Chapter 2

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You look up at the bed, It's James Charles! Before you can do anything, Michael Jackson walks into the room. "Get the hee hee our of sister James' hee hee room!" You nod and leave the room, walking down the hallway sad. You see another room that appears to be unlocked. You enter the room and find a credit card and a change of clothes. You go to the nearest bathroom and change. You leave the hospital with your new outfit, feeling amazing, and go to the grocery store to get some food. After picking out a few items, you walk over to the check out area and place the items down. You look up and gasp, shocked. "Barack Obama, what are you doing here?" He smiles. You do that weird Debby Ryan face. "After leaving office, I needed a job and decided to presume my dreams in the grocery store business." You nod and place the money on the counter, grabbing the bag of goods. "Thank you, have a great night." "You to, Barack."  You leave the store, realizing you didn't have a car. "How did I get here in the first place?" You decide to steal the finest car of them all, an empty can of beans. You get in your dream car and drive back to the hospital, which is where you live temporarily. Nobody works there anymore, so its basically abandoned. You enter the building and see a group of men blocking you from entering any further. You look at one and the thought suddenly hits you, it's BTS! Before you could speak, Timothée Chalamet appears out of nowhere! BTS quickly destroys him in an epic battle. You stand there, awkwardly watching. "May I enter please?" One of the members nods as two other members drag the body outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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