Grace Crawford

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I had only gotten a few hours of sleep last night because my new neighbors were up early and moving into the apartment next to mine. After high school, I decided to attend North Western Medical School, and seeing that I lived to far from Chicago to drive every day, I bought myself an apartment. It was nothing fancy, two bed, two bath, it has working appliances, and a decent view of the city.

I decided to finally get out of bed and get ready for the day. I brushed my teeth and hair, I changed into a white t-shirt that says "kind people are my kinda people" in red letters, I put on a red skirt with white flowers to match it, and touched up my hair. Once I decide I looked decent enough to leave my house, I grabbed my keys and headed out.

I was turning around from locking my door and hit who I thought was my new neighbor, "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yep, I'm fine. I guess we're neighbors?"

"Oh, I guess so."

"I'm Grace," She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Elliott. Nice to meet you." I said while shaking her hand

"This may be too soon, but I'm new to the state and need a friend; can I have your snapchat?"

"Uh... sure."

We traded snapchats and phone numbers before I had to go.

"It was nice meeting you, but I've really gotta go so I'll see you around soon."

"Nice meeting you too!" she called after me.

I basically sprinted out to my car because I had to go pick up 5 of my cousins. I got stuck babysitting them for a month while their parents went on work trips. Thankfully, there was no traffic and I got to their house right when I said I would be. I hopped out of my car and ran to open the door to their house.

"Hey guys! Are you all ready?"

"Yes!" the two youngest answered simultaneously.

"Hey Liam, Jimmy!" their mom yelled "go put your things in Elliot's car!"

"Hi," she walked over to me, giving me a hug, "thanks again."

"No problem. But we should get going so you can leave. Alright guys, have everything?"

I received several nods from everyone, "Then it's time to say goodbye and get in the car!"

"If they did forget anything, here's the house key." My aunt said

"Alright. Thank you. See you soon."

I made sure everyone had everything before driving away. I had the doors and top off my Jeep, and Liam had the music blasting. *just pretend the Jeep Wrangler seats 6* I was driving, Katie was sitting next to me, Liam was riding shotgun, Jimmy was sitting behind Liam, Ada was sitting behind Katie and Mack was sitting behind me. Thankfully, it was a relatively short drive back to my place.

Once we got back up into my apartment, all the kids were complaining that they were hungry. After 30 minutes of them arguing over what they wanted, they finally came to an agreement on grilled cheese. So, I made more grilled cheese in one day than I think I've ever made before. Grace texted me asking if she could come over and of course I said yes. We talked and watched my cousins for hours. It turns out that she's from Canada. How cool is that?

Around 9:00, after Grace went back to her apartment, I started making sleeping arrangements. Thankfully I had pullout couches and blankets.

"Liam, you get this couch. Kate, you get the bedin the guest room. Mack, you get the pullout that's in there. Jimmy, you getthe other couch out here. Ada, will get the pullout in my room." 

We all went to bed, and surprisingly, all slept great. The next morning, we got up ate cereal for breakfast, got ready for the day, and then went to the grocery store. I only had enough food in my apartment for one person for a week, not six. While at the store, I saw Charlotte. We made eye contact, so I smiled and waved. She just pretended like she didn't see me, as usual.

 When we got back to my apartment, Grace came over and we started talking.

"Do you by any chance like the Blackhawks?" She asked me, kind of shyly.

"Do I like the Blackhawks... Do birds fly? Come with me."

I grabbed her hand and kind of dragged her to my room. I showed her my not one, not two, but three Blackhawks flags; signed by everyone, from 2010, 2013, and 2015. I also showed her my large collection of jerseys and bobble heads.

"Woah. I guess you don't like them at all then." Grace said once we were back in the kitchen.

"Nope. Not one bit."

"So... ifiinvitedyouandyourcousinstothemeettheteamskatewhatwouldyousay? CauseCoreyiskindalikemybrotherandihavetogobutidontwantogoalone."

"What on earth did you just say?"

"If I invited you and your cousins to the "meet the team" skate what would you say? Because, Corey is my brother and I have to go but I don't want to go alone."

"Are you for real right now?"


"Like no bull shit?"

"No bull shit."

"Yes! Oh my gosh this is amazing! I've always wanted to go!"

"Wait really?"

"Yes! Don't tell anyone, but when I was six, I wanted to go to a game just to make Toews fall in love with me, and then we'd have to go to the "meet the team" skate together."

Grace cracked up and wouldn't stop laughing for a solid five minutes, "Are you being for real right now?"

"Yes. Six-year-old me was wildin. But now I've got my eyes on a better man?"

"Oh my God. Who?"

"Seguin. Like every other girl. But, I actually know what an icing is." 

"Wow. That is amazing. But like, girl same. Also, the family skate is tomorrow, and it starts at Noon."

"Okay, cool. Can we take your car? Mine doesn't have enough seats if you wanted to carpool."

"Yes, for sure."

"Awesome! I seriously can't wait! Thank you so much for inviting us."

"No problem, I've got to go but I'll be over at 11:00?"

"Sounds like a plan."


It's still really boring right now, but trust me, it will get better! I made Elliott's cousins' personalities based off of my cousins; so their personalities will be extreme once you're able to actually see each of their individual personalities. Also, this is their age order: Liam (14), Jimmy (10), Kathleen aka Katie (8), Mack (6), and Ada (3).  


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