Chapter 21 - Visiting Friend

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=Seokjin's PoV=

       I head on over to Prince Namjoon and Prince Yoongi's room. I'm sure at this time of day at least one would be available, and I was correct. Namjoon was in the room. 

     Since he is Prince Yoongi's roommate and all, I suppose that he knows a thing or two about Chinhae. After my conversation with Hobi, I believe that visiting an 'old friend' would be best if I were to louse around this castle all day long.

     It seems that he already noticed me, so he raised one eyebrow as if questioning why I was here. I giggled, his raised eyebrow looked funny. 

     "Do you know where Chinhae is? I haven't seen him in a long time and I want to visit him!" I excitingly said. 

     "Oh," Prince Namjoon thought, "Yoongi's butler... hm.... I think he is in room #360? I do remember that he was given a suite and usually butlers and maids are the rooms in the 300-400 category."

     "Ah, thank you! I now owe you a favour; but does it really count if im your assistant? hm..."

     Namjoon laughed, "Don't think too much about it."

     The sunny view as i was walking to Chinhae's suite was wonderful. Unlike most sunny days, there were a few clouds in the sky that caste shadows below, something I hope to lay under the clouds and feel the feeling of the sun not being in my face.

     It was rather silent in the hallway due to all the people doing their job, but I just had a hunch that Chinhae would be on break. A right hunch, once again.

     Chinhae was resting; however, he wasn't in his room, he was on the couch in the staff's lounge. I won't lie the staff lounge looks pretty epic, something that I would choose to relax in myself. I pat Chinhae's shoulder expecting him to be surprise but he just sat there, calm. 

     "You know that my phone screen reflects, showing that you're here, right?"


     "Hello there old buddy," He stands up and hugs me, "I've missed our usual talks. Why don't you sit down with me?"

     "That I would."

     "So say, what have you've been doing lately?" Chinhae asked.

     I replied, "my schedule's pretty different from yours I do think. Prince Yoongi must be giving you quite the workload am I right?"


     "Well... I've kinda been the opposite. It was pretty boring, no one really asked for my help whatsoever. That was why I came to find you!"

     "Wow...." Chinhae marveled, "I wish my life was like your's. Heck, even my paycheck is less! So much for auditioning." He chuckles.

     Chinhae asks, "would you mind if you tell me when your birthday is? I'll tell you mine." 

     At that point, we exchanged birthdays. I hadn't noticed that all the time I spent inside of the castle lead me to not realising that my birthday's in a month! 

     "Do you want to talk every other day again? How about here at this lounge at this time?"


=Jungkook's PoV= 

     Great, the spawn of satan has arrive. Along with their tribe. 

     "It's been a while since we've met again, oppa." 

     I don't even want to look at her direction. What was the point of mother asking us to sit in the living room and talk while she goes and cut fruit? It made no sense to me. 

     Namjoon-hyung cleared his throat. "So what brings you here, Mr. and Mrs. Shin?"                 

     "Ohoho, don't you all remember?" Mrs. Shin laughs, "one of you will be marrying my sweet pride and joy right here."

     "Yep, that's me!"

     You could almost hear all of my hyungs groan. I honestly don't understand whats up with them forcing us to marry that stupid daughter of theirs. Sure, she may be skilled an pretty and all that shit, but that is all but nothing once you are alone with her for 5 minutes. 

     "We were thinking of arranging the wedding in a month," Mr. Shin said, "of course, by then, you would understand why we would need this relationship."

     Yoongi-hyung spoke up, "sir, have you've asked our parents yet? Have you've asked us and our opinions on this matter? You can't just barge into our castle after a 5-year long ban and just tell us we're going to marry your daughter."

     "Well... that's why we're here of course!" beamed Bongcha. 

     "I'm back with the fruit!"

     I move aside a little so that mother will have a spot on the couch. I could smell her strong fragrance; most likely that she went to the restroom to put it on. 

     "So what are we talking about here, hm?"

      "Mother," Jimin-hyung replied, "the Shin family wants us to marry their daughter. Here's a problem though: we don't- we aren't interested in her."

    She glanced on over to the group of troublemakers, eyeing them precisely. "And what means are you to step in my kingdom to ask my sons to marry your daughter that already show no interest?"

     Mrs. Shin motioned for my mother to come near her, in which she whispered into her ear. Perhaps she was practicing it a lot or just natural good at it. My mother's face lit up, and we all knew that wasn't a good sign.

     "hm... Maybe we should give the Shin family a new chance. I get where you were coming from, definitely. I remember back when me and your father were newlyweds, we weren't interested in each other either. But as we adapted, we found things we were similar in and we bonded. Maybe it would be the same way with you guys."

     "I can't believe you, mother!" I shouted, "we already expressed how displeased we are with them but you still want us to marry her! I've had enough of this conversation; I'm going back to my room and don't expect me to show up for dinner!" I stomp my way out. 

Word Count: 991

Date Published: August 5, 2020

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