*IMPORTANT ~Omake Cafe? 2~

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Bad News for Both my Black Butler fanfic (Truth and Lies... So Who am I?) and my Case Closed/ Detective Conan fanfic (Anonymous)!!!

// Tch.

Anonymous: Huh... What's wrong with Tai?

Alan: Yes wouldn't we all like to know that. Wait a second...

Anonymous: HUH!? WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!?!

Alan: Eh~? I was about to ask you the same thing!

Both: ...your outfit looks funny- Ugh!

Alan: How dare you... How did you get that outfit!? Combine a Earls attire and a circus get up did you?

Anonymous: Whaaaaaat!? No! It's a brilliantly thought out disguise you fool! What are you, a child preparing to play duke or something for Halloween?

Alan: ...no.

Anonymous: hah weak comeback. Oh well I admit your parasol is rather amazing.

Alan: why thank you~! Your outfit is quite interesting as well!

Anonymous: should I take that as a compliment...?

Alan: Of course!

Anonymous: well then thank yo-

// ...shut up...

Anonymous: Huh?

// I said SHUT UP! 0^0

Alan: 0-0

Sebastian: Dear me... Keep your temper under control Lady Taijiya.

// *sighs and stands up* I wouldn't say that yet since all of you are about to be in the SAME FREAKING EXACT SITUATION AS ME!!!!

Harley: Bah, I would never get that ba-


Ciel: Calm down. What is your issue?

// Well...

Ciel: Oh and make it quick I haven't all day you know...

Jimmy: Me neither I have a case to go on...

// Grrrrr you might not HAVE a day by the time I am finished here YOU TWITS!

Ciel: *offended* Me a twit? How dare you!?

Jimmy: I am not a twit!!!

// Truth hurts!

Sebastian: What worries me more is that 'not have a day' comment...

Rachel: Yeah... Me too.

// *clears throat* Yeah about that... I am probably going to either cancel or put on hold one of your series...

Everyone: 0-0

Anonymous: YOU CAN'T TAI!!!

Alan: ...what?

Malinda: It means the tale of your life would cease to continue.

Alan: But isn't that kinda the same as...

Malinda: Dying? Yes. It is.

Alan: I was going to say disappearin- wait... WHAAAAAT!?!

// Yeah well... kinda? Hehe...


Malinda: *sighs* And we barely got anywhere in the plot.

Ciel: Tch. That would be a bother.

Sebastian: Indeed... Especially since I have yet to eat your soul. *smirks*

Ciel: Oh be silent Sebastian.

Alan: All I ever did was like... kill a mouse! It's not fair!!!

Anonymous: I agree! I didn't get enough jewels!!!

Jimmy: I don't want to be stuck in Tropical land forever!!!

Kaito: But I just basically showed up!

Emil: Please quit complaining... At least your not in a coma... TT^TT

// SILENCE! ...There is still a chance for you...

Sebastian: Oh? Please do tell?

// I have decided that, as I said before I will only be continuing one of the stories. The other will be placed on hold or either all together canceled.

Alan: I don't want to die!

Anonymous: ME EITHER!

Ciel: Would you twits be silent?! This is probably something we should be listening to. *huffs*

Alan and anonymous: Well then~! >3<

// *glares and then continues* So I am leaving it in the hands of the readers.

Kid: You mean the people that read our stories?

//Exactly. Now whichever series gets the most comments by readers asking me to continue will be the one to continue~!

Sebastian: Well that's... Actually a rather civilized way to end things...

Alan: Hah. Of course they will vote for us! Such mystery they are bound to want it to continue...

Jimmy: Hah!? Mystery? You? Oh please, I'm a detective! Mystery is basically the whole story!

Ciel: Of course they would choose us. What person in their right mind wouldn't?

Anonymous: Obviously the ones that are more interested in riches and adventures~

Alan: Well I'm rich! And there is bound to be action!

Emil: ...but all you did was kill a mouse...

Alan: Ugh-! Silence!!! >~<

Ciel I command you to get more votes for us!

Sebastian: But of course my lord. What kind of butler would I be if I couldn't do something as simple as getting votes?

Harley: The kind that has an addiction to kittens. =^=

Anonymous: Oh whatever! Te more votes out story gets the more jewels we get! Comon you want more rare jewels don't you so vote for us~!!!

Ciel: What is this? Now there are bribes!?

Alan: In that case anyone who votes for us I will gi-

// Ah perhaps I should just start writing a Hitman Reborn reader insert since I have been thinking about it for a while...

Everyone from Case Closed: TAIJIYA!?

Black Butler cast: LADY TAIJIYA!

Reborn: Not to mention someone suggested you do it.

// Hmmmm so they did.

Reborn: Tsuna could use your help for training.

Tsuna: NO MORE!!!

Everyone: *surounds me* Don't do it!

Hibari: Why are you crowding, herbivores? Your disturbing the peace. *pulls out tonfas and growls* Are you asking to be bitten to death?

Tsuna: Hiiiieeeeee!!!!! *runs away*

Ciel: Ha. How dare he... Sebastian teach him some manors!

*Epic fight breaks out*

//Ah don't forget to vote and tell me if you want Hitman Reborn or not! Adu~ ^^


...and if no one votes for any they will ALL be canceled... UNDERSTOOD!?! *glares at screen the puts on a closed eyed smile* Good good~ ^^

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