Chapter 16 - Yoongi-hyung, I Suggest

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=Jin's PoV=

Once upon a time, it was all nice. The worries were infinite but filled with hope; none that I have left. No, you're not in the wrong book, but let me take you back to a few hours earlier.

A Few Hours Earlier

"Good luck Jin-hyung~!" Jungkook yelled as a walk to my destination. He and Prince Taehyung were waving me goodbye as they get themselves ready to head to the same location I'm going; just in a different position.

It all lead up to this moment: the final competition. I sweat a little thinking about the many futures I would have if Prince Yoongi choose to choose or not to choose me; working in the castle or at that darn Seven-Eleven.

I was met with a big hall adorned in a continuous parting of a floral mural that seemed like it was from the 18th century yet had a modern touch; best of all the roof was covered with a glass dome. I could expect that you would be able to watch the stars fall from the sky during a meteor shower.

Next to me were 6 people who looked like they were in the same condition as I am. There were 7 chairs lined right next to each other by 2 feet; im assuming that was our seat. I chose the third one from the left* and motioned for everyone else to join me, in which they did.

*A/N: Haha, get the reference?

They all settled down but still twitched and moved a little from the excitement and nervousness that had been brought upon themselves. I too was quite the excited guy, but I'm too posh to mention it.

"Welcome, everyone, to the last day here for the six of you and the beginning of a job-ful adventure for one. How this works is that me and he other princes will decide on who we will suggest to Yoongi-hyung for him to pick as his new royal butler. Since you all have come very far, we've decided to give you each $500,000 whether it be a direct deposit to your bank accounts or in cash. It took us quite the long time to decide, but please do not get your feelings hurt if we do not mention you."

One by one the princes all stepped out from what seems to be nowhere and placed a chair directly opposing us and sat down. Since there was 6 of the princes and 7 of us, the last person on the row missed out and didn't get the chance. While I was observing each and every prince, the shiny face in front of me lit up and smiled; that must be Prince Hoseok.

He looked just as good or even better than before when we met at his competition. I smiled back hoping that he would choose me to suggest to Prince Yoongi. 

"Yoongi-hyung, I suggest Ryeom Jae," Prince Namjoon said.

I sweat a little thinking back to yesterday and our candy shop trip. Did I mess up? Did I make a bad impression? Was my attitude so bad that Prince Namjoon had to get his mom to get him out of the situation?

"Yoongi-hyung, I suggest Chinhae," Prince Hoseok said.

Maybe I haven't known Prince Hoseok that much. During the cleaning competition he was keeping an eye on us; but it was probably just for Chinhae. But the others will pick me right? I've known them more.

"Yoongi-hyung, I suggest Seokjin," Prince Jimin said.

My mind calmed down after Prince Jimin said that. Thank goodness he suggested me! He doesn't know how much he made my day. If I do make it, having Prince Jimin around would be just what I need.

"Yoongi-hyung, I suggest Mi Hwan," Prince Taehyung said.

I start to sweat a little. I thought all of the younger princes will choose me. Perhaps they've spent their time with someone else. I mean, I can't say it's bad, it's a prince thing. But I just feel hurt, in a way that I can't describe. It's like being betrayed but you signed up for it. Please, please, please, Prince Jungkook, call my name out.

A heavy gulp could be heard from most of the people in the room. "Yoongi-hyung, I suggest....


My heart wasn't suppose to crush. It wasn't suppose to shatter. I knew it when I entered that I wouldn't succeed.. but Chinhae... why must I feel jealous for someone who was walking along with me? Maybe my donkey-drawn wagon just couldn't compare to his modern-day car on this rocky road we're taking. But... we are just the same... why am I thinking that he has more advantages when we are given the same arsenal of skills?

"Since you guys suggest Chinhae with the best set of skills, I will select him to become my personal butler. Thank you for coming here everyone, it has been a pleasure to meet you."

"Everyone except Chinhae, your private escort vehicles will be set up outside. You may pack your belongings and head out onto the garage. To pick up the money, your vehicle will be stopped at the gate and you will be given a check or cash. It's your choice."

The Present

So that's that. I shove the rest of my remaining items into the trunk of the car along with my broken heart and forever memories.

Just as Prince Yoongi said, we were stopped by the gate to receive my money. I told the man behind the pane I wanted straight cash because my bank account takes more money than I would spend.

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't give you the money."

My face scrunched up because I felt like I had just been cheated on by getting my hopes too high. I just sighed out loud but I couldn't really do anything about it. I rolled the window up and waited for the gate to rise but it never did.

I turned back around to face the man and rolled my window back down.

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't let you leave the area either. Actually, you're suppose to be back in the castle in room #104."

The car reversed and now we were heading back into the garage backwards. The guy driving motioned me to open the door and head back inside, which I did obediently. 

*Skip to heading to room because Author-nim is lazy once more hehe*

I could hear some rustling inside of the room I was told to go to. I put my hand on the handle and twisted it, to be met with a head of hair in my face. The hair turned around and showed that it was actually Prince Jimin.

"Surprise hyung!"

Word Count: 1106

Date Published: June 22, 2020

A/N: Thank you so much for putting up with me and my terribly inconstant updates! I've been reaching out into other hobbies lately, especially gaming, and that was all I really did, so I don't really have an excuse to say why I don't upload. This chapter was a lot of fun to make because it was so nerve wrecking to Jin, but I don't write emotions well and I am also not equipped with that much vocabulary to use. 

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