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"Are you scared?"


"Don't worry. As long as you hold my hand, you're safe. Trust me." He patted my hand, who was clinging on his arms.

Jisung guided me to the rooftop of his apartment.

We climbed the stairs step by step, comforting words won't stop flowing from his mouth, encouraging me to keep walking.


"We're almost there, Minho."

We walked a little longer. To be honest, I feel kinda nervous. Is it because of the height or the fact that Jisung is too close with me.

I really didn't expect him to have such a big bicep. I mean, he's weak. A little push and there he goes, rolling on the floor.

Tap. Tap.

"Here. Sit here." He patted the bench, signalling me to sit down.

"How long are we gonna wait?"

"It should be by 5 minutes from now."


"Are you bored? We can play some games."

"Sure. What game?"

"Hmmm... How about truth or dare?"

"Tchk, lame. But go on."

"Okay, you start first. Truth or dare?"


"Do you like me?"

"Uhhh no."

Yes, I don't like him. I never like him.

"Ouch, that's hurt."

"Now, truth or dare."


"I dare you to eat my sister's cooking tomorrow."

"Oh hell no. Do you want me to eat those hell food?! You hate me that much that you want me to die?! That's heartless of you, Minho."

Oh god, I can hear his fake sobbing.

"Well, I would definitely do that for you. Anything for my bestfriend- OH! IT'S HERE IT'S HERE!"

He grabbed my hands, running forward. After a few steps, we stopped.

"Make a wish! Now!"

A wish.

I wish that I can see the world. I really want to admirer the nature, buildings, everything, just like a normal person. That's my wish.

"I'm gonna miss you, Minho."

That's the last word I heard before I fell on the hard surface. I tried to scream for his name, but nothing came out.


Miracle [MINSUNG] ✔Where stories live. Discover now