Part 12

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You awoke in the morning to the feeling of someone running their fingers through your hair. When you opened your eyes, you found that your head was resting in Smaug's lap.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said with a smile.

"Hey there," you said sleepily, stretching your arms.

"Would you like some breakfast?" he asked.

"It depends."

"On what?" he asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"On whether you're taking me inside to eat normal food or if you're going to try to feed me one of your kills."

Laughing he replied, "What happened to your adventurous spirit? Fine, we will go inside."

Then he helped you up off the ground and, hand in hand, you two walked up to the great hall. Upon arriving, he escorted you to a seat and said, "Wait here while I prepare your breakfast, my lady." Then he kissed your hand and gave you a wink before turning and heading off to fix your plate.

As he walked away, you couldn't help but admire his perfect physique. His body was an ideal combination of strength and beauty, much like his personality. Those broad shoulders and muscular arms represented his protective instincts while his smooth, graceful movements reflected his gentle, affectionate nature.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Gandalf sitting down across from you. "I need to speak to you right away. This is urgent."


Gimli was standing on the other side of the room watching Smaug study the table full of food. It was obvious that he had no idea what he was doing. What do dragons know about such things after all? Gimli walked up beside him and asked as innocently as he could manage, "Is something wrong?"

"What is that?" Smaug asked, pointing at the first plate on the table.

"That's bread."

"Is it edible?" He was now holding a piece of it up in front of his face and eyeing it suspiciously.

"Aye, it is."

Although he still seemed to not trust the piece of bread entirely, he put it on your plate.

"What are those yellow, fluffy things?"

"Those are eggs."

Smaug looked at Gimli with an expression of pure horror on his face.

"And your kind called me a monster! At least I never snatched a developing young one out of the safety and comfort of its shell and devoured it!"

Gimli rolled his eyes. "They are unfertilized eggs. It is not what you think. You should try them. They taste delicious."

Smaug looked sickened at the idea. "No, thank you. I was an egg once myself. It would be wrong."

Moving farther down, he found several different kinds of cooked meats. "Why do you people insist on ruining perfectly good meat?"

"Because not everyone likes for their food to still be alive and kicking, dragon-boy."


"That is why I must leave for Gondor immediately, and I will be taking Pippin with me."

Gandalf had just finished telling you about the events of the previous night, and of his decision to leave Rohan before the rest of you.

"What do you want me to do, Gandalf?"

"I do not know. I fear Mordor's armies will descend upon Minas Tirith long before Theoden and his men arrive, but I will not have you and Smaug be the primary target of such an evil host."

Taking your old friend's hand in yours you said, "That is a decision he and I will make, and whatever we do, it will be our responsibility and ours alone."

Just then, Smaug appeared and placed your plate down in front of you. You tried to hide your surprise at the sight which lay before you. On the plate sat one lonely piece of bread. He must of sensed your disappointment because he said, "I am sorry, but it was the only remotely acceptable thing available. If you like it, I will be happy to get you another."

Trying to fight back a laugh at his expense, you thanked him and patted the seat next to you. As he sat down, Gandalf stood up saying, "We really must be leaving. Whatever you decide to do, please be careful."

"I'm in good hands," you said, motioning to Smaug. "Be safe, Gandalf. And take good care of Pip for me."

"I promise I will." Then he gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze before heading towards the door.

"What is going on?" Smaug asked. You proceeded to repeat everything Gandalf had told you and laid out all of the available options. When you had finished, you rubbed your palms against your face and muttered, "I don't know what to do."

As you stared at the table, his eyes were focused intently on you. There were a multitude of emotions running through you at the moment: fear, anxiety, helplessness, and confusion, just to name a few. He picked up on every single one of them.

"What would you do if you felt you had nothing to lose?" he asked.

"I'd go to Minas Tirith. That's where we're most needed."

"Then go we shall."

"No, it's too dangerous."

Taking your hand in his, he said, "You do not have to worry. I will protect you, with my life if necessary-"

"That's what I'm worried about!" you interrupted, turning to look at him. "Who will protect you? I won't let-"

Your words were cut off by him placing his lips against yours. It was a gentle kiss. You noted how soft and a smooth his lips felt, as if they were made of the finest silk. Yet they were warm, like a breeze on a summer night. The heat from his lips spread through your whole body at an almost alarming rate. But then the kiss ended as suddenly as it had begun.

As he slowly pulled back he whispered, "I am sorry if that was a strange thing to do, but the impulse to do it was overwhelming."

"You don't have to apologize."

"I am not accustomed to having someone care for me. There are no words to describe how honored I am that you are the one to do so."

Staring into his eyes, which were now a calming shade of blue, you said, "I have always cared for you Smaug, and I always shall. Until the end of my days."

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