Chapter 5 - sunshine

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Harry stumbled on stage. He felt like a tiny deer in the danger screaming lights of a nearing car. Harry shielded his eyes from the blinding spotlight, his heart still racing from whatever that was, that just happened a few minutes ago.
Harry felt lost and was so confused. So when Simon asked him what song he was gonna perform, his mind was blank. After a few excruciating seconds, that felt like an eternity, the title of the song came back in to his mind.
"I'm going to sing  'Crying Your Heart Out' by Oasis.", he said. His voice a bit shaky.
"Okay. Let's hear it!" Simon replied.
So Harry took a deep breath, cleared his throat and began to sing. In that moment he forgot everything around him and just got lost in the lyrics and the melody of the song. When he finished, a relieved smile was painted on his face and when he saw the judges slightly nodding their heads in approvement  he felt like the luckiest boy on earth.
As soon as Simon dismissed him and called the next contestant on stage, Harry turned around and his eyes immediately went to search his surroundings for Louis. When he finally found him, the smile on his face got bigger and bigger and he almost ran to him.

Louis waited for him. A proud smile on his face. His eyes soft. And when Harry finally reached him, he leaned forward and whispered a soft "Good job Curly." in Harrys ear and Louis could see a timid smile slowly forming on Harry's face, as he heard the nickname.

This, this right here was Harry's dream. He may have a realistic chance of going to the next round, but the only thing that really mattered in this moment, was the blue eyed boy who made him smile consistently.
Harry's cheeks hurt so much from smiling, but when he saw his mum his face dropped. He felt a sharp pain is his stomach but he had no idea why.
"WOW! My baby boy has got so much talent" Anne said in a soft tone with a lonely tear rolling down her face.
"Thanks mum" Harry grinned.
Harry hugged his mum and in that moment he was briefly taken back to his childhood. Harry felt his mums tears seep through his clothes and on to his flustered body.
"Mum, mum what's wrong?" Harry said, his smile quickly leaving his face.
"You're all grown up and I just don't want to loose you. You have so much potential and I'll do anything to help you get to where you want to be" Anne replied with a soft smile entertaining her face.
"Aww, mum you'll never loose me" Harry said softly. His smile slowly returning.



Harry's face dropped as he went into a frantic panic to try and find the blonde boy again. He spotted him from across the room and instantly walked over.
"Good luck...... sunshine" Harry said. OUT LOUD. He just called the blue eyed boy SUNSHINE OUT LOUD. Harry's face instantly turned red.
"Thanks, curly" Louis replied in a soft tone. A delicate smile painted on his endearing lips.
And automatically Harry smiled too. It felt like they were there for hours, just staring at each other, when in reality it was only a few seconds.
Louis gently and timidly pressed his hand on Harry's flustered red face. He softly stroked Harry's cheek and ran his fingers over his lips, while still holding eye contact with the beautiful boy in front of him.
He eventually walked out on stage and Harry felt his whole body go numb, as he sank to the floor. Exhausted and left in complete confusion about what's going on with this boy and why the butterflies in his stomach emerged again.
It was a good, soothing numbness however, and Harry got a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. He got up and adjusted himself before deciding to walk to the waiting area.


"Heyy, sunn" Harry smiled, as soon as Louis finished his audition. Which he did a great job at, by the way.
Louis walked over to him. His hands shaking, still high off of the adrenaline, that flooded his body while he was auditioning. He let himself fall on the chair, that was stood right besides the one Harry was sitting in.
They didn't talk for a while, but that didn't matter. The silence wasn't uncomfortable. It felt more like a silent acknowledgement of everything that happened earlier, as they both tried to process it.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Louis pointed at the monitor that was hanging on the wall. Showing the auditions that were still not finished.
"What even is this hairstyle?" he said, disapproval written on his face.
"He can sing though." Harry answered, glancing at Louis. "Do you know who he is?"
"Yeah... Liam Payne. He was here a few years back, but got sent home eventually."
And at that, Harry just nodded and they fell back into silence.


