to sound reassuring. "Do you want to stay in the bath tub or get out?" he asks gently*-----*Dream eyes move up to look better trying to eye his brother better, but stay still* "Maybe a little's easing up,," *he sweetly but achingly reply* *Ink's room* *Ink would be froze fully where he stand in wide eyes horror as his eyes flash to black* *-X/gaster 's smiling grin only widen* *he would speak tilted his head up and for the first time in so long ink would not only hear but see him as he spoke watching in horrifyingly captivating fear* -:X-Gaster: "".... *The man started up with a creepy horror low sinister whisper *Lean his head in closer with a sinister, horrish grin* "Aww, what's the matter, you look like you seen a ghost.." *His voice got more real and mocking as well as haunted* *ink mouth widen in shell-shocked *Nightmare nodds and sits on the toilet seat, his shoulders tense, his tentacles swaying behind him and his hands clasped tightly together. "Y you ok brother?" *A weak dream ask brow going up*Nightmare smiled shakily "I'm alright, nothing I can't deal with on my own. You just worry about getting better." Nightmare says while trying to relax.-----------*Dream look up in understanding* "Okay.." *He calmly reply* *Ink's room* *Ink would back up shaky and utter frightened from the man who didn't even make a move upon him* *The man lean his head back smiling with a sweet/devilish grin* (Ink) "Go...away.." *he whisper in horror* *X-gaster tilted his head and let out a small evil chuckle before glaring back to ink* :X-gaster: "Now,now is that really how you wanna greet your old pal?" *ink back up a step more* :Ink: *High panting* "You.- *he grown Mortified rocking in his boots** *he stared as the man smiled delighted the whole time* You're not here you can't be why are you here go away!!!!!" -----Nightmare shuddered as he felt some intense feelings crawl down his spine. 'What the-' he thought looking in the general direction it was coming from.------*Ink's room* *X-Gaster would put his cross leg down and shifted up right in his chair* :X-Gaster: "Ah, so you're, still playing dumb i see...good to see you too ink.. *His tone grown more dark and creepy as ink turn his head on guard or rather try to look brave and stand up narrow * by the way before you get too wild up or think of calling for nightmare.......i assure you my dear ink....., nightmare won't be able to back us up here... - *Ink cut him off bitterly and frightened utterly snapping* "How are you here!!" *X-gaster hushes him holding a finger to his mouth* "Don't worry little ink, i'm not here.....not physically yet...though now that you are finally seeing me as so... *a horrorish creepy smiled curl up* *ink eyes widen in fear and shock* Nightmare frowned "Will you be alright for a moment Dream? I need to check something." Nightmare says looking at his brother.------"I'll be okay.." *dream reply weak and caring shutting his eyes* *Ink's room* *X-gaster would raise to his feet as he creepily walk slower up to the now shaking guardian who watch horrifyingly captivating

*,ink panting frightened utter as he flinches back as the man smiled darkly down upon the guardian before reaching a sinister hand to ink's chin as ink whimper and try to pull his head away but the man had a good swift grab and pull on his chin holding his face up to look at him* :X-gaster: " will let you in on something...* he spoke in whisper strongly and haunting as well as powerful* i got big new good plans coming...and i always get what i matter how long the list or the and how rough the tasks ...and dear sweet, ink... *Pull him closer by force with his hold he tighten on as ink gasped and whimper * I plan to get back very soon..." Nightmare smiled and walked out heading to Ink's room. Once at the door he knocked loudly and came in without waiting for the answer. *Ink would be found alone on his knees gasping for air* Nightmare came closer and kneeled at a distance from Ink, he knocked several times on the floor to get the other's attention "What happened?" he asks gently, uncaring of the other's hostility from earlier in the face of the present problem. *Ink flinch as if he heard and saw but eyes gaze kept away* Nightmare sighed "I just want to know what caused you to feel so strongly I got wind of it two rooms down. I want to know if you are in danger. Answer truthfully and I will leave you if this is what you want." he says strongly. *Ink look in a true shock as he panting and began shutting down* Nightmare frowned "Ink knock on the ground if you understand me. One for yes two for no. Okay." he says carefully *INK Shaking would slowly reach down a hand and knock one time..* Nightmare smiled "Okay. Did you have a flashback or a panic attack?" he asks gently *SHAKE his head rocking* "Hey, it's alright, just breathe for now. Did something scare you?" he asks next------"Huff...y yes...." *Answer startle * Nightmare's tentacles twitched "Was that something X Gaster?" he asks gently----*Ink's in distress look his head up meeting glare in shock*---Nightmare smiled weakly "He is the only person I can think of that would elicit such a reaction from you. Even during our fights I never felt such a fear from you towards me." he says the last sentence in a teasing tone. "Do you want to talk about what happened with me, or would you rather talk with Blue or Dream?" he asks after a brief pause. "No!" *He cried now flinches over grabbing the negative one's hand firmly* "I...can't....involved them, he'll....hurt them....please.. *His eyes look with a utterly frightened painful stared* "Stay with me.." Nightmare squeezed the other's hand lightly and nodded . "Alright, but I need to know everything. I won't judge you, but if I don't know what I'm dealing with I won't know what to do." he says firmy but with gentle eye-lights. *Ink's eyes widen in dread before lowering* "...N no, i i- can't- *He turn his head away* ----Nightmare gently nudges Ink to face him. "No matter how X Gaster threatened you I brought you here and now you are one of mine, and I protect what is mine to the best of my ability. I will do everything I can to protect you from him. But I don't know what I'm dealing with and going in this completely blind is equal to a suicide. Let me help you." he whispers looking at Ink. "WHY YOU HATE ME!!!?" *He answer in tears breaking down* Nightmare frowned "I don't hate you. You are infuriating in your denial of accepting the fact that negativity and destruction are necessary for balance, but I don't hate you. I have a short temper but I know that you are also important for the balance. And I reserve my hatred for abusers." he says quietly*---------------*The guardian's eyes lower and grown distraught * "..Well you should hate me...!" *turn his head* "I hated you!" Nightmare chuckled "And I don't blame you for it. I certainly don't inspire any friendly feelings with the work I do." he says in an understanding voice. "Why then? why help me?" i thought you did bad work?" *He asked lower and freaking * "Firstly, the balance needs not only me and Error but also you and Dream, it's a never ending circle. Secondly, I don't like what little I heard of X Gaster and his toying with the multiverse. Thirdly, I just want to." he says raising his fingers with each argument. *Ink look back strongly with mix feelings* " simple, even if i told you, it won't change anything." sounded broken* "Alone you also won't be able to do anything." Nightmare says trying to reason with the guardian. "It...hurt too much..." *he reply holding his head as his tone grown intense* Nightmare frowned "You mean there is some blockade that stops you from taking about it." *Ink froze up* *before turning his stress full head back* "I don't know what want me to say?""Sorry, I guess it also reacts to nonverbal means of communication. I will have to go in blind. The biggest mistery to me are the specyfications of the Rewrite." he mused out loud.*Ink began to head out his door*Nightmare got up from the floor. "Where are you going?" he asks quietly. "I'm going to check on dream!" *he answer in a stress mumble* Nightmare nodded with a smile. I left him in the bath. I hope he didn't try to leave the tub alone." he says absent-mindedly following the guardian. *Ink made across the hall and came upon the half crack open bathroom.* "Dream!" *Ink creep it open* Nightmare followed closely peeking over Ink's shoulder. *Ink reaches in closer * "Dream, buddy p ahh!!" *The tub and fill with the hot water but both dream and his clothes was gone*

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