Chapter 1

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I am thou, thou art I.......

Moving throughout the states was something you weren't surprised with. Every since you could remember, you were always on the move with your father and mother. So it only seemed natural to you when you were told that you were moving once more. With the position your dad is in working as a management analyst, his job was to travel around and help all types of organizations. The average amount of time you stayed in an area was about six months to a year. However, this time moving is going to be completely different.

Your lifestyle with your family was not the best. You and your mother had a great relationship, while you and your father did not. With as much work brought on him, he hardly paid attention to anything besides work. This was a mental image no child needed to see, but it affected you in many different ways.

You kept your grades as well as you could with the constant moving, while also playing travel baseball. It kept your mind off of many things, also giving you a chance to reach your goal of wanting your dad to notice you more. Your mother quickly caught onto your actions and tried to speak with your father to stop this from happening even further, but it was no use.

The evening that you were told about this move, you and your mother returned from a baseball practice. You were in high spirits, laughing with your mother while eating ice cream, it was a wonderful sight to see with a mother and child. Entering the house, you quickly took off your slides, and went to go take a shower. Your father's voice caused you to stop about half way up the staircase.

"Y/n, could you quickly take a shower? I have some important things to talk about with you and your mother" his voice called from the dining room.

'What's this about?' you questioned yourself. "Yes sir" you replied to him and quickly ran to the bathroom.

Your mother was not that far behind you. She caught the last part of the order your father gave to you. She took off her shoes as well and quickly headed to the kitchen, puting away a few things she bought while you were practicing.

"What's the matter Mike?" Your mother questioned while entering the kitchen, she put away the extra Gatorades she bought at the store.

Mike sighed, he then pulled out a folder filled with documents from his work. "It'd be best if you saw this before Y/n does, June" he opened the folder. He then turned and pushed it to the edge of the table. June quickly walked into the dining room and looked at the documents.

June picked the folder up and within the first paragraph, her eyes opened up in complete shock.

"Japan?!?" She questioned in disbelief. The documents stated that the Mike L/N will be sent, along with his family, to Tokyo, Japan, to help out with a certain chain restaurant that's been growing rapidly.

"Yes, I'll go ahead and say this, it'll happen in about three to four years. We will be there for at least eighteen months or so, and after this, I should get a promotion in which we won't have to move everywhere again.

"Mike, this is wonderful news, but this means we have to learn a new language. For Y/n to do this at a young age, I don't know how I feel about it. He's already doing so much as is"

"He's capable of it" Mike instantly replied, "It's not like he has any other choice"

"Capable of doing and choice of what?" You asked walking into the dining room. You were in a plain t-shirt and basketball shorts, your hair was damp still. You already brushed your teeth and everything to prepare for bed, so all that was left was you having a conversation with your dad.

"Y/n" your dad turned to you. "In about three to four years, we will be moving to Japan for a while. This will hopefully be our last time moving all over the place." He explained.

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