An hour and an exhausting encounter with some loud irish lad, called Niall Horan, later, Harry's group was called on stage.
Time for the dance routine... yay!
Harry didn't like to dance, and neither did Louis. But they knew that it was important for them to do it anyways, so with a last roll of the eyes they stepped on stage again.
An instructor assembled the whole group on stage, and Harry was really disappointed, when he didn't get to stand near Louis. "It isn't the end of the world." he reminded himself, but it sure felt like it.

When everyone was standing on their assigned place, the choreographer just wanted to start, when Simon's voice suddenly cut through the air.
"We're missing someone. Zayn Malik. Where is he? Did anyone see Zayn Malik?"
Harry could feel the tension in the room, that was built by Simon's questions, but no one answered him. Harry looked to Louis, the question at hand written on his face. But Louis just slightly shook his head and shrugged, before turning his face away again.
After a few seconds, one of the other contestants spoke up.
"I think he's behind stage. Said he didn't want to dance, because he isn't good at it, i think." he said quietly.
Harry could see Simon nodding and as he got up from his chair, he whispered a "I'll deal with it." to the other judges.

A few minutes later Simon returned, a skinny and very beautiful boy following him. He got up on stage and took his place, all while not once lifting up his head, or looking at his surroundings.
"He looks out of place. He looks like he'd rather be anywhere but here" was the first thought Harry had, as he looked at the fragile figure that was Zayn Malik.


Eventually the routine was over and Louis and Harry met backstage as always. But this time Louis lead Harry to a private room in which, had 3 leather sofas, antique wooden side tables and a endless amount of vanilla scented candles. Louis locked the door behind them and picked Harry up. Harry was now in louis arm's bridal style, the boy who he had in nearly all of his dreams had picked him up, Harry melted in Louis' arms and Louis placed Harry on the sofa in his lap.
He really didn't know what he was doing, but he knew that this felt right and he felt like it was fate that he met this boy, so he followed his heart.
"Curly.....curly" Louis said with a slight shyness to his voice, "I really like you curly"
"My sunshine....." Harry was soon cut off when Louis ran his fingers down Harry's spine, it sent shivers down Harry's body. Louis let his fingers fall gently over Harry's soft lips.
"May I" Louis asked Harry not loosing contact with the green eyed boy.
"You ... you may" Harry replied not fully recovered from what Louis had just done.
Louis lent in and Harry shut his eyes. There it was the feeling of Louis warm rosy lips pressed against Harry's. Louis pulled away but Harry reached for Louis' shirt and pulled him down again.


Eventually the room fell silent the only sound being Harry's deep and steady breaths, as he slowly fell asleep.


Louis woke up, the green eyed boy had fallen asleep on top of him luckily it had only been a hour so the auditions still hadn't finished yet. Louis texted Anne of Harry's phone, which he found carelessly laying on the wooden floor.

*hey mum, I've made plans with a friend. I'll be staying at hers tonight*
Louis thought making it a girl would be a bit less intimidating. Louis woke Harry, and was met with a low growl and a sleepy smile, as Harry noticed who woke him up.
Louis told Harry, he texted his mom and at first he thought Harry would be mad at him, for invading his privacy like that, but he just smiled, his face relaxed, his limbs still heavy from their nap.
Eventually they ordered a taxi, that took them to a B&B where Louis and Harry stayed the night......

I really loved writing this chapter it means a lot to know you guys are enjoying it. As always updates will be on my Instagram - Kyraleigh_downing._.xx
When i first read this chapter I cried haha, so it was really emotional to read and write on it and i hope you enjoy reading this story as much as we enjoy writing it.
Oh and if the plot twist killed you, you can blame Kyra for that, because when i first read it i think i may have died a bit. But then again, it's beautifully written, so no complaints! - tokyo_lee_books

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