Chapter 8

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I took a quick shower and looked at the clothes they grabbed for me. A black jean and a dark blue long sleeve shirt and a black hoodie. I blushed a little when I saw that they had put underwear in the bag also. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I combed my hair and made a quick side braid.

I put al my other clothes in the bag and my stuff then went out of the bathroom. My brother and Jackson was sitting in the living room drinking coffee. I sat next to my brother. I heard my phone ring in my pocket and when I took it out I saw it was Katherine calling. I stood up and walked out of the living room.

“Hey Katharine how are you?” I said leaning against the wall.
“I'm fine but I saw what happened to you on the news and wanted to find out if you are okay. And if the girl that had a grey hoodie on was you?” she asked sounding like she knew the answer.

“I'm fine, we are bulletproof remember?” I said laughing.

“I knew it. How about we meet at the park later I want to ask you and Aria something.” She said sounding serious. I am wondering what she wants to talk about.

“Ok just text me the time and where. See you later.”  I said then hung up and walked back into the living room. Jackson and my brother looked at me and a stopped not knowing what is going on.

“Is that one of the other girls?” asked Jackson. Right he knows I'm not the only one. I cannot reveal there identities. It is not my place to tell.

“Yes I'm meeting them at the mall later for coffee.” I was saying and it looked like Jackson wanted to say something so I quickly added. “No just me not you guy's.”
Jackson closed his mouth.

We spent a hour just catching up again then we had to go home. We sang to the songs playing and had a fun trip back home. Jackson had to get back home so he did not come in with us. I opened the door and walked in.

I was waiting on a bench under a tree in the park for the others. I saw them walking closer. Aria sat next to me on the bench and Katherine stood in front of us.

“Thank you for coming. I wanted to ask you guy's something but please be open-minded about it.” She said taking a deep breath. I began to feel nervous. “I have been watching the news a lot lately and there is a lot of gang related crimes and murders happening in Crystal City. So I thought why not help the police anonymously. We can use our powers to help others. Help those who cannot protect themselves.”

I was not expecting that.
“So you want us to be Superheroes?” asked Aria. Katherine nodded her head up and down. “How? We have school in the week. How do we keep our identities a secret?” she asked Katherine. I have no problem with school because I am home-schooled. I suddenly got an idea.

“I know who can help us with keeping our identities a secret.” I said looking at them.

“Who can we trust with our secret and how can they help us?” asked Aria.

“We can trust him because he is the reason we got saved from Dove. He made me this bracelet to help cool me down and these glasses that make my eyes look blue.” I took of the glasses and showed them.

“Wait you said that this guy helped save us from Dove. How?” asked Katherine looking shocked. I told them everything he told me and that they could trust him. They agreed to meet him so I send him a text asking if he could meet me in the park. He replied a minute later saying he is on his way. So we waited for him.

We where talking when I saw him coming closer. I stood up and greeted him. “Jackson this is-“ I was cut off by Jackson.

“Mother and Assassin. Why didn't you tell me they where here. Wow it is so great to meet you guy's.” He said shaking there hands.
“He likes talking a lot doesn't he?” said Aria looking a bit irritated.

I looked at Jackson. “Jackson I want to ask you if you can keep our identities a secret?” I said looking at him serious.

“Yes you do not even have to ask. Why?” he said looking at us questionably.

“You are good at computers and hacking into things and making things. Can you think of a way to conceal our identities so we can help the city?” I asked him. He looked lost for a few seconds then he looked at us with shock.

“You want to be Superheroes?” we said nothing. He was quite for a few seconds then he talked again. “Meet me tomorrow at my place I need to ask you a few things.” He said looking at us all.

“Ok but why can't you just ask us now?” said Aria.

“ Let's go to this part in the forest where nobody ever go's. I want to see you use your powers to know how to conceal your identities.” He said. Aria and Katherine drove behind me and Jackson. He was quite the entire time. We stopped in the forest parking lot because the place he wanted to go we had to walk to. After a few minutes of walking we stopped in a clearing with. There where a lot of trees around us.

We each had a turn showing him our powers. He freaked out when Aria said she knew who he was thinking about. It made him blush. I did not know he had a crush on someone.

He looked like he was going to pass out a few times. He wrote a few things down note book and measured us. It was getting dark so we said our goodbyes. Jackson offered to drive me home but we lived in the forest so I said I would fly back.

As I flew over the forest I saw a group of people. There where a few men and women that also had white hair. Luckily it was dark so I flew closer and sat in a nearby tree. Suddenly I saw a big black wolf walking towards the group but they did not look scared. I was ready to fly and get the wolf away from the group when the last thing I expected to happen happened. The wolf howled and slowly changed into a f fully grown man. I rubbed my eyes thinking my mind was playing tricks on me but more and more wolves came and changed into humans. One word came to mind. Werewolf. I saw that there fur colour was the same as there hair colour.

Suddenly I thought about some of the men here that where bald. Where they're wolf forms also hairless? I almost laughed. I thought my entire life that some people were born with white hair. That is also why everyone did not look at me strange because it was normal to have white hair here.

The branch I was sitting on suddenly began cracking I decided it was time to fly home because the group of werewolves’ began looking around to where the noise was coming from.

When I got home it was time for dinner. We ate and my family talked about there day but I zoned out because I could not stop thinking about what I saw tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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