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I heard heavy laughter and the doorknob began to turn.

Panicked, I grabbed the journal I had continued conversation with and dropped it out the window into the grass below. I dropped the quill and ink with it, attempting to hide any trace of Diary. Xavier and Hunter finding out I had brought him with would be disastrous and not worth the consequences. It would be better if they didn't know.

As I turned, the door opened. In stumbled Hunter, followed by a chuckling Xavier.

"Sorry. I didn't know he got drunk so easily." Xavier was fighting his laughter as he shut the door behind them.

Hunter grinned at me, his cheeks rosy. He stumbled inside, collapsing right on the bed. He waved at me.

I giggled, making my way towards them. "It's okay. At least he's having fun." I crossed my arms, rubbing my chin with one of my hands.

"We had so much fun!" Hunter hiccupped, raising himself up slightly from the bed.

Music suddenly poured into the room. Curiously, I glanced towards the window and saw large groups of people traveling towards the center of town. It seemed that was where the music was coming from. I felt my face light up. It looked like something I really wanted to investigate. I turned towards Xavier, my smile wide.

"Well, you two are back early enough. What if we went and explored a little? Had even more fun?" I suggested.

Xavier scoffed. "Do you see how drunk Hunter is? It would be easier to take a toddler than Hunter right now." He shifted his hands into his pockets. "We'll stay here for the night, let him recover, and leave in the morning."

My smile began to falter. "How about just me then? I'll go by myself, just to explore." An urge was growing quickly in me. I didn't just want to go anymore, I needed to go.

"As if I'd let you go by yourself." His laughter stopped, stern eyes now falling upon me. "You and Hunter are not to be left by yourselves. Either we all go, or no one goes."

"Really?" I folded my arms. "Is that why you and Hunter just left me to go drink?" Xavier didn't frighten me anymore. He couldn't harm us; we were too important to his mission. "I want to go, Xavier, and I'm not going to let you stop me."

"What has gotten into you?" Xavier asked aloud, eyes narrowing towards me.

At first, I wanted to accuse him of overthinking. I felt completely fine, yet, a part of me questioned if I had really changed. My eyes glanced down to the ring of Diary's I still wore upon my hand. Surely, a silly little engagement hadn't changed me in the slightest. It was impossible. I was still the same person, only with no limitations of a government. "Nothing at all." I answered, raising my eyes back to Xavier's.

His eyes were locked upon my hand as well.

I swallowed, feeling my blood start running cold. I felt nervous, worried he would discover the secret about Diary any second now. "But I do believe we have all deserved a break; a bit of fun, if you will. Something other than drinking. Something Hunter and I have never gotten to do before." I pointed towards the window. "I want to go see where they're going. I want to see who's playing the music. Xavier, please."

Xavier watched me, his expression not telling me too much about his thoughts. I could tell he was inspecting me, attempting to figure out what I had planned. He glanced towards Hunter, seeing him wide awake as ever.

"I want to go!" Hunter grinned.

"I have no doubt you do." Xavier sighed, starting to rub his temple. "Do you really want to go?" His eyes fell back on me.

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