chapter 2

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"It's so nice not having school anymore."

Betty says nuzzling her head into Peter's neck.

"Tell me about it. I don't have to worry about homework now. Just saving the world."

"Ah yes. Because that's so much better."

Peter checks his phone looking at the time.

"You wanna go out?"


"A walk? With a picnic?"


They both get ready and walk out the door, heading to a nearby park. Betty lays down the blanket as Peter sets out the food.

"This is beautiful. Thank you Peter."

She sticks a grape into her mouth when she hears a whiz of something going past her ear.

"What the hell was that!"

Peter put his hand on Betty's shoulder protectively. Betty hears another whiz, this time, causing Peter to cry out in pain.

"Peter? PETER? Are you okay? What happened?"

Peter looks at his jacket, part of it burnt off.

"Someone is shooting at us with lasers WE HAVE TO GO COME ON."

Peter pulls Betty up as they begin to run into the streets of New York. Peter puts on his suit and pulls Betty aside.

"I need you to get somewhere safe okay."

"But what about you! These people are shooting lasers I-"

"I'll be fine. I'll see you soon."

Peter shoots his web and swings away looking for the culprit.


Betty yells defeated. She runs into a TV shop watching the news about Spider-Man and the battle brewing.

"Breaking news! Spider-Man is currently battling attackers with intergalactic weapons!"

Betty bites her lip nervously.

"Come on Peter..."

"Oh no! It appears Spider-Man has been injured-"

The second Betty heard that statement she rushed over to the park where Peter was currently. She saw him laying on the ground groaning with pain.

"Peter! It's okay. It's okay. I'll help you."

"No... No Betty. You need to get out of here."

Before she could respond Betty got yanked back by the attackers, completely covered in metal armor. As she laid on the floor, she studied areas in their armor that weren't protected. She grabbed a metal pipe from the wreckage surrounded her, kicking the first guy off of Peter.


She kicked him into the ground, slamming the metal pipe into his neck, knocking the wind out of him, making him unconscious. Betty grabbed the laser beam off of him and pointed it at the other armored man. She pulled the trigger twice, blasting him to the ground. He lay there unmoving as Betty breathed a sigh of relief. That was short-filled as a laser beam was shot at her side and she collapses onto the floor. Peter, who was recovering watched as she fell.


Peter runs over and shoots a taser web at the soilder, the electricity finally taking him down. He picks up Betty, terrified of what happened.

"Betty? Betty? Please wake up. Please."

He gently shakes her as her eyelids flutter open. Peter lets out a sigh of relief. Betty lunges forward and hugs him, then lets out a yell of pain. Peter lifts up her shirt, seeing a slight burn from the laser.

"It barely missed you. Thank god. Here, let me help you up."

Betty leans on Peter, still in pain. She looks up and sees thousands of people staring at her. Suddenly, they all begin cheering. Paparazzi comes up to her, asking billions of questions.

"How does it feel saving your boyfriend from intergalactic monsters?"

"Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"What's it like dating Spider-Man?"

Peter gives Betty a protective hug.

"Please no questions guys. She needs to rest."

He wraps his hand around her waist and shoots a web, pulling them away from the crowd. Peter lays her down on the bed, bandaging up her wound.

"Why would you do that Betty. You could've died. You almost did!"

"So did you! I can't just stand there and do nothing Peter! If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do with myself!"

Peter holds both of her hands.

"Betty I cant lose you again."

"You'll never lose me. Ever."

The moment gets ruined by Peter's phone ringing.

"Hello? Oh hey Happy what's up? Right now? Are you sure? Okay. Uh... okay? See you soon..."

"What's up? What happened?"

"They need me at HQ... And they want to see you too."

"Me? Why me?"

"I guess we'll find out."

They two drive up to the Avengers headquarters. When they walk in they are greeted by Pepper Potts and Happy.


Peter says.

"So what did you need us for?"


Pepper said.

"Come take a walk with me you two."

They begin walking around.

"So... I saw what happened on the news today."

"Pepper I'm sorry-"

"Oh you're fine Peter don't worry. There are new threats coming. Not just normal robberies or cats stuck in trees, but intergalactic warfare. They're targeting us. Humans, Avengers, everyone. With Tony gone... Everything is just harder..."

"So what do you need me to do?"

"Not just you... Both of you?"


Betty chimes in.

"I saw you out there today Betty. The way you fight is spectacular and could be even better with some constant training."

"What do you mean Mrs. Stark?"

"Betty. How would you like to join the Avengers?"

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