"...I'd let him in my pants anyday."
I quickly pulled my black blazer over the white blouse before checking myself in my mirror one last time. I made sure that not one piece of hair was out of place, that not a wrinkle was shown in my uniform, and that my red lipstick was not smeared anywhere. I knew I had to look my best for my first day back to Stratford Hall, especially because this was my last year there. I was a senior.
Popping my perfectly painted lips in my mirror, I smiled at my reflection knowing that everything was perfect. I quickly grabbed my phone from my bed putting it in my purse before walking out of my room to make my way downstairs.
As I walked down the halls of my rather big house, I couldn't help but to feel kind of sad knowing that these would be my last nine months living under this roof. I grew up in this house and I was just too use to it.
I lived in the rich part of Stratford considering my parents had rather big jobs. My mother was a surgeon down at the hospital and my father was the CEO of the Toronto Maple Leafs Sports & Entertainment.
My house was of course a manison. It was located further away from the city simply because of who my father was. It was a big brown house with lots of open land. There was a huge driveway through the forest just to reach my house. We had two parking garages with two cars inside each of them. We had a huge backyard where a deck covered most of the land, and tiny pond just beside it.
Inside the house, there was an indoor pool with heating, so it was great for the winter time. Our house has a total of six bedrooms, which really have no use, and six bathrooms. We only occupied three of the bedrooms so the other three were spare rooms that family would use if they ever thought about visiting.
There was also a dining room where we rarely ever ate dinner at, the living room which I was always located. Especially if I had friends over. We would watch movies all night and just have fun.
There was also another room which we liked to call the family room. I honestly don't know why when we are rarely in that room. It had a fireplace in it though, and sometimes during winter we would all go in there to keep warm. That was only if the heating was broken which only occurred once about four years ago.
Another room in our house was located in the very back. It was my fathers office and was isolated from the rest of us. It's just to help him get his work done I guess.
The last room that comes to mind is the game room. It's where I would chill with my friends if we weren't watching movies. There was a variety of game systems located in there, a pool table, soda machine, popcorn maker, skeeball and just anything you could think of was in that room. I was mainly in that room during summertime. It just had the summer vibe to me.
I walked into the kitchen to the smell of coffee brewing. My mother was sat at the black marble top island playing Candy Crush on her phone, and my sister, Bella, buttering toast on the counter.
"That game is so last year mama." I giggled walking over to her and placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Who cares? I can like it if I want." My mother, Dawn, said staying focused on her phone.
"Everyone is more into Candy Crush Soda now."
"I don't care what you teenagers are into quite frankly." She said continuing to play her game.
"I was only kidding." I giggled once more as I poured myself a glass of orange juice.
As I sipped my orange juice I looked around the kitchen noticing that something was off. I furrowed my eyebrows together trying to see what it was when I realized just what it was. I noticed that my father was missing.

Fanfictioncompleted november 25th, 2016. Three things cannot be hidden; the sun, the moon and the truth. ••••• "I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain." copyright © 2015 kidrauhlsalien I do not allow translations, please don't ask.