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I was reading a book in the library I finished cleaning and placing the correct books on the right shelves. "Hey baby". Jay walked up to me. "Hi". I said. He kissed me. "What are you reading"? Jay looked at my book. "Some romance novels we just got. Ms. Grace told me to see if they're good". I said. "Oh". He said kissing me again. "Stop I'm trying to read. Don't you have class anyway"? I asked. "You're so fine". Jay said. I noticed a customer walk in, it was a guy he was fucking attractive. But I have a job to do and a good relationship so I really shouldn't think about him.

Antonio POV

Dumb bitch at the party this library isn't even on campus it's across the street. "Can I help you sir"? Oh there she is... (Y/n). My goddess standing in front of me... Calling me sir. Damn. Then I noticed someone else her soon to be ex boyfriend. Just seeing him in the same room as her pisses me off. "Any recommendations"? I asked looking around. "Hmm... Do you have specific genre? You look like you'll be interested in maybe mystery, thriller, or adventure". Her lips looked soft.

I wasn't going to actually read any of that. "Maybe you should help me pick out a good book". I said. "Of course. Follow me". She had a sparkle in her eyes, she must really like books, I promise I'll get you a whole library to yourself if it makes you happy. I found my eyes wondering, I stared at her ass, as she took me further into the store. I looked at her boyfriend, he was glaring at me. I smirked. "Let's see, what about this? It's about a man who travels through dimensions in search of the monster who killed his late wife. But then finds love a girl who's targeted by the monster there's a lot of action and mystery in it". (Y/n) said.

"Yeah sure this is fine". I said. "Alright are you staying to read it or purchasing the book sir"? She asked. "I'll buy it". I said. "One moment please, I'll get you a paper back". (Y/n) said walking away. "Aye 'amigo' why you looking at my girl like that"? Her boyfriend asked. "Your girl eh? How many of those do you have"? I asked. "Watch where you look or I'll beat your ass". He said.

(Y/n) POV

I walked back out carrying the book for the costumer. "Sir can you come to the check out with me"? I asked. "Si". He said. I just realized how strong his accent was, it was sexy. I went behind the counter. "6.88". I smiled. He handed me a 100 dollar bill. "Keep the change". He walked out not even getting the book. "What the fuck"? I mumbled. "... That's weird". Ms. Grace said.

"Yeah". I nodded. "He was handsome though". She said. I laughed at her. "Well technically he didn't buy the book so the money is yours". Ms. Grace said. "Really"? I asked surprise. This is honestly the most money I have ever made in a single day. "Yes". She said. Later on Jay was in my dorm room while I was studying. He started kissing my neck. "So... What do you want to do"? Jay asked. "I need to study for a exam". I said.

"Stop studying for a second and pay attention to me". Jay said. "Sorry... What do you want to do"? I asked. He smirked his hand going up my shirt. Until Sofia burst in. "(Y/n) I need to tell you some- You fucking bitch"! Sofia yelled. My eyes widen. "What"? I yelled. "Not you baby! Him! You stupid motherfucker! You think you can cheat on my best friend with some ho!? Te odio, te mataré. Estúpido puta, (Y/n) es la mejor chica que jamás tendrás. Muere, maldito coño". My eyes widen as Sofia went off in Spanish.

I understood everything she said well most of it. So basically roughly translated to me was 'I hate you, I will kill you. Stupid bitch, (Y/n) is the best girl you will ever have. Die, damn pussy'. "What is she talking about"? I asked. "I don't know Ion speak Del Taco". Jay said. "Are you cheating on me"!? I yelled. "What? Girl no. Bitch don't know what she talking bout". He said. Sofia took out her phone and there was a video of him talking to some girl at the party from yesterday. My eyes widen when they started making out.

"Baby...". Jay said. "Get out"! I yelled. "(Y/n) let's talk about this"! He said. I started throwing my books at him. "Get the fuck out"! I yelled tears in my eyes. He ran out and Sofia tripped him, as he left out the door, that she closed and locked. I couldn't hold back my tears. Sofia hugged me. "It's ok we ain't like him anyway he is estúpido". Sofia said. I cried. "I gave that nigga a year and his ass really- fuck". I mumbled.

Antonio POV

"Where's my money"? I asked. They handed me the bags of money. "Where's our drugs"? A guy asked. "Right... Follow me". I said. I walked out, they followed and all of them got shot. "Here". I gave the bags of money to Rual. "Someone clean this shit up". I said. "Boss I sent the video to the girl's friend". Juan said. "Alright what information do you have on her"? I asked. "(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), 19 years of age. Parents are poor, she got into college on a reading scholarship.

She's quiet, but smart. I have all her information down to her birth to what she did in elementary school on this flash drive". Juan handed it to me. "Great. You're in charge I'm going home". I said. I went home to my manor. Going into my living room and grabbing my laptop putting the flash drive in. I opened the files. There were pictures and everything of her. She's so beautiful. Eh seems like she has a pretty good record. I wonder if she's a virgin. Huh she took dance since she was a kid, her favorite color is (f/c), she likes Mexican food. Well she can eat me anytime she wants, second favorite food is (f/f) and she loves chocolate. She's genuinely kind to everyone but has a small record of getting into fights. Oh her dad was in the army.

I have all of her social media accounts and passwords. She's afraid of being left all alone. Her favorite book is (f/b). Huh this girl reads a lot. Well that is why she's in college. Mi diosa, she's probably crying right now. Soon chica, I'll have you, I'll hold you and give you want to deserve. Delicate flor.

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