Chapter 3 - the Reason

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"Abe are you sure this is a good idea." I asked.
He stopped and got in front of me. "Grace, yes I do. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, then we won't ok. Whatever you are comfortable with." Abe responded.
"Ok. I want to go in, and talk." I said. As we went in this man looked horrible. I felt sorry for him. "Hello I am Grace. I am the sister of the man you hit. I just wanted to forgive you."
"Is your brother ok? I am so sorry I didn't mean to hit him. What was he like?" The man said.
"My brother died. I know you didn't mean to hit him. He was 17 and a good follower of Christ and brought many people to him. I forgive you because Christ forgave me." I replied.
"How do you have a personal relationship with Christ?" The man asked.
Now I know the reason God put me in the hospital. He put me here to bring the man to Christ. "Well first you have to ask him into your heart. Would you like me to help you?" I asked. Abe left the room to go get something real quick.
"Yes, I would like some help." He replied.
"Repeat after me. Dear Lord, I know I am a sinner. I come before you right now to ask for forgiveness. I pray that you will come into my heart and help me get rid of my sin for good. I know that you died for my sins, so I could live for you. Amen." We said together.
"I feel better." He said.
When he said that Abe came in with a bible and some notebook paper and a pencil.
"Here you can take notes while you read the bible." Abe said.
"Thanks!" He said. "How do I get to know Christ better?"
"Well you should read the bible, and go to church. Also pray. But while you are in the hospital you can watch the church I go to online." I replied.
"Are you her other brother?" He asked.
"No, I am her fiancé." Abe said.
"Well, it looks like you're going to have a great wife. Grace why are you in the hospital?" He asked.
"I fell and slipped earlier today. I broke my leg and got a small concussion." I replied.
"I hope you get better." He said.
The doctor came in then and said they had to do tests on him, so we had to leave. Abe pushed me down the hall back to my room. He picked me up and put me on my bed.
"Hey Grace, I have got to go. My mom needs me to help her with assembling her new bed. Also, it's getting late. See you tomorrow. Love you Grace." Abe said.
"See you tomorrow. Love you." I said.
He kissed me on the forehead, and then he left. I was alone again, but at least I had something to do. I flipped to one of the puzzles in the book and did it. Then I decided to go to bed.
The next morning Abe was there at 8 a.m.
"Hey good morning. I brought us some breakfast." Abe said.
"Thanks, you are going to spoil me. You know that." I said.
"Yea, but maybe I like to." He said.
"Well maybe I don't." I said sarcastically.
"Why wouldn't you like to get spoiled." Abe said.
"I was joking." I said.
"I know." Abe said
We ate breakfast and talked a while. Abe said I would be out of the hospital by 12:30 today.
"Hey Grace, here is your wheelchair and your crutches. No cooking until I say you can. Ok?" The doctor asked.
"Ok." I replied.
"We can still do that idea that I had yesterday." Abe said.
"I know." I said.
"I can't wait to marry you." Abe said.
"You tell me that every day." I said.
Abe put me in the wheelchair, and he went and took care of everything that needed taken care of. Abe took me out to the car and put me in the front seat, but he had to push it back all the way. He put me in the car, and we grabbed some lunch for me, Abe and his mom. We headed to his mom's house so we could eat lunch, and I could tell her thanks.
"Hey, Abe. I love you. I can't wait to marry you. You are going to spoil me rotten." I said.
"Hey, when you love someone you spoil them." Abe said.
"Whatever." I said.
Once we got to his house, he got me out of the wheelchair and pushed me into the house. When I first saw his mom, I said thanks. She said it was nothing. After that Abe took me home, and got me out of the wheelchair and put me in my bed. After Abe left, my mom came in.
"Hey, do you feel any better?" She asked.
"My head doesn't hurt, but my leg aches." I said.
"Did you already eat?" She asked.
"Yes, Abe got me some food and we ate at his house. We went there so I could thank his mom." I replied.
"Do you want to rest a while?" She asked.
"Yea, but wake me up before dinner." I said. She left and I laid down. I slept till about 6. My whole family ate in my room. They all had presents for me. I got word puzzles, puzzles, sudoku's, pillow making set, and a sewing machine.

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