Double Date (Angst)

466 9 11

No. 1 of the Switcheroo Challenge! This is Fluff --> Angst, using the prompt 'Double Date'

TW: Angst, Perma-death, Graveyard/Graves

Ships: Cub x Scar, Doc x Bdub's

Cub checked his watch, making sure that he wasn't early. He sighed. It seemed that Doc was just late today.

Under normal circumstances, the two didn't see each other very often, but when Doc, of all people, had suggested a double date to see their boyfriends together, Cub couldn't turn him down.

After all, it wasn't like Scar was going to mind company today.

The sound of rockets and footsteps alerted Cub to Docs arrival. Looking up, he could see that Doc was wearing a suit and pants, and carrying a picnic basket, just like they had agreed to both do.


Cub could tell that they were both preparing themselves mentally for this visit.

"Let's go."

(Pov Change)

Together, Doc and Cub walked through the gates, and stepped into the giant greenhouse. After... the accident, the hermits had cleared a section of the jungle and together, they turned it into a beautiful garden, full of greenery and teeming with life, fitting of the people who rested inside.

Treading the well worn path, they made their way into the center, when two headstones sat, side by side, marking the freshly turned soil.

Doc glanced beside him, and saw tears falling freely down Cubs cheeks. It was the one of the few places he had seen him cry, apart from when they were at the funeral.

Cub understood him more than any of the hermits could right now, and it was nice, for once, to have someone to support him, and to stand by him in his darkest times.

They sat next to each other at the picnic bench infront of the graves, and he unpacked his basket, setting 4 places on the checkered tablecloth, before Cub brought out some pie, and baked potatoes for them to share.

They ate in silence, staring at the empty places, almost imagining Bdubs and Scar, sitting their, smiling at them, asking them what they were crying about, telling them that everything was fine.

Of course, that was not the case. Doc looked up, to see Cub putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, trying to bring some comfort, but nothing would ever be able to patch the Bdub's shaped hole in his heart. Nothing would every bring him back, just like how nothing would every bring Scar back.

They got up together, an unspoken agreement hanging in the air between them, as they left their boyfriends in peace again.

After that day, they always had a double date together whenever they visited their boyfriends.




Died by suffocation

Taken too soon. We love you, always and forever.

1982 - 2019

"Live life to the fullest, for it is all too short"


Died by suffocation

Ever missed, and an amazin' person through and through

1990 - 2019

"The greatest gift you can give is love"


Sorry about this being short, the next few should be longer after I do a few tests that I've been studying for. Also, side note, 630 views! My only question is hOW THIS HAPPENED

WC: 510 

- Shadow

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