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me and some friends went to celebrate halloween at a festival. we walked into a cemetery that was strangely not on the map. "they're just trying to scare us." said a friend. I see a black hand from a grave grab my foot. I scream. "There is nothing here, why are you afraid?" Asks another friend. "Didn't you see the hand?" I still asked in shock. "What do you mean?" He asked. We laughed at it and when I got to my car I saw this thing following me. "nice costume!" I said. No answer. I'm now typing this at 3 am in the night. I'm tired but I can't fall asleep now. This thing I saw is outside my window, staring at me. Every time I look away from it he comes closer. He just opened my window. If you see this, tell my friends I wasn't scared of nothing. Okay he's five feet away. Help me

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