Twelve ~ Anabella

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When morning came, I awoke still furious at Xavier. I couldn't understand why he had freaked out the night before and I didn't think I ever would. He was absolutely insane; completely mad!

So what if I had a love I kept secret? So what if I was simply living my life like a normal adult should? He didn't control me. I was my own person. He didn't get to have a say in my life.

As we went along, moving away from the village after we had checked out, I noticed that it appeared Hunter and Xavier had become fast friends. It drove me crazy, as just a few days ago they had been the worst of enemies. It seemed they had bonded over the fact they were both upset I had kept a secret from them.

Hunter sat in the front with Xavier, the two of them talking away back and forth. I settled to stay in the carriage, happy to have it to myself. I didn't want to see Xavier's face ever again.

I kept my arms crossed and my eyes focused on the scenery out the window. My mind was consumed entirely by Diary and the wonder if he was okay. I wondered if he knew what had happened, or if he was worried sick about me not writing to him. I sighed. Just as I thought my life was getting exciting, it was becoming more like a prison all over again.

I could still hear faint chatter from the two of them, but I didn't understand what they were saying. I didn't care. I would never care. Not until my Diary was back in my arms; safe and sound.

For the rest of the day, we did nothing but drive on the cobblestone roads. Their talk never faded, much to my dismay.

Out the window, thick clouds began filling the skies as they had the night before. Part of me wanted to warn Xavier and Hunter, but the other part of me refused. They deserved to be drenched.

I leaned back in the seat, curling up against the cushioned leather. I started to hear rain against the roof of the carriage. I couldn't help but smirk as I heard Hunter and Xavier groan.

The carriage took an abrupt turn down a path, though I didn't pay attention as to where. I kept my thoughts to myself and kept them entirely about Diary. He deserved everything I had to offer at this point. I didn't even know if I'd ever see him again. That scared me.

We came to a stop.

Hunter opened the carriage door. "Xavier says we're stopping for the night."

"Where are we staying?" I didn't want Xavier sleeping anywhere near me. I didn't even care if he slept. I started sitting up.

"Why don't you come see for yourself?" Hunter helped me out of the carriage, bringing me around to the front in the rain slowly starting to gain density.

In front of us rested the largest building I had ever seen before; a black mansion towering at least six floors tall and ten rooms wide. There was a window in each room visible to us.

My eyes widened. "Do you know whoever lives here?" The question slipped out of my mouth before I could remember that I was mad at Xavier and I didn't want to talk to him.

Xavier shrugged. "I don't think so. But people in these parts are beyond friendly and won't mind us staying just for the night. At the very least, they'll let us stay until the storm passes." He adjusted his jacket then led the way inside. We followed him.

Xavier walked right up to the front door, giving three loud knocks. We waited for a reply. When there was none, he gave a gentle push to the door instead. Much to our surprises, it opened.

"That's odd." He commented, leaning forward to peer inside. Once he determined it safe, he walked inside with us still following.

"That they left it unlocked?" Hunter was the second to enter the mansion, me being the last to enter.

"A bit, but I'm still sure they won't mind. Come on. We'll find a place near a fire."

Hunter and I followed Xavier as he advanced further into the mansion. He was following an orange glow reflecting out of a door.

Inside was a large fireplace, lit with fire.

Thunder rumbled outside, followed by lightning seconds after.

The three of us sat in front of the fire in silence, all staring into the flames.

The flames reminded me of the night prior and I fought the tears wanting to form. I missed Diary. I wanted him to be okay. I prayed he'd be okay.

He had to be.

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