Chapter 2: The Mukami's

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Yui and your eyes closed beneath the tree as you were lying beside each other.

"All will be made clear, in the course of nature."

The apples fell down from the tree as the deep voice still echoed.


Both of your eyes were closed as you remembered when the black and grey-haired boy covered her face with his hand.





You gasped after the dream, you quickly rose up as you looked around and became slightly terrified that you both weren't in Sakamaki's mansion anymore but in someone else's mansion.

Your eyes laid on Yui who was sleeping beside you. You shook her up lightly, Yui slowly woke up as you helped her sit up from the couch.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know either. Maybe it was those guys' mansion." You replied. The view outside the window was sunset, making the mansion very dark inside.

"You both finally awake." a voice said to you two, you both turned to see the same black and grey-haired man reading a book on the couch opposite side of you. "You both sleep so soundly, for Livestock and Pet."

"Wh-What?! Who are you calling Livestock and Pet?!" You breathed out in shock at his nicknames for both of you.

"Wh-Who are you? And... where are we?" Yui asked him, he ignored her as he was still reading the book and didn't raise his face up.

You pouted as he didn't reply back. "Tell me, why did you bring us--"


You bounced off the floor before turning to the brown-haired boy with a ponytail who slammed his fist on the mirror hard but didn't break it. "Shut up! Quit your squealing, you two!" Yui's eyes widened while you frowned at him.

The other voice came from above you. "Now, now. After being brought here so suddenly, of course, they're gonna be confused." You both turned to the blonde-haired boy that you met before the others, walking downstairs as he looked at both of you. "Right, M-Neko chan, Little Kitty chan?"

"Hey..." A hand grabbed yours, you turned your head to see the green-haired boy kneeling in front of you two as he held your hands. "I was wondering maybe you two... into pain?"

"What?!" You breathed out while Yui gasped and fell to the couch.

"Hey. Now, Azusa-kun. That's inappropriate to ask a person you just met." A blonde-haired said to the green-haired one that you now knew that his name was Azusa.

"You have to introduce yourself first. So let's start over." You jumped slightly as the boy reappeared behind Yui. You turned to him as he smiled happily and winked at you and Yui. "I'm Kou Mukami. Nice to meet you, M-Neko chan, and you too, Little Kitty chan."

"I'm Yuma Mukami." The brown-haired boy introduced himself next.

"Mukami?" Yui asked.

"We're all brothers. And this is..." Kou said as he gestured to Azusa who answered quietly.


You turned to the last boy who still reading his book, "And you are...?"

The boy raised his face before he replied, "I'm Ruki."

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