2:24 AM

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Staring at her phone with tears forming in her eyes, a girl laid on her bed; struggling to decided to send a text or not. The constant battle between "am I being too clingy?" or "if I send this, will it make it all better?"


Hey, I know we haven't talked in forever, and

I know that this is late considering everything happen

a while ago, but I need closure. I have my own beliefs and reasons

about why we stopped talking, but I would like to know yours.

And I know that it's kinda too late for me to reach out

to you about it, but I've had time to really think about our friendship and

why I think it ended. I would just like to know if I did anything,

or if it was just a fall out; because, unfortunately things like that

happen a lot. And it's fine if you don't respond, or if you don't want to

talk about it. I just want closure and I want you to know how I feel.

Why did you drop me? Why did you ghost me?

Why was I removed from your life both physically, and on social media?

I know why I haven't directly addressed this before, but why haven't you?

Why did you just completely "give up?" I was, and still am, in a

completely gray zone. I say this because I can't think of one thing that

I have done, that would make you stop talking to me.

Honestly, as I've said multiple times before, I just want closure.

I just want to know, from your end, why things ended and if I did something

so I can apologize. Because, honestly, I have no idea as to what I

could've done to end things.

Message not delivered at 2:24am

Contact name changed from Charles to Charlotte Adams

The anxiety bubbling in the girl's chest was too much to handle and the girl eventually decided on not sending the text. It was too risky. A month had past since the girl had last talked to the would-be text recipient, Charlotte. They had been best friends since the girls were eight years old, all the way up until their high school graduation.

UPDATED on 5/2/2021

I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! I LIKE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH BETTER!! Feel free to point out any grammar/spelling mistakes :)



Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading! This is only the first chapter, but I promise that it'll get more interesting later on :)


